
K1 - Silent new voiceovers problem

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I am attempting to get the travelers in Manaan West Central and West to have their own unique dialogue, which includes using new recorded sound files. I was following this tutorial and everything is working except for sound. The mouth moves, the caption says the new dialogue, but there is no sound. The tutorial said to save the wav files for the new dialog in the streamwaves folder (not in any of the folders inside the streamwaves folder). I did that and I altered the utc file for the traveller in question so that conversation is set to what I named the dlg file (I also changed the tag to what I named the dlg file). In DLG editor, I checked the "sound exists" boxes though I'm not sure that does anything as it might refer to streamsounds.

I did save the files as mono. I didn't however use Audacity. I've been using WavePad Audio Editor free. I haven't tried using Audacity to see if it would fix the issue, as I'm wondering if it's another way of going in circles. I'm skeptical it's the issue as I've saved over voice files before using WavePad and they have all worked. What seems to be different in this case is that these are new files entirely...

Does anyone know what is missing?



ETA - partial resolution:  Okay this is bizarre. I tried using the original wav files, not hex edited or anything, simply changing the file names and that works. So this absolutely is some kind of audio compression problem. I still don't understand what is wrong with the files I made, but this thread has been a bit helpful so far. I downloaded Audacity earlier and noticed it knew WavePad had encoded the previous files (WavePad left its mark).

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10 hours ago, Ahsana said:

...absolutely is some kind of audio compression problem. I still don't understand what is wrong with the files I made...

For voice-overs, it's also good practice [at least for these games] to always export the files first as 32000Hz's mono-MP3 at 48kbps with max of 16 characters [it also is necessary to remove any metadata embedded with the files], and then add the WAV header as instructed here. To quote a point from the post --


13. Once you have all of the files you want to add the effect to in the output folder, run the addheader.bat file. This will output .wav files that can be put into the game! You can either put them in the Override folder, or back into the streamwave folder you got them from!

Though I'll recommend to only put VOs to StreamWaves\ [K1] or StreamVoice\ [TSL] - no other than that. You're good to go then! :cheers:

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