
[Request] Clipping Fix For Kotor 2's PFHA04?

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Hello, I wanted to request a fix for this head's eye clipping? Obviously if this is something that would require a lot of time, please don't worry about it. I'd try it myself but I don't have any method/program (or know-how) of editing models.

I've attached a video of what I mean. This is with the vanilla texture and no model edits to her, and is an issue I've always had. Her right eyeball (so the one on our left) clips through her eyelid, which can be hidden for the most part by painting her eyeball texture (that isn't visible) black, but it is still very obvious in certain eye positions. And as well as that, where her eyelid meets her eye socket on that same eye, looks really.. blocky? Weird? I'm not sure the word I'm looking for, but it isn't as smooth as the other eye. (I'm so sorry about the fact there's 2 videos and that one is broken. I tried to delete the broken one, because I uploaded it by mistake, and it had a reskin applied so I wanted to upload a completely vanilla one instead, but it didn't work. The video that works is the completely vanilla one.) 

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Thank you so much! Is there a way to keep up with updates for that? Following the mod itself? Or you? Sorry, I'm still relatively new to using deadlystream :) 

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We haven't done much for the next version of K2CP yet, as we have been focused on getting the K1CP update out the door first.

Following the release threads will let you know when a new version is posted, but there's not going to be any interim updates there most likely. I think there is probably a thread for it in the WIP forum, but no recent updates.  You can check out the Github repo for it to monitor what's going on. I've raised an issue for the PFHA04 eye problem. Although given that a K2CP update release is off in the nebulous future some time, I'll probably just attach a copy of the fix for you here once it is done.

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I understand that! 

And thank you for the information, and the links, these are very useful. I looked at the fixes for Kotor 2 and it's so impressive! And that would be very appreciated if you did, but no rush or pressure at all, and thank you so much for taking the issue into account. 

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That's perfect, thank you so much!! I am so grateful for this fix thank you 

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