
Spawning an item in another module?

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I'm back with my infamous/annoying mod questions! Does anybody know a way to spawn another item or creature in another module?? Kinda like when you speak Luzre in KotOR 1 and the mysterious box appears in the ebon hawk?? I decompiled multiple scrips but I got no specific direction as to how to create a script for this one. Can anyone help me out? Thank you!

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That would be a combination of scripting and plot flags I assume. The dialogue fires a script that sets the flag in one module, then the onload script in the other module checks the flag and spawns the item when it reads the proper value.

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2 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

That would be a combination of scripting and plot flags I assume. The dialogue fires a script that sets the flag in one module, then the onload script in the other module checks the flag and spawns the item when it reads the proper value.

And suddenly, I'll just use a key! One more thing though, (I'm full of complications today.) What script would I have to use to spawn an existing party member? Like if I wanted to spawn mission, for example (again, decompiled and all, no such luck)

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// 698. SpawnAvailableNPC
// This spawns a NPC from the list of available creatures
// Returns a pointer to the creature object
object SpawnAvailableNPC( int nNPC, location lPosition );

Mission for example would be SpawnAvailableNPC(6, lLocation);

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