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Sith Holocron

What's your order of planets for TSL and why?

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1. Peargus (Obviously)

2. Telos (Obviously)


3. Coruscant (For some very unbalanced loot)


4. Dantooine (Crystal Cave and Killing Vrook)

5. Korriban (At this point you are strong enough to enter the secret tomb)

6. Nar Shadda (At this point you should have enough influence with Atton to make him a Jedi)

7. Dxun/Onderon (Always do this last, don't know why)


8. Dxun/Onderon (Obviously)



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Guest Allison Lightning

Obviously Peragus (which I really like, incidentally and I felt the same about Taris) and then Telos but the second I can pick for myself...


1. Nar Shaarda- I get to make Atton a jedi, I get Mira and can make her a jedi and this planet my favourite. This planet has a vibriant, distinct feel and despite the glitching, it's fun as a LS Exile and wicked fun dark side.


2. Dantooine- Unfortunately, this is where I get the Disciple over Atton and I really wish there was a point you could restore that has you going I'm just not into you. At least you could upset Juhani and she would stop talking to you. Otherwise this world is great, apart from not getting to kill Vrook if you're a lightsider and his dismissal of you is just so narrow minded. He was at least a little nice to Revan, but it factors in with the whole wound on the Force.


3. Dxun/ Onderon- The Mandolorians are great but I can never take this set until I am with a full Jedi party with trained members because of the Freedon Nad tomb and the Sith Lords within. It really does show the difference between your supercharged lead character and your party members. I'd leave some of them in their base classes but they aren't very useful that way which is disapointing. Have yet to complete this with TSLRCM.


4. Korriban- It is the smallest world feel and it does feel like the note to go out on before your endgame. To attack yourself is genuinely strange and the vision offers a challenge. I liked the whole Sion/Exile pursuit through the whole game and these characters don't get to cross all that much but he is my favourite Sith Lord.


And then the endgame Telos, Ravager and Malachor V.

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