
Carth's warning of the Katarn DEBUNKED

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[NR] - Carth's Warning before heading into the Shadowlands - No VO to support the line...

This is a piece of cut content that I quoted from the "What's Restored In K1R". Apparently, Carth was meant to warn the player of the Katarn before entering the Shadowlands, much like he does the Kath Hounds on Dantooine in K1R, however, he has no lines about it thus it was never restored. As I always do, I dug around the Kashyyyk files looking for a reference to his dlg file because if someone knows that dialogue for a character exists and knows it has no supporting VO then a dlg must exist, I didn't find it. This was rather disappointing as I found cut items that look like they where involved in early quests, dialogue which suggests you could bring Zaalbar into the Shadowlands (Or at least dialogue that suggest if you ignored all the shadowlands quests and went straight to Freyr to do his quest, got Zalbaar and went back to do the Shadowlands quest that you ignored he'd have dialogue) amongst other cut content, however, a simple one-line dialogue doesn't exist apparently. 


I decided to check the dialogue.tlk file for a reference to this warning. Rarely, the dialogue for an NPC only exists on the Dialogue.tlk like much of the early M4-78 lines and Liskis and upon "consulting the Jedi Archives" it turns out they were not incomplete as I thought but rather the K1R team got it all wrong about this line. This line, found on line 380, goes like this on the tlk.



CARTH: Is your communicator on? It's Carth. Just wanted to remind you to be careful out there. Don't end up as a meal for one of the katarn.


The key part that proves that K1R has got things wrong is that it's on line 380. From about 0 to about 200 is where all the lines like "Force Wound" and "Flurry" are stored, lines that aren't in dialogue but rather apart of the game itself. After that, about 300, is all the E3 Demo lines. In the E3 Demo, the plot was rather different as on Dantooine Katarn roamed the planes and not the Kath Hounds. This was most likely because the E3 demo was one of the first things to be made for Kotor (I have a strong feeling this Demo was made around the time of Sleheyron as well) and thus the whole Kashyyyk plot was never written and during the development of Kashyyyk the large Rhino Katarns where more suited for Kashyyyk whilst the fast Dingo Kath Hounds where better off for the planes of Dantooine. 


The reason that no VO line exists for it is because I believe Kotor was made in an older engine to start with and once the final engine which we play Kotor in today was brought into the mix the developers ported all the Kotor made assets from the old engine into the new one leaving behind things they didn't need aka Sleheyron and the VO line. Things like the Czerka Depot room model was ported into the new engine probably for reference for designing Dreshdae and parts of the Kashyyyk landing platform but was never implemented into the game as it was just a reference (Darth Insidious has restored the Depot model into its own module, available to download here on Deadlystream). If the VO was to be found it'd be called "CARTH_EXT_08"


TLDR: Only the dialogue from the E3 Demo which exists as text on the dialogue.tlk survived into the K1 game, these dialogues were hidden away like most cut content and when the K1R team saw a Carth line from the Demo and mistook it for an actual cut line.


Just in case you don't believe me here are some more dialogue lines from the Demo which would prove that I am not wrong. These lines are not in any specific order, 



(The "CARTH:" in front of the dialogue may either indicate to the devs that the character talking very early on was Carth and that Carth was talking before they didn't need it any further or it was meant to indicate Carth was using a communicator)


Okay, I've done my part. Now I'm out of here before the Sith catch me! (I think this is a Republic Soldier called 'WAYTOP' who says this line)


CARTH: Is your communicator on? It's Carth. Just wanted to remind you to be careful out there. Don't end up as a meal for one of the katarn.


Okay, I've done my part. Now I'm out of here before the Sith catch me!


CARTH: Get back to the base! The Sith have attacked! Just follow the smoke! Hurry!


You will have to go back and get Carth in your party so he can use his access codes to open this door for you.


You will have to find a computer capable of unlocking the doors to the Interrogation Room before you can enter.


Watch out - that's a Mark I prototype assault droid! You'll have to find a way to disable its shielding if you want to take it down! 


You have disabled the droid! Disabled droids can be reprogrammed.


The bodies of several fallen Republic soldiers lie scattered among the debris in this room.


Now that you are inside the base there is no reason for you to go back outside. 


These charred husks are all that remain of the Republic soldiers subjected to the Dark Jedi's "interrogation".


That's Bastila's T3 unit! It can probably help us find her. We better take it with us.


Keep your head up! Those fighters are circling around for another attack run!


We got one Sith left, coming in hard! Line 'em up and take 'em out!


Nice shooting! Now let's get out of here before we get any more uninvited guests!



I think the first Kotor trailer shows small parts of the E3 Demo including the Katarn.

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