Salk 385 Posted May 20, 2020 Hello! Earlier I have experienced an annoying issue with the GenoHaradan mission about Rulan Prolik, the shapeshifter. In short, once he morphs into a tach and runs away, what happens is that the tachs I meet and click on won't start any dialogue at all. Investigating this problem is quite annoying because I have entered the area a long time ago and the creature changes would need a first time module load but I can perhaps ask you here a few questions to help with my diagnostics: 1) This bug was reported and confirmed by several people. Has any of you experienced it before? From preliminary testing it seems like the culprit may be the SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_DIALOGUE_INTERRUPT flag being set to 1 by the tach's spawn script so what I did was to disable it and use the tach's own dialogue file to duplicate the function found inside the tach's UD script. 2) I saved before the fight with Rulan started and sometimes it happened that this bug didn't really trigger completely, meaning that some tachs would not start the dialogue while others did. When I kill a real tach, I seem to recall getting the same amount of XP (650) that I get for killing Rulan in tach disguise. When you kill tachs, you normally get only 20 XP instead so I believe this is another bug but I would like confirmation. Can someone who has a save just before fighting Rulan please confirm this? 3) Does the player get dark side points for each tach that is slain during the Rulan mission? Thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunters Run 57 Posted May 20, 2020 Are you playing vanilla or with k1r? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted May 21, 2020 Neither. I'm playing a heavily modded but completely customized game as part of a project called SW: KotOR Upgrade 2.0. I did incorporate the K1R change about Rulan randomly morphing into one of the party members which should have no bearing at all in this case. It seems, from further testing that the culprit may be in these messy lines of codes (taken from k_pkas_rulanspx2 - the spawn script Rulan uses when turning into a Tach😞 if ((GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "Rulan4")) { SetCommandable(0, OBJECT_SELF); DelayCommand(0.1, ApplyEffectToObject(1, EffectMovementSpeedIncrease(60), OBJECT_SELF, 20.0)); DelayCommand(0.3, SetCommandable(1, OBJECT_SELF)); DelayCommand(0.3, ActionForceMoveToLocation(GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("rulan_tach_wp", 0)), 1, 30.0)); DelayCommand(0.3, SetCommandable(0, OBJECT_SELF)); DelayCommand(0.5, sub2(1, "kas_fake", GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("rulan_tach_wp1", 0)))); DelayCommand(0.5, sub2(1, "kas_fake", GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("rulan_tach_wp2", 0)))); DelayCommand(0.5, sub2(1, "kas_fake2", GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("rulan_tach_wp3", 0)))); DelayCommand(0.5, sub2(1, "kas_fake", GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("rulan_tach_wp4", 0)))); DelayCommand(10.0, SetCommandable(1, OBJECT_SELF)); } I'll need further investigation but answers to my questions would help. Cheers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunters Run 57 Posted May 21, 2020 I asked because k1r has a bug that k_pas_morph++ was missing the ++. You may want to check that it is correct in the module. Adding it back gave me the tack dialog every single time. At least I think it did, as the first tack I selected had the dialog fire and the second tack was rulan. So, small sample size, but... Also to answer a question you asked in another thread, I did not have HK in my party yet rulan turned into HK. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted May 22, 2020 Hello! Yes, I did fix the issue with the k_pas_morph++ missing the ++. So that was not it. And I am reworking the morphing too because the way K1R did can heavily break immersion. In my own modification Rulan will either morph into a party member that is there when encountering him (with the exception of the droids which I excluded) or Jolee. I noticed also another vanilla issue with the game. Supposedly Rulan morphed into a tach should spawn 5 fake tachs but the buggy script spawns only one. Cheers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites