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Guest Mablus25

Bug: Stuck on GoTo's Yacht after Cutscene

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Guest Mablus25

When I fly to Nar Shaddaa - during the cutscene where G0-T0 is discusses the Exile - I end up coming out of the cutscene and getting stuck in the part of G0-T0's ship where that cutscene just played. The only way to get out of his ship is to port to another area. How do I solve this problem?

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Guest Mablus25

I can think of 2 mods either Dark Apprentice Holowan Consortium or 90SK's SUPER Content Mod is must be the mods which I tried to fix on my own but I don't have experience on fixing the bug. The only way is to uninstall Kotor 2 or Delete all of the mods on my Override folders which I need to reinstall all the good mods which will take a while -_-

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Guest Mablus25

Is there anyway to fix this bug?

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Guest Mablus25

I just want to find out how to fix this problem without deleting all of the good mods I've installed onto my Kotor 2 game?

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You can't use TSLRCM *and* the 2 listed mods.

Even if you fix this, you'll just run into more trouble down the road.

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Guest Mablus25

I guess it's a problem then. But if yea can find out the problem I can help out in anyway.

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Nope, I don't think it is HH's job to make each and every mod compatible. Basically, you've got to understand that some mods are just too big to be compatible with other big mods. Those two mods you speak of should be on a list of core mods. What I mean is that you take a core mod (TSL RCM or Holowan Plugin or 90SK's or...) and stard to put some smaller mods around this one core mod. Otherwise, trying to mix core mods is a task suited for "veteran" modders motivated and willing or "just modders" very motivated/willing.


You may have seen that veteran modders do make efforts to make great mod compatible, such as Stoney did for USaberMod. But the Holowan plugin add some quest that just would not have their place within the TSL RCM realm. 90SK's mod is kinda in the same boat, but basically, this kind of mod (90SK's) is working best when modders are taking TSL RCM as a base for their mod. Such modders as bead-v, varsitypuppet, Qui Don Jorn and a few more have begin the trend to base their mod not on vanilla, but on TSL RCM. Such «avant-garde» moddding is the one thing that will mostly garantee compatibility.

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