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Texture Help

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I'm having some trouble finding a specific texture in my Override folder in K1, the one belonging to the workbench. I've installed several GB of texture mods and they all work fine except this one that is misaligned, so I was going to delete this one texture so the vanilla one is used again (obviously). After upwards of an hour searching and viewing textures in GIMP, I gave up and am asking for the texture name.


tl;dr: I'm breaking my immersion, whats the texture of the workbench called in K1? 

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Adding what DP had informed above --

5 hours ago, Merrrkal said:

After upwards of an hour searching and viewing textures in GIMP...

Any static objects -such the workbench- in the game are called placeables. They can be both interactive or non-interactive. They almost always have PLC_ prefix as an identifier, both textures and the models. For a start you can comfortably use KotOR Tool to preview and/or identify all the game textures. And then, using the tool will let you make your way to the texture-packs by accessing this [for KotOR I] --

Kotor I \ ERFs \ TexturePacks

GUI are for icons and reticles, and TPA/TPB/TPC are mainly for creatures, levels, skyboxes and placeables. You'd want to go for the TPA because there's where the higher-resolutions are.

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Thanks for your help everyone, I’m normally quite good with this sort of thing as I often pick through texture packs, like creatures normally start “c_” and the like.

i just thought I’d ask someone a bit more knowledgeable than me, so your help is very appreciated! 

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