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Help with scripting lightsaber onto Darth Bandon

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I am aware that Darth Bandon's utc files on The Endar Spire and Manaan are the same ref tag (g_bandon001). I want to know how to script a lightsaber onto Darth Bandon during his appearance in both of these settings. My first problem is that if you edit the utc and put it into the module file directly (for The Endar Spire), Darth Bandon will not brandish his lightsaber. I imagine this is a problem with the script telling Darth Bandon to pull out a lightsaber that doesn't actually exist on his utc hand slot (his inventory on his utc does not have one on his hand). On Manaan you can edit it onto his hand directly, which is fine, if I wanted to edit the utc. and put it into the module file. I am trying to understand how scripting works though, and it is very frustrating. I am trying to create a script in Kotor Tool and have it trigger a new script (with the lightsaber command) and the old script (k_pend_cut26), which is the line where Darth Bandon appears (but i'm not sure if it's when he spawns). Simply put, can somebody walk me through how I would write a script that would target Darth Bandon and put a different lightsaber into his hand than the one that he has now. My modding knowledge is very basic because I only remember stuff from 2000s era modding, so please explain it to me as if there are zero presumptions on what I know. There are some things that users on this site speak of that I don't understand because I haven't modded in a long time. I remember basic stuff like 2da editing, utc and uti editing etc. but no complicated stuff like scripting.

Also, I hope you can understand my post. French is my first language, so my English may be very bad. Sorry if I say anything that isn't correct.

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