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Malachor Influence-Related Cutscenes

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Guest staticjoe66
Okay, lemme get this straight. So you saw Kreia corrupting Brianna twice on the Hawk, right?



Yep--I also got the EH cutscene in which Brianna confronts Visas over the Exile.




Did you also see Kreia leaving with Brianna after she talks to Atris?



Brianna left Dantooine with Kreia but will have to load up that save later after I get home because I don't recall if Kreia talked to Brianna or no before I confronted Atris--I let Sion kill Atton and was wondering if that had anything to do with it.



EDIT : I had to kill Kavar again--oh well--but after I did that and before going back to Dantooine I talked to Brianna...we had a little talk about trust...then back on Telos after Kreia talked to Atris Kreia and Brianna left together for think I'll be seeing a catfight in the near future... :cool:




Okay, lemme get this straight. So you saw Kreia corrupting Brianna twice on the Hawk, right? Did you also see Kreia leaving with Brianna after she talks to Atris?


Maybe you do have to talk to Brianna on the Hawk after all. I do remember she asks you why you're so much closer to Visas than her and that triggers the second cutscene with Kreia on the Hawk.


If you got the three of those cutscenes, though, and nothing happened...I'm not sure what's wrong. :(

Edited by staticjoe66

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Guest staticjoe66

Brianna is a jealous one, isn't she...?? ;) TYSVM jjo--if it weren't for your help, I would never have found those scenes...yeah helped too... ;)




Good luck.

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No problem. I'm glad I could be of help and that you finally got to enjoy them! :)

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Also, I'll see what I can do about the weird camera stances in that cutscene :clap:.


HH, was anything ever done to fix the weird camera angles alluded to in the quote above?

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Guest TemujiN

That mod is in TSLRCM 1.7 or is another mod? if is so where i can download? sorry i am new here

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Guest staticjoe66

Good question TemujiN--I don't know if all the influence related cutscenes were in the vanilla game as I never triggered them or if one or more were restored in TSLRCM, HH can answer that question much more accurately than I can




That mod is in TSLRCM 1.7 or is another mod? if is so where i can download? sorry i am new here

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