catagurin 11 Posted February 28, 2011 I am now going to try Gizka's 1.0b8 - just out of curiosity - Is it playable? I mean, can I finish the game with it? If so, I would like some advices on playing it: what should I avoid, some already known problems, bugs....etc.( Only if there is somebody who played it!!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan 11 Posted March 1, 2011 I've heard that it isn't worth doing. Not sure why you would want to do that when TSLRCM 1.7 is great. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 1, 2011 Agreed Dan especially considering the TSLRP was abandoned many months ago and the latest file out there is a very old and incomplete beta I've heard that it isn't worth doing. Not sure why you would want to do that when TSLRCM 1.7 is great. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted March 1, 2011 Moving out of the "TSLRCM" and moving it into the "Star Wars" folder. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 1, 2011 As I said, I'm just curious. Any advices on what should I avoid while playing it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted March 1, 2011 As I said, I'm just curious. Any advices on what should I avoid while playing it? Well, you obviously shouldn't use TSLRCM with that mod. LOL But seriously, you'll be at a disadvantage playing this mod for a few reasons: 1) As stated earlier, it's quite an old beta. 2) The "Team Gizka" site is gone. You wouldn't be able to research what mods may have incompatibility issues. 3) You'll likely not find any current info at Lucas Forums as that mod is basically perma-banned because of the factions that fighting back and forth about it. Your best bet is to locate folks that were part of the beta team and quiz them in PMs about it. Update: Let me see if I can grab a few guys that might know more from LF. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 1, 2011 Well, you obviously shouldn't use TSLRCM with that mod. LOL But seriously, you'll be at a disadvantage playing this mod for a few reasons: 1) As stated earlier, it's quite an old beta. 2) The "Team Gizka" site is gone. You wouldn't be able to research what mods may have incompatibility issues. 3) You'll likely not find any current info at Lucas Forums as that mod is basically perma-banned because of the factions that fighting back and forth about it. Your best bet is to locate folks that were part of the beta team and quiz them in PMs about it. Update: Let me see if I can grab a few guys that might know more from LF. Of course I won't play it with TSLRCM - I never said that - And thank you very much:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 2, 2011 Lemme see if I can re-call the most common issues. * Crash during the Red Eclipse boarding if Kreia's on the Ebon Hawk. Solution; Have Kreia in your party. * Black Screen when at the end of the "run to the docks" you do not control Atton or Bao-Dur. Solution: Switch to them on the Docks map. * Weird issues aplenty when going from docks to main Nar Shaddaa during the above run. Solution; Don't. * HK-47 meets HK-50 blackscreen. Solution; Save and load. Only way to trigger the HK-factory. * Camera switches to the player during Kreia and Atris talk. Solution; Press 1. * The HK-Factory ending is entirely broken. Solution; For some reason Telos loads when trying to return to the main floor. Enjoy invernable HK! * Black Screen when HK-47 dies in the HK-Factory. Solution; Save and load and rock the place as the Exile . Those are the ones that come to mind quickest. But if you want an extensive list, you probably should check out my posts in the TSLRCM threads on the Obsidian Forums. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 2, 2011 Lemme see if I can re-call the most common issues. * Crash during the Red Eclipse boarding if Kreia's on the Ebon Hawk. Solution; Have Kreia in your party. * Black Screen when at the end of the "run to the docks" you do not control Atton or Bao-Dur. Solution: Switch to them on the Docks map. * Weird issues aplenty when going from docks to main Nar Shaddaa during the above run. Solution; Don't. * HK-47 meets HK-50 blackscreen. Solution; Save and load. Only way to trigger the HK-factory. * Camera switches to the player during Kreia and Atris talk. Solution; Press 1. * The HK-Factory ending is entirely broken. Solution; For some reason Telos loads when trying to return to the main floor. Enjoy invernable HK! * Black Screen when HK-47 dies in the HK-Factory. Solution; Save and load and rock the place as the Exile . Those are the ones that come to mind quickest. But if you want an extensive list, you probably should check out my posts in the TSLRCM threads on the Obsidian Forums. OMG, that is quite a mess;D=)) I never thought it was so broken...*face palm=))) Obviously, I'm not going to play it like that,LOL! But, I am very curious about the GenoHaradan and the other stuff that they have, especially the ending:D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted March 2, 2011 Qui-Gon Glenn from LucasForums responded to me: I can say that Hassat Hunter covered most of the bases. What I do not know about the leaked beta that is out there' date=' is if it is JUST the leaked beta, or if it is the *updated* leaked beta. If the person who posted the leaked beta updated it before they put it out there, the mod is hopelessly ruined by a poisoning done by Dashus to put the screws to the leak-lovers out there. I liked that then, and still kinda like it. If it is just the plain old leak, then HH covers most of the issues. Honestly, it is impossible to recall what else might have been wrong, as I was testing 9, 10 and 11 before the mod went dead, and to know what was wrong with 8 is just too far back... Plus as you noted over on Deadly Stream, there is no TSLRP website or archives to look back through. Thanks Dashus, once again, for sucking so hard [/quote'] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 2, 2011 When I said TSLRCM I meant TSLRP, obviously. Gah, even I get confused. I also forgot the infinite black screen when using "new" options during the meet with Nihilus... Anyway, the easiest way to check the 2 is going to the Telos Cantina. With Dashus "update" it crashes upon entering. If it doesn't, you should be fine. Aside from the issues remaining that is. If you really want to try it, and you got the wrong version I still got an original on my PC. I really doubt anyone minds at this point if I send it to you... it's really not that unplayable, comparable to good ol' vanilla TSL, but with more content. I'd personally be of the opinion everyone should atleast try it once. You might even see things you think lacking from TSLRCM. If so, say them here. I still think Dashus' move was an ill omen, and a bad move in general. Instead of using the feedback and offers of help he instead tried to screw over users of his modification. That was a good indication for me that TSLRP was going to die, or atleast turn out of a rather bad quality, unlike suspected with the "finished without bugs" philosphy. And we all know what happened since. Here's a full-list (just my reports, don't think it's all-inclusive!). TSLRP-exclusive issues underlined, issues in TSLRP also in TSLRCM bolded (with explanation) and everything regular like this is in TSLRP, but not TSLRCM; * Entering Telos Military Academy re-awakes the unconscious (engine issue, can't really be fixed) * Force shields in Academy miss pop-up now * Bastila/Carth Hologram fixed, but still break in T3 convo when asking about the hologram again. G0-T0 permanent Hologram still unfixed. * Missing HK-47 during post-Telos scene (open door) * Handmaiden Robe Glitch * Force Persuading people down a pit is still a good deed for influence (fixed for 1.8 though) * Oondar still sells after specifically threatnen no-one will sell to you. * Nadaa will ask "have you found her yet" after using 4. not my issue first, so it is impossible to get the quest from here then. You have to find Adana. * Force Persuading the Serocco to attack the Exchange will complete "Refugee Woes" when there is still the Exchange left. (Although now that I am remembered, will fix for 1.8 ) * Sasquash personal guard still has wrong VO * CTD-Crash in Red Eclipse Enter Cutscene if Kreia features in it. ***** Party members at the docks scene ***** * Tien Tubbs store broken again, TT32 unresponsive. * Trying to go to the Refugee Sector will teleport you to the front of the Cantina. * Going to the docks, then back, and the main sector will be spawning with life again. Also; going back to the EH re-triggers the 3 Zhug brothers battle. After returning to the Docks after all this there will be thrice the amount of Zhug, and 3 will survive the explosion. * At the docks, if you have T3 as active character you will forever be stuck in a black screen. ***** * G0-T0 yacht +1 for T3 is "magical" (yellow) instead of "permanent" (white), and dissapears when exiting the EH. * Complete Goto's Yacht and get the reward from Vogga. Then dance for him, and awake him. Using the "overgrown slug" line you get another shot at shipping fuel to Telos, getting the reward a second time. * During the G0-T0/Remote Scene the Remote is no longer bleeping (not sure why. Malachor V too) * Opo Chano is both on Nar Shaddaa and Telos (borrowed him money for his loan). * G0-T0 will not give you a reward for stabalising Telos if you finished the quest before talking to him about getting money for stabilisation. (apparently no content here ) * Infinite XP-exploit: Using the HK-47 Peragus Training Program will grant you XP each time you do it... * There are some issues with Mira's +influence trigger during the Dxun Zhug encounter; Mira's line not triggering when asking "Who are you", if she has run stuck on the broken droid in the back. * Some minor Dxun suggestions; Zakkeg; when helping Devren the wrong questupdate is given after defeating the Zakkeg. (Don't think we got that?) During the fight; trying to leave probably should say you instead of I, also most likely the guide should NOT offer his escort to the EH. * Mira Convo; there isn't an easy way back in the why did you save Hanharr convo after an influence fail, this might be fixed. Also, during the Mira and Hanharr tree there is an option [awareness] so that's why he wears cuffs that leads to a dead end in the conversation. * Kreia/Visas Lightsaber training; Talking to Kreia acts like a successful fight, so you can actually skip all the training. Also Visas' saber doesn't show if it's Violet. * Dantooine Mercenary camp: Nallak doesn't leave after being Force Persuaded to tell about his secret task as he should. The Mandalore fight doesn't have checks to prevent Mandalore to leave the map (which probably should be placed?), and has the PC in his underwear if he was wearing a robe when the fight started. * Meeting a 3rd (or more) group of HK-50, while it being the second with HK-47 gives me a permanent black screen * Dxun revisited: When you are allowed to pick teammates after saying 'later' you can leave the map, and in another area pick teammates, including the ones standing there in the gathering. Once you return; you've gotten clones! * Sky Ramp: The Royalist back-up no longer follows after a reload, and disappears if you visit the barracks after receiving them. (Not sure of the cause here ) Also (LS) the Royalists in the Barracks have wrong VO. "I knew General Vaklu wouldn't stay allied with the Sith. I am glad we are rid of them." makes no sense at that point in the game, as the haven't broken their deal. * Queen Talia promises credits, but gives none. * During the Telos Polar Revisited scene (Male, just mentioning) Kreia and Atris convo is disrupted by a jump to the exile. Pressing 1 proceeds the convo, but it probably should not happen... * During Telos Polar Revisited, if you are Handmaiden, entering Atris' Meditation Room will lock the door, getting you stuck. * During Telos Revisited, there is a 100% guaranteed skipped line from Riiken. * During the GenoHaradan scene you can recomplete 'Expirement in Delivery' once again by entering the Bith's room in the flophouse. * (HK Factory) The mindwipe from the droid. Does it do anything? Considering the droids mention on second Generator disable try you "somehow forgot about the threat" I believe that should only trigger after being mind-wiped (forgetting that you hurt them with that), but that isn't required now. All in all I think it should be; Generator, get reminded, disable comm, mind-wipe to forget the threat (could be done before disabling comm too ofcourse). But right now the last step isn't needed at all. Am I just wrong in my assumptions, and think too much into a single line or convo or is it a genuine bug? * Czerka follow; Chodo will no longer give info on the fake blaster * Saving the alien outside of the Telos cantina, then charging extra saving costs will not give this boost (still get 100 cred when promised 200) * The second Exchange Rodian doesn't have a back-away option after "I kill you if you don't open the door", unlike all the others * Falsu Batu-Rem mission misses “Telos:” planet information * 6 Handmaiden Sisters + Handmaiden (Brianna) when sparring maiden is added. Aren't there supposed to be only 6? (Still in TSLRCM) * Coruscant scene talks about Revan as "he" and "him" when set to female (Lacking VO ) * Atton: “And that anyone in his service who showed any ability with the Force was sent there, ...” when Revan is set to be female * G0-T0: “He deliberately left the infrastructure of many planets intact” when Revan is set to female * HK-47: “I believe that Revan determined that mass slaughter on such a scale may no longer be needed to achieve his aims.” And “...that the disrespect was spread through the rest of his whiny, simpering meatbag allies.” (Lacking VO) when Revan is set to female * Disciple: “Towards the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques.” And “And it is said that he returned to his first – and final – master to learn how to leave the order entirely, as she had.” When Revan is set to female * Disciple’s and the Exile’s conversation about Revan has a dozen of mentions of “he” when Revan is set to female (Lacking VO) * Bao-Dur about his Malachor nightmares: “By the time he arrived, it was too late.” when Revan is set to female (lacking VO) * Opo Chano on NS: Weequay misses lip-sync * Killing Lootra gives no DS-shift * If you sold T3 the Droid in Vogga’s chambers will tell the exile to report for duty * Refugee sector entree will give the [Awareness] Lootra option even if you bloodily killed him * Select the persuasion option to sell themselves (NS refugees) to the Hutts it will skip the line (if successful). * After convincing the Refugees to surrender, killing the Serocco re-opens Refugee Foes. You can once again threaten Sasquash, kill all the Exchange (closing the quest again). Obviously this gives a great deal more XP than the quest should normally give, and it doesn’t make sense for Hussef to still say he will talk to the Overseer when all refugees celebrate his death. Kreia will mention their freedom at the end, but obviously they should have been sold into slavery * Lassavou still doesn’t drop an energy cell upon death. * The owner of the Swoop Races on Nar Shaddaa has difficulty running over to his destroyed droid if he is at the console location (not sure of the cause) * Ashanti Zhug misses lipsynch (Team at docks scene). Also shouldn’t it say “Atton doesn’t need a third member”, instead of second member (since Bao is also guaranteed member of the team)? * When Atton returns to Tienn to get the new codes uploaded, Tienn misses lipsync. * End of the Teammate Docks run is odd for DS chars. The Duros just vanish? May I suggest putting them somewhat farther back (so running inside makes some sense) and deleting them after the cutscene? I can now also confirm ‘block’ with Kreia, so definitely always the third member * Killing Zez-Kai Ell gives no lightsaber? (odd, ain't it?) * Re-activating HK-47 DURING the Visas fight, then launching the Peragus Turret Model will get you permanently stuck, as Visas won’t be there once you reload the Ebon Hawk module. Talking about the turret-game; why isn’t there a back-away option (“on second thought...”)? * Alternatively; if you re-activate HK and it immediately goes to combat Visas (because she is near) you will get stuck in a permanent black screen. Save+Reload works, but HK won’t be a member, and you would have lost all 4 HK-parts (or is the HK door locked? I don't recall) * Saving and loading during the Visas fight makes her ‘passive’. It allows for (too) easy healing, recovery * The TSF droid and computer still mention the coming of the Sojourn after returning, even if it has long arrived (or so the cutscene when leaving Telos says) * G0-T0 rewards you for DE-stabalizing Dantooine. That’s not right... * Bao-Dur’s Jedi Training lessons have the wrong hurtsounds for a female exile * Dxun beast lesson; If Kreia is in the party this gives a permanent +10FP boost. If the lesson is given by telepathy it doesn’t give this boost however * Blowing up Kumus the Mandalorian with his own charges gives 2x HK influence if your party is HK and Hanharr. Once Hanharr + HK, and another HK seperate convo afterwards (just the way it is) * On Onderon, after paying the Beast-Riders to get rid of Gelesi he returned! Not sure what the cause is. Likely becoming swoop champ or talking to Anda about getting rid of 2 captains. Also; after getting rid of him again, and killing Riiken later, Anda doesn’t confirm quest completion with me. The quest entry is just empty, only “Onderon:” * On Onderon giving the Open Visa to the woman with the children will cut the convo short when Disciple (or Visas) replies. His reply is cut short too. If you skip the fade-out, you can still hear Disciple’s reply totally though, and the ST doesn’t match at all with the VO * Saying “Other bounty hunters said you killed your own tribe.” (from talking to Vossk on NS) cuts the conversation with Hanharr prematurely * Saying “What, did Revan abandon the Republic?” cuts the conversation with Disciple prematurely * Going back into the Cantina after talking to Tobin, and he will still be there, and you can repeat the conversation. Once your loaded outside again a 8-in-1 Vaklu Trooper awaits you. (think we didn't got this...) * Even if they said it pre-TSLRP when you didn’t do the spacebattle the Mandalorians now don’t even mention your battle-skills if you did do it! * Korriban Hidden Tomb Kreia scene: Loosing “Apathy” kills the player instead of a DS-hit in a pool (DSF Exile). When you attack all teammembers (defending Kreia or “Apathy”) Hanharr seems to be (team)killed instantly. * HK-Factory: the 2 “Telos Sentry Droid” at the Reactor, and 1 at the Communications Center use melee attacks unlike other’s of their kind. Since these droids lack melee animations, shouldn’t there be another droid type skin be used for these 3? * HK-Factory: Minor clipping through the wall out of the module into the black void when HK-47 walks away from his HK-50 counterparts at first meet * HK-Factory: Mention of “to disable any ships that would not follow him to war.” when Revan is set to female (lacking VO) * HK-Factory: After walking away from his HK-50 counterparts at first meet you can turn around and converse with them again, re-initialising the first 2 cutscene’s when entering the academy * When dying in the HK-factory (both levels) the screen turns black and loads in the exile. If they exile is killed in blackness it loads Telos, with HK present. If not; saving, loading then walking some loads Telos too. Again; with HK. * You can enter the manufacturing plant, and get attacked by the HK-50 there before deleting your self-preservation programming * HK-Factory Manufacturing Plant: Translation holograms have no lip-sync * HK-Factory Manufacturing Plant: All “deactivated” droids will look “activated” after interaction+reload * HK-Factory Manufacturing Plant: After a certain interaction the “Entrance to the Military Sub-level” turns from the factory to loading Telos (once again exile and HK). It’s before using any of the consoles, probably after the conversation in the “HK Construction Facility” room * HK-Factory Manufacturing Plant: During the CAM-299-2TEL ‘HK Construction Center’ running of the corrossion program (No such at the HK-51 side?) something is said by one of the HK units, but it is intelligable because of the loud poison sound. Subtitles? * The HK-51 at their console are hostile. In consideration to the role they play in the cutscene’s I suppose they are meant to be blue neutral * You can avoid the cutscene at the HK-50 construction side by walking through the droids storage * After destroying the HK-51 schematics you have the capability to upload the HK-51 schematics to HK-47 (?) * After downloading the HK-50 schematics the HK-51’s around the complex suddenly turn neutral. The HK-50 remain hostile (?) * When all HK’s get active in the HK-50 construction site storage, the last one fails to do so * After the HK-51 Purpose scene it loads Telos, with HK present there * In all above cases, if HK is loaded onto Citadel Station (pretty much inevitable), he is in god-mode * Telos Revisited: The Hurt Vaklu Soldier in the Entertainment module mentions “Major Riiken will have your head” when you want to kill him. What a Royalist traitor! * Having Visas kill herself will cause her to fall over several times. Also she still shows movement in the scene with Nihilus turning to dust even if you have ‘merciley ended her pain’ * Opo Chano and Exchange thugs scene re-runs during GenoHaradan meet * Weren’t you missing? After the GenoHaradan “killed” the exile, Atton, Disciple and Bao-Dur(!) come to the rescue * The GenoHaradan quest is flagged as being a “Dxun” quest, not a NS one * No movement sound for Remote on Malachor? (. Why beats me...) * No end-cinematic with Atton? Also Kreia didn’t tell me his future at all (Sion defeated him) * Despite HK-47 and HK-51’s blowing up G0-T0, Malachor remains in one piece. Wasn’t it intended that the end animation was changed from Alignment to that choice? Also; my journal mentions I only activated 3 ships and still have to find one more, after being Remote no more... * B-4D4 during mercenary attack; PC has option to say "anwyays" * If HK still needs all 4 parts the journal mentions a "vocbulator" * Visquish always says Jedi, but he uses Jeedai in 2 cases: Just before going into his stronghold (“But there is no more reason for us to remain here”) and when talking to Hanharr there (“You think much of the Jeedai’s chances.”) * In the JJK tunnel, upon the corpse of Suyin, you find a datacube. It has the following typo: “They’ll break down into their chemcial components in an hour in these fumes.” * HK always seems to use “master” when not talking about Revan. However during some convo options when awakening him, during the Sith talk-thread, first mentioning of his clones and the first line after asking how to kill Jedi “Master” is being used. Also while mostly “Master” is used to describe Revan these cases use “master”: “Oh yes. My master had quite the collection of tortured individiuals...”, “I believe my master was responsible.” and “Statement: The master felt it was ironic that only people who had experienced such passions could harm Jedi in such a way -...” (just bolded to make me check the dialog.tlk for these ) * :: text :: not used with one Jedi during third Disciple Scene (when he goes to Kreia’s place) * HK-47: VO: “then it is long past time someone said them to you”. ST: then it is lost past time someone said them to you” * Hanharr: “In a place where will never be chained”; Should be either: “In a place where they will never be chained” or “In a place where will never be chains” * Master of the Palace quest: “You have killed Master Kavar on Dxun.”, obviously should be “Onderon” * Display issue with bonus physical damage when upgrading the Zabrak Vibroblade (probably fixable though) * Having said that; would final TSLRP change some skill/feat discriptions to match their actual uses (Master Flurry and the various defense feats for example) even if the skills are not changed to match the descrip because no balancing changes are made? (not fixed here either) * Maybe give the “arm holding Datapad” (flophouse) the same dissapearing treatment as the Dantooine datapads or the severed arm in the Korriban Hidden Tomb? It would make more sense, seeing that you recovered the log * Maybe an alarm should actually sound when Visquis mentions hearing it? * There is a “Storm Beast Pen” inside the Malachor V Academy. But no beasts in it. Maybe add beasts, or remove that tag from the map? Also; could we please not have the most powerful enemies have such low-res peasant models? (I still hate this, but atleast we got VP's mod) Adding G0-T0 in Vogga's chambers, then letting him do his "I will depart" convo, then remove and re-add him will permanently lock G0-T0 in a broken state (no longer initialises conversation). Atris convo loop: "I won't allow you to put me on trial" will return to the saberignition scene and never 'deletes' so can be infinitely redone. (probably still in) During the Mira at JJT scene Hanharr says "Jedi" instead of "Jeedai". "Who are you" at Kodin aborts any talk about selling T3. "What is this place" when talking about selling T3 with Kodin breaks the conversation. Lunar Shadow captain: "Force Persaude" (read it in the Let's play, unfixed in 1.0b8). Kodin doesn't drop his HK part on death. (???) Lootra's thank you VO misses lipsync. You can walk past the Twins trigger on Goto's ship. Intimidating the Serroco to give the Refugees more leeway, then asking them to drop their weapons (making them hostile) gives both the XP for the peaceful AS the violent solution... (Not really a way to fix this, sadly enough ) * CTD when leaving for the Ebon Hawk (escort) during the Sith Attack on Dxun, then return and get the cutscene to Onderon. * CTD when entering the Ebon Hawk as Mandalore (Dantooine). (hopefully fixed for 1.8) * CTD when entering the Rebuild Academy as Mandalore. (Same) * You can train Handmaiden into a Jedi twice if you ask about her different look (and get the Yusanis convo) after already training her in a Jedi (Kreia will once again do her mother-talk, which reopens convo options with Handmaiden). Doing this resets her to a lvl 1 Guardian, but she keeps all previous gained boosts. +10 (or more) free levels sounds like an exploit to me… * :: :: around convo when seeing the Dantooine academy when Kreia is in your party. * You can kill Bustoco during your flee from Onderon and he re-appears alive during Revisited (LS-path). * Disciple is still inside the Enclave post-Khoonda Battle. * Freedon Nadd tomb: You can skip the Sith-“Leader” cutscene by Force Jumping over the trigger. Then when you get to the 4 Siths that cutscene plays instead of the temptation to the Darkside scene. You have to manually trigger the battle. * “council” instead of “counsel” during Onderon Revisited (LS)’s decision what to do with Vaklu. * HK says “pacifisim” (how repugnant) during the HK Pacifism Package convo. Some more HK-Factory: * Communications console gives camera’s only after deactivating communications. * Camera overlays: Red normally, but they turn blue when overloading. * Fire Range checkpoint console needs to be sliced each time you interact with it * Firing Range: Camera shows when opening the door (and nothing happens until you click away). Before you open the door the console gives the option to overload, but it does nothing. * Setting charges on the HK-50/51 consoles doesn’t work? * You can completely ignore the HK-50 inside the ‘arena’. And now for the big one... The HK-Factory... a Full breakdown on what is really broken, and why it's more complex than most people realise (version 1.0b8) Ever wondered why people like me get a gazillion bugs in the Factory? And people like Janjetina claim to have found none? It's not just being more observant, there is a somewhat "hidden" layer of complexity in the Droid Factory. I only found it during testing around in my second playthrough (and did several extensive research on all pathbrances as seen below). Are you one of those people who think the issues in the DF can be fixed in a whim and wonder why it's up there to be fixed for all those months? Well, here it goes. Obviously the following explenation is littered with spoilers, and references to bugs. Since I am no Beta-tester for TG I have no idea if it has changed since 1.0b8, but this was the situation atleast in the leaked beta: A lot of people (may) seem to overlook a simple option on the upper level. An option that has SEVERE consequences on the end of the factory though. It's the option to reactivate the HK-51's you get after looking at their schematics in the maintanance bay. Having this option on or off severly changes the happenings of the factory after the "arena" encounter. HK-51's OFF. Due to not re-enabling the HK-51's you will not encounter them in the construction bay, only disabled. This obviously makes combat easier, but has some severe consequences. In general playing like this is less buggy, but you cannot complete the factory rationally this way in 1.0b8. Downloading the HK-50 templates: HK-50's disable, turn friendly. Convo's break (for example the trigger to talk with the 3 HK-50's in their 'bay' will just jump you around). You are no longer able to interact with the consoles. The only thing you can do is simply leave. Downloading the HK-51's templates: Same as above, but the HK-50's wont de-activate. Actually when you go to the HK-50's 'bay' and trigger the cutscene all the HK's in the cargo hold become active and attack you too! Console's are unresponsive and their is no proper way to end. This would be a proper and efficient way to do the factory if 1.0B8 at this point didn't send you to Telos (unless you ignored the arena HK-50), as you could then re-active the HK-51's, and since you're having their template downloaded run into the HK-50's 'bay' and properly end the factory. Unfortunately, bugs prevent that now. HK-51's ON. This is generally a far buggier setting, as this is my setting when I ran through the HK-factory with my report on page 10. Curiously though despite the bugs this is the only way to "properly" end the HK-factory, if you do things in good order. Downloading the HK-50 templates: The HK-51's get friendly with you, the HK-50's not. You can no longer interact with consoles. This solution is clearly 'bugged'. Downloading the HK-51 templates: While the 3 HK-51's are unfriendly (could pose issues) downloading the schematics still triggers the cutscene (our purpose). After this there are 3 possible things that can happen. 1 is a bugged ending, 1 is a bugged half-end, and there is the proper end. #1: If you had visited the HK-50 bay beforehand (4 HK-51's storm in) and killed the 3 HK-50's (or the HK-51's did, doesn't matter) there HK will now load onto Citadel in God-Mode. Even if G0-T0 will be blasted in the end, this is obviously not intended behavior. #2: If the 'arena' HK-50 is still alive his conversation will be triggered. After that either 1 or 3 is triggered depending on your previous actions. #3: If the 3 HK-50's in the HK-50 'bay' are still alive and the cutscene described in #1 hadn't run it will do so now, and a little 'enhanced' too (overlays, it's a cutscene, so no manually fighting the HK-50's etc.) and the HK-factory will actually properly end, going back to Citadel Station. As you can read the HK-Factories ending "issue" is quite complex, and not as minor as some may believe. That's it. Happy gaming! 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Pazaak 12 Posted March 3, 2011 (edited) Holy crap. "Happy gaming" indeed. Edited March 3, 2011 by Hassat Hunter removed quote Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 3, 2011 Thank you very much, Hassat Hunter, for your feedback! Are these bugs also in the version that you want to send me?? The place from where I downloaded TSLRP is this: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 19, 2011 Yup, they are all issues you may experience using TSLRP 1.0b8. Sooo... did you start/complete this playthrough yet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted March 19, 2011 I would have a headache and give up RP after checking the size of your list... Sounds like mashochism playing it, the dead-endings, bugs and etc give me the creeps, almost sound like TSL is an evil spirit in a form of a game, which only objective is to create mayhem and despair towards my mind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catagurin 11 Posted March 19, 2011 I would have a headache and give up RP after checking the size of your list... Sounds like mashochism playing it, the dead-endings, bugs and etc give me the creeps, almost sound like TSL is an evil spirit in a form of a game, which only objective is to create mayhem and despair towards my mind. Yeah, it was terrible to play that thing:( Bur there were some cool things like the Handmaiden and Atton fight cutscene and the GenoHaradan. Otherwise, TSLRCM is much better than TSLRP. As everyone likes to say: "Thank you again Dashus for sucking so bad"!!! As I like to say now: Zbyl2 and Stoney are the BEEEEEST!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 19, 2011 There are those nice little touches which we should (IMO) probably replicate (Like playin Pazaak with Atton, the mind-reading cutscene leading up to Malachor). The GenoHaradan kinda suck there though (they appear a few times on Telos and then suddenly before going to Malachor? Major dissapearance and plot-speed-interuption). I would do a replay to find these nice tweaks but I fear Kotor-fatigue, and I don't want to rush my 1.8 testing once that starts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 20, 2011 (edited) O_O The amount of bugs in that thing sound like the thing of nightmares. Good god. Kind of related: is there any way that the dialog/audio files could be spliced so NPCs will refer to Revan as "she" if Revan was set to female? I usually like to set Revan as female since that was my favorite way to play KOTOR and it really bugs me when I hear references to the wrong gender. Edited March 20, 2011 by jjo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 20, 2011 Kind of related: is there any way that the dialog/audio files could be spliced so NPCs will refer to Revan as "she" if Revan was set to female? I usually like to set Revan as female since that was my favorite way to play KOTOR and it really bugs me when I references to the wrong gender. Heh, I was just thinking about that yesterday. Sure, a good splicer could probably do that. Do we have any? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted March 20, 2011 Yeah, i thought about that too, dunno if its what i am forgotting, maybe it is; Just make a post or something to everyone see, asking for someone who can edit sounds, i.e. works with music and related stuff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 20, 2011 Heh, I was just thinking about that yesterday. Sure, a good splicer could probably do that. Do we have any? If I knew anything about modding, I would volunteer to do it. But knowing me, I'd probably cause my game to explode into a BFBVFS if I tried. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites