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Mandalorian Armor

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So... this request may not be possible, but I figured I'd ask anyway. 

I was wondering if it would be possible to have the vanilla Mandalorian armors, as found by the player in shops or as loot, match the model of the Mandalorian NPCs? Specifically:

Mandalorian Armor and the Mandalorian Battle Armor as the blue armor.

The Mandalorian Heavy Armor as the red armor.

Cassus Fett's Armor as the yellow armor.


And maybe something similar for TSL that's compatible with TSLRCM? I'm not gonna be too demanding, and I'm not certain it's feasible. I just figured I'd ask. Thanks for your time.

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There's an item property that you can add to any equipable item (with KotOR Tool) called "disguise", with it you can pick any of the listed appearances, when you equip the item you take on that appearance.
There's some issues with disguises though, they can cause you to not get your original appearance back when unequiping the item. Not so much a problem if you know how to fix that with the save game editor or if you really love to keep that look through the whole game.
Some appearances can also lack certain animations that are relevant to a player character but not to an NPC.
The disguise way is pretty much the only easy way to do it because those mandalorians and most aliens have one full body 3D model, while the player has a seperate model for the head and the rest of the body.

I don't mind whipping something up with the above in mind if you list more details (both games? Also I'm not sure if both game have the items you mentioned).

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@Effix I actually did a little more research and this is my vision.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic:

  • Mandalorian Armor would be identical to the blue Mandalorian armor since it is essentially the basic armor used by lesser crusaders. Since this set is actually unobtainable, I am not overly concerned about it. 
  • Mandalorian Battle Armor would be identical to the blue Mandalorian armor for the same reason above.
  • Mandalorian Heavy Armor would be identical to the red Mandalorian armor since the heavy armor would likely be assigned to higher level Mandalorians.
  • Mandalorian Assault Armor would be identical to the yellow Mandalorian armor since it is described as being the veteran Mandalorian armor like Bendak Starkiller's. I would also appreciate it if you could change the Mandalorian Captain on the Unknown World to match this, since he's depicted as wearing red armor in the game.
  • Cassus Fett's Armor would be identical to the yellow Mandalorian armor since, in the comics, he is depicted as such.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords:

  • Mandalorian Combat Suit would be left alone, as I see it as more of a lightweight scouting armor than proper Beskar'gam.
  • Mandalorian Battle Armor would be the same as in KotOR.
  • Mandalorian Heavy Armor would be the same as in KotOR.
  • Mandalorian Assault Armor would be the same as in KotOR.


Edit: To my knowledge, these are the only armors of Mandalorian origin/background across both games. If I'm missing one, please let me know and I can adjust my list accordingly. 

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I recall the captain, as an NPC, being depicted in the red armor and then dropping the blue armor. I simply want him switched to the Yellow Mandalorian model so the armor makes sense.

The exact location is near the temple. It's the Mandalorian captain involved in the Mandalorian quest on the planet.

EDIT: So far, the K1 version works like a charm. Will be testing the K2 version shortly.

EDIT 2: Nevermind. Just looked it up. Apparently he was gold and I'm just a moron. Sorry @Effix.

EDIT 3: K2 version works perfectly. Thanks a million @Effix!


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While I've got you... I don't suppose you're any good with scripts or repackaging modules?

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Oh right, 2 items for K1 were pointing to 1 icon file, which now needs 2 different icons. You'll have to update the uti files to get that fixed, I'll turn this into a mod soon, then you can get those.

14 minutes ago, JDub96 said:

While I've got you... I don't suppose you're any good with scripts or repackaging modules?

Not really, I did some things many years ago and can probably figure things out with tutorials and/or help... but yeah, not really.
There's the program ERFEdit to package modules:


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