
Need Help with Item Icon/AVI in Menus

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My apologies for my ignorance in advance. I'm very new to this whole business. I'm trying to create a proper item icon for Fenharel's Mission's Vibroblade retexture since he didn't add one, but I can't figure out how to make it compatible with the game's menus. The image just shows up with the background that's in the base image, and covers a larger area than it should. Any help would be appreciated. I know I'm doing something seriously wrong here.

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38 minutes ago, JustABitAgroed said:

The image just shows up with the background that's in the base image, and covers a larger area than it should.

Hi, JustABitAgroed! :cheers:

From what I have learnt; you would need to create a transparency using the alpha channel of the image, so the only part of the icon that will appear in the game is the intended part.

I am using an icon from Darth Vhail's "Rey's Clothing" for an example, and Adobe Photoshop CC as the working program:

  • Before the alpha is activated:


  • After the alpha is activated:



... I can't figure out how to make it compatible with the game's menus.

A resolution of 128x128 to 256x256 TGA exported format would be sufficient for an icon, I believe- as it will be rescaled automatically in-game.

Edit: Anyways, keep in mind that solid black in alpha will result in 100% transparency, while grey alpha will probably result in about 99% to 1% transparency [depends on how solid the grey was], and solid white will result in 0% transparency or 100% opaque.

Edited by ebmar
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Thanks a bunch, ebmar. Had a rough go of it (learning PS especially) but I finally got it implemented properly. While the image did scale in-game, it didn't do it in the way I expected, so I had to put some extra pixels around it for it to be sized properly and not go outside of the UI. Really appreciate the help. :cheers:

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