djh269 266 Posted June 30, 2018 I noticed that in KoTOR 1 there's a lot of Sith Apprentices and Dark Jedi that you have interactions/battles with, but from what I understand the term "Dark Jedi" is used for practitioners of the darker aspects of the force that have no allegiance to anyone but themselves, they are mostly turned Jedi that have no specific affiliation with a certain group. This is what I've picked up from the Darth Bane novels anyway. So is it correct to call the random Dark Jedi you encounter Dark Jedi and not something like Sith Acolyte, or Sith Student / Apprentice? And maybe change the names of Sith Apprentices to Sith lords or something like that. Even in Dark Malaks/ Revans army there should be Marauders/Assassins and Sith lords. Just my thoughts. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ragnarök 26 Posted November 11, 2018 The Dark Jedi were a favored caste in Revan's Sith Empire because they didn't just embrace the Dark Side like the Sith, they rejected the light in the process. Many of them would have committed a string of heinous acts against their former brethren when breaking from the Order and they lived to tell about it. This puts them a cut above the rest, since they've already potentially proven themselves in a trial by combat and they broke their own conditioning. The Sith, as in the subjects of the Empire that were merely discovered as force sensitive simply went to the academy. There was no adversity they had to overcome beforehand making them inferior in the eyes of the Sith Lords. Some Dark Jedi are Sith, some aren't, but the ones that are kept that honorific in Revan's/Malak's Empire. Revan and Malak's Empire continued the lineage of Ajunta Pall and the first exiles that came to Korriban as dominators. The Sith, at that point still a species, were the untermensch after being subjugated and even down to Ragnos and Sadow, being a half-breed was considered more prestigious. Likewise, the Sith remnants of Exar Kun were scattered and directionless before Revan and Malak subjugated them and gave them a clear purpose again. Jorak and Uthar were likely among these and that's probably why Revan and Malak put them in charge of a school for the production of "useful idiots" to the Sith cause. They understood the doctrine, but failed to do anything with it for 40 years which made them the new inferiors. "Those who can't do, teach, so here's a castle in a goldfish bowl for you to lord over, you absolute failures." - Revan, probably. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites