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Is there any way the downloads section could be modified, so as to allow individuals to download files without being an actual member of this site? I'm wondering because I want to post my mod releases at Holowan Labs too, but I'm not too keen on uploading files multiple times - that and this has the best upload system.

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I have no problem with that.


I'll have it done in an hour or so.

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Guests should now be able to download files although they are limited to 2 files per day and a max of 100MB bandwidth per week.


I say should to allow for the usual cock ups I make when adding/editing features.

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I just had to create an account just to let you know unregistered guests are not able to d/l. Using both Chrome and Firefox 3.x


You just get the you are over your bandwidth error message.

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Jaesun, familiar name from the Obsidian Boards and Off Topic Productions boards xD.




*bothers Doctor about his cock up*

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I just had to create an account just to let you know unregistered guests are not able to d/l. Using both Chrome and Firefox 3.x


You just get the you are over your bandwidth error message.


Is the bandwidth restriction really worth it, Doc? I mean, most people will just probably download mods, and never use the forum. Plus with the new pruning system, we'd just be getting rid of their accounts anyways.

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Unfortunately due to constant spam from unregistered users, the download section has now be disabled for guests.

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I can't find an option for it anywhere, it's not just the spam they're also reporting files and comments for no reason whatsoever.


I'll keep looking and if I can find a way to stop them from leaving comments and reporting the files then of course I'll open it up again but for now at least it will be disabled.

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Guest HK-47

I can't find an option for it anywhere, it's not just the spam they're also reporting files and comments for no reason whatsoever.


I'll keep looking and if I can find a way to stop them from leaving comments and reporting the files then of course I'll open it up again but for now at least it will be disabled.


Suggestion: I could be that way to stop them. Just give the word. I shall be kind and give them a 5 minuet head start while my blasters warm up.

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Good news - I've found a way to stop guests from posting comments so they can now download files again.

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