
Coruscant Mod

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Hi guys I have download the Coruscant Mod but when I go to a console on the planet, it has nothing standing in it. What can I do?

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

Hi guys I have download the Coruscant Mod but when I go to a console on the planet, it has nothing standing in it. What can I do?




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Guest staticjoe66
Hi guys. I have download the Coruscant Mod but when I go to a console on the planet, it has nothing standing in it. What can I do?



If I correctly understand your problem, sounds to me like it's a mod conflict of some kind--when I experienced a problem similar to yours that was my issue. The Jedi Temple and the Coruscant expansion are two mods I install each and every playthrough and the only times I've had issues is when I've done something stupid (which happens on a regular basis) and/or installed a mod that I wasn't familiar with.

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Hi guys, I have downloaded the Coruscant Mod but when I go to a console on the planet - it would have nothing in it. What can I do?


Help us help you. Start by telling us . . .


1) What mods you have in your current install of TSL - include links to the mods. (No one can claim to know how all the mods work so we need that to reserach your problem.


2) If you're on Deadly Stream, you're most likely using the TSLRCM. If so, we'll need to know which version. If not, we'll need to know that too but that's just common sense.


3) Sometimes in order to have compatibility, you have to install mods in a certain order. In what exact order did you install of these mods?

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Guest XSDStitch

Help us help you. Start by telling us . . .


1) What mods you have in your current install of TSL - include links to the mods. (No one can claim to know how all the mods work so we need that to reserach your problem.


2) If you're on Deadly Stream, you're most likely using the TSLRCM. If so, we'll need to know which version. If not, we'll need to know that too but that's just common sense.


3) Sometimes in order to have compatibility, you have to install mods in a certain order. In what exact order did you install of these mods?


I have the same problem and have installed following mods in my Kotor 2 version.


1. The TLSRCM 1.7 in german and the unofficial fix from the Download section.


2. The Coruscant mod from this site: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Coruscant_Jedi_Temple;76316


I installed at first the restoration mod and then the fix. The Coruscant mod was the last one. Kotor 2 is installed in german.

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

I have the same problem and have installed following mods in my Kotor 2 version.


1. The TLSRCM 1.7 in german and the unofficial fix from the Download section.


2. The Coruscant mod from this site: http://knightsoftheo...di_Temple;76316


I installed at first the restoration mod and then the fix. The Coruscant mod was the last one. Kotor 2 is installed in german.



Hmm, I can't tell you if there is a problem with the german version of TSLRCM, but those two mods should be fine with each other..

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Kotor 2 is installed in german.

That's the problem ;)

It's common problem with non-english KotORs and mods.


Check out the Tools section at StarWarsKnight.com site - there's a tool called language converter there - use it to convert Coruscant's mod files and it should fix that.

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Guest XSDStitch

That's the problem ;)

It's commong problem with non-english KotORs and mods.


Check out starwarsknights.com/tools.php site - there's a tool called language converter there - use it to convert Corusant's mod files and it should fix that.


Thanks! Do I have to restart the game after I use the tool?


Edit: I downloaded the converter and... cannot find most of the mod files over "Add file to list for conforstion" button. For me, it seems the converter is not compatible with the mod files but since I am not an expert I am not sure.


I attached the install log of the Coruscant mod in believe that it could help to find a solutioninstalllog.rtf

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Edit: I downloaded the converter and... cannot find most of the mod files over "Add file to list for conforstion" button. For me, it seems the converter is not compatible with the mod files but since I am not an expert I am not sure.

Impossible, converter must work with every .mod, .dlg and utc/uti files there are.

There should be files called ***COR.mod in your MODULES folder - they are the ones you'd need to convert.

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Guest XSDStitch

Impossible, converter must work with every .mod, .dlg and utc/uti files there are.

There should be files called ***COR.mod in your MODULES folder - they are the ones you'd need to convert.


Found recently out that this converter takes time to find the files... so ten minutes on my comp

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