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Image order of Uploaded mods

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When I submit a file, and where I can attach images, it doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason as to how those images are ordered. Sometimes a new image gets put before the previous one, and sometimes the new one gets put after the previous one. Plus, it changes halfway through. This is making it hard when I want the images (say nine of 'em) to be viewed in a specific order.


The other thing, is I clicked on the thumbnail of the image that I wanted to be used as the main image, but it still used the one that is first in the list (even though that was actually the last one I attached).


Is there any way to edit the order of the images (and also the text description) after the thread has been posted?

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When viewing your file you should see at the bottom of the description and above the reviews area a link that says Upload New Version - That will allow you to alter the description and add/delete screens.


As for the way they're ordered, without uploading one myself I can't be sure but it looks like they're ordered the way they're uploaded - If you hover over the screens for your last file the link ends &record=397, 398, 399 etc.


I'll upload some random stuff to see what happens.

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I was able to Upload New Version, so now there is less text in the description. Thanks. Unfortunately, it also now has a 'Changelog' link for the history of the previous version, even though the file itself did not change.


The photos didn't upload in the order that I selected them.


For example, my Echani mod, I selected the pics in order, starting with the pic I wanted to be first in line;

-the pic I selected first became record=399

-2nd pic became 400

-3rd became 401

-4th became 404

-5th became 403

-6th became 402

-7th became 397

-8th became 398

-9th became 396 (and is the main large pic, when it should have been the first pic I attached).

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Still looking at the screen problems.


I removed the text from the changelog box. It will only display a changelog if you enter text there.

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Maybe someone else deleted pics at that very moment, freeing up those older numbers?


Just thinking out loud...

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