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Guest Ci?

Help With Hk 47 Droid Factory And Malachor V

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Guest Ci?

Hello,I Have Enjoyed This Restoration Mod and l have fun on this,but now lm having some troubles,when l was on the hk 47 droid factory,I disabled the factory And I Download the hk 50 behaviour core,But on Malachor V,I got the little Remote To try to start the Mass Shadow Generator,Which then G0-T0 Appears,l though that hk 47 would come to save the day and destroy G0T0 and then,G0T0 Scrambles HK-47 And makes Hk-47 Destroy the Remote and Make Malachor still be ok,I Dont Want Malachor to still exist as a planet and That visas stay there forever teaching everyone for a war,What l do to Destroy G0T0 And Activate The mass Shadow Generator?.

Thank you

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Hello,I Have Enjoyed This Restoration Mod and l have fun on this,but now lm having some troubles,when l was on the hk 47 droid factory,I disabled the factory And I Download the hk 50 behaviour core,But on Malachor V,I got the little Remote To try to start the Mass Shadow Generator,Which then G0-T0 Appears,l though that hk 47 would come to save the day and destroy G0T0 and then,G0T0 Scrambles HK-47 And makes Hk-47 Destroy the Remote and Make Malachor still be ok,I Dont Want Malachor to still exist as a planet and That visas stay there forever teaching everyone for a war,What l do to Destroy G0T0 And Activate The mass Shadow Generator?.

Thank you


You downloaded the new behavior core. Don't do that. I think you also have to side with the HK-51's. Maybe, not sure on that one.

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Guest staticjoe66
You downloaded the new behavior core. Don't do that. I think you also have to side with the HK-51's. Maybe, not sure on that one.


Correct--you download the HK-51 combat upgrades but you upload HK-47's behavior core, that turns the 51's against the 50's



Hello,I Have Enjoyed This Restoration Mod and l have fun on this,but now lm having some troubles,when l was on the hk 47 droid factory,I disabled the factory And I Download the hk 50 behaviour core,But on Malachor V,I got the little Remote To try to start the Mass Shadow Generator,Which then G0-T0 Appears,l though that hk 47 would come to save the day and destroy G0T0 and then,G0T0 Scrambles HK-47 And makes Hk-47 Destroy the Remote and Make Malachor still be ok,I Dont Want Malachor to still exist as a planet and That visas stay there forever teaching everyone for a war,What l do to Destroy G0T0 And Activate The mass Shadow Generator?.

Thank you



In order to have HK-47 and the 50's get Goto ready for Raxus Prime on Malachor, you have to first restart the 51 production line then upload HK-47's behavior core to the 51's and finally bring the 51's online--you'll know you did this correctly when you see a specific cutscene...when you see that cutscene is when you know later Goto will get scrapped

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Correct--you download the HK-51 combat upgrades but you upload HK-47's behavior core, that turns the 51's against the 50's






In order to have HK-47 and the 50's get Goto ready for Raxus Prime on Malachor, you have to first restart the 51 production line then upload HK-47's behavior core to the 51's and finally bring the 51's online--you'll know you did this correctly when you see a specific cutscene...when you see that cutscene is when you know later Goto will get scrapped


I had a problem with doing this - when I tried to upoad HK-47's programming to the HK-51 platform, the console just kept telling me it had errors and wouldn't work. i was forced to kill all the HKs =/


is that because i reactivated the HK-50s before trying to upload HK-47's programming?


I also didn't seem to have the option to upload HK-47's programming into the HK-50s. Or maybe I did and I am mistaken?


Last question: When I downloaded the HK-50 program to HK-47, he "became" an HK-50 and was all "I have no personality," blah blah blah etcetera. ... Later on, he is just magically HK-47 again? Can someone explain this to me? I don't really understand how he gets the HK-50 programming "out." Or is that a glitch/deleted content issue, and there was supposed to be a provided explanation?

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Guest staticjoe66
is that because i reactivated the HK-50s before trying to upload HK-47's programming?


Just to clarify, you want to reactivate the HK-51's not the 50's although I'm sure that's what you meant.



is that because i reactivated the HK-50s before trying to upload HK-47's programming?


I also didn't seem to have the option to upload HK-47's programming into the HK-50s. Or maybe I did and I am mistaken?



In my playthroughs I've had to do this several different ways so your mileage may, and probably will, vary so save often and try not to overwrite them in case you need to backtrack. The first thing you need to do is resume production of the HK-51 line--in my last playthrough I had to do this at the same terminal from which you get the 51 specs then pull the chain to have your self-preservation program removed. In other playthroughs I was able to do everything from the 51 terminal so again your game may be different and don't forget to save often. After that, once you get to the factory floor, the big room in which the 50's first talk to you then shoot you once they start firing run to your RIGHT--that is the 51 side and where you need to be.


There will be a little room with a scrapped 50--you need that datapad so grab it. Once you're at the 51's manufacturing terminal what I usually do first is download the 51 combat upgrades THEN upload HK-47's behavior template--you must do this BEFORE you power up the 51's. AFTER you've downloaded the upgrades AND uploaded 47's behavior template THEN power up the 51's.


After you've powered them up go deal with the 50's in the big center area then on the other side. When you get to the room with the HK-50 terminal you should get another cutscene in which HK-47 talks to the 50's and the 51's show up and help you kill the 50's--when you see that scene, you will then see Goto get scrapped on Malachor









I had a problem with doing this - when I tried to upoad HK-47's programming to the HK-51 platform, the console just kept telling me it had errors and wouldn't work. i was forced to kill all the HKs =/


is that because i reactivated the HK-50s before trying to upload HK-47's programming?


I also didn't seem to have the option to upload HK-47's programming into the HK-50s. Or maybe I did and I am mistaken?


Last question: When I downloaded the HK-50 program to HK-47, he "became" an HK-50 and was all "I have no personality," blah blah blah etcetera. ... Later on, he is just magically HK-47 again? Can someone explain this to me? I don't really understand how he gets the HK-50 programming "out." Or is that a glitch/deleted content issue, and there was supposed to be a provided explanation?

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Just to clarify, you want to reactivate the HK-51's not the 50's although I'm sure that's what you meant.






In my playthroughs I've had to do this several different ways so your mileage may, and probably will, vary so save often and try not to overwrite them in case you need to backtrack. The first thing you need to do is resume production of the HK-51 line--in my last playthrough I had to do this at the same terminal from which you get the 51 specs then pull the chain to have your self-preservation program removed. In other playthroughs I was able to do everything from the 51 terminal so again your game may be different and don't forget to save often. After that, once you get to the factory floor, the big room in which the 50's first talk to you then shoot you once they start firing run to your RIGHT--that is the 51 side and where you need to be.


There will be a little room with a scrapped 50--you need that datapad so grab it. Once you're at the 51's manufacturing terminal what I usually do first is download the 51 combat upgrades THEN upload HK-47's behavior template--you must do this BEFORE you power up the 51's. AFTER you've downloaded the upgrades AND uploaded 47's behavior template THEN power up the 51's.


After you've powered them up go deal with the 50's in the big center area then on the other side. When you get to the room with the HK-50 terminal you should get another cutscene in which HK-47 talks to the 50's and the 51's show up and help you kill the 50's--when you see that scene, you will then see Goto get scrapped on Malachor


Aha. I powered them up before downloading the core, that must be the main problem I was having. I understand. Thanks for the clarification!


But I thought there was supposed to be a THIRD conclusion to the droid factory, where HK gets the 50s to team up with him, and uses them to fight the 51s? Or is that not true?

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Guest staticjoe66
But I thought there was supposed to be a THIRD conclusion to the droid factory, where HK gets the 50s to team up with him, and uses them to fight the 51s? Or is that not true?



HH (Hassat Hunter) or someone else can answer this question much more accurately than I can--it's my understanding shutting down the entire factory is the LS ending while recruiting the 51's is the DS ending, but I could be any case I always recruit the 51's because I HATE Goto and LOVE to see him get blasted on Malachor





Aha. I powered them up before downloading the core, that must be the main problem I was having. I understand. Thanks for the clarification!


But I thought there was supposed to be a THIRD conclusion to the droid factory, where HK gets the 50s to team up with him, and uses them to fight the 51s? Or is that not true?

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HH (Hassat Hunter) or someone else can answer this question much more accurately than I can--it's my understanding shutting down the entire factory is the LS ending while recruiting the 51's is the DS ending, but I could be any case I always recruit the 51's because I HATE Goto and LOVE to see him get blasted on Malachor


Nosir, keeping the 51s online HAS to be the LS ending... If you shut down the whole factory, HK gets beaten by Goto, the remote loses and Malachor stays intact. That is pretty DS!

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Guest staticjoe66

I see your point and to a extent agree with it but we also need to keep in mind HK-47 is a DS character and to get influence with him you pretty much have to stay on a dark path. As you level up HK-47 his assassination protocols return so by resuming the HK-51 production line and then uploading his behavior core to them essentially what you've done is created an entirely new army of assassination droids, HK-47 pretty much confirms this in a cutscene as you leave the factory





Nosir, keeping the 51s online HAS to be the LS ending... If you shut down the whole factory, HK gets beaten by Goto, the remote loses and Malachor stays intact. That is pretty DS!

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Remember with TSLRCM there is no DS/LS ending, just Remote lives/Remote dies.


And the HK-50 ending was in 1.4, but it didn't really make sense for HK to team up with them seeing how he goes down there to murder them all in the first place, so it got scrapped when we updated the factory in a later version.

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On my first time through the factory I shut down both lines and blew up the terminals and the remote got smoked.

The second time I downloaded the 47 to the 51 line, shut down the 50 line and found a lot of 51s in the main control room. Goto got smoked.

The third time I did as before but I blew up the terminal in the 51 room. I did the 50 side and also blew up the terminal. I went to the main room and there were no units there. I shut down the factory and left. The 51s showed up and smoked Goto.


So there are three different ways to deal with the factory with two outcomes for GOTO. So the best outcome for me is to blow up the lines, shut down the factory and blow GOTO to bits.

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Guest staticjoe66
The third time I did as before but I blew up the terminal in the 51 room. I did the 50 side and also blew up the terminal. I went to the main room and there were no units there. I shut down the factory and left. The 51s showed up and smoked Goto.




This is very interesting...




On my first time through the factory I shut down both lines and blew up the terminals and the remote got smoked.

The second time I downloaded the 47 to the 51 line, shut down the 50 line and found a lot of 51s in the main control room. Goto got smoked.

The third time I did as before but I blew up the terminal in the 51 room. I did the 50 side and also blew up the terminal. I went to the main room and there were no units there. I shut down the factory and left. The 51s showed up and smoked Goto.


So there are three different ways to deal with the factory with two outcomes for GOTO. So the best outcome for me is to blow up the lines, shut down the factory and blow GOTO to bits.

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Pfff, there are more endings than the mere 3.


Although it's kind of a shame "living" hostile HK-51's don't haunt you down. Something for 1.8 or the Malachor V mod?

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Guest staticjoe66

Interesting point HH and I can definitely see where that would be a possibility especially if one uploads HK-47's behavior core to them as during one of his dialogue trees 47 mentions watching the Exile should the time ever come 47 needs to assassinate the Exile...




Pfff, there are more endings than the mere 3.


Although it's kind of a shame "living" hostile HK-51's don't haunt you down. Something for 1.8 or the Malachor V mod?

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Pfff, there are more endings than the mere 3.


Looks like I have some more playing to do. I only went through it those three times. Fortunately I have a save just before HK-47 enters the manufacturing area.If I can reach back almost 50 years, I might find the high school math to figure out exactly how many endings are possible. However, for some reason my memories of the 60's are a little fuzzy. Well, maybe more than a little.

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Guest Zander

Looks like I have some more playing to do. I only went through it those three times. Fortunately I have a save just before HK-47 enters the manufacturing area.If I can reach back almost 50 years, I might find the high school math to figure out exactly how many endings are possible. However, for some reason my memories of the 60's are a little fuzzy. Well, maybe more than a little.


If you can remember the 60's, you didn't "live" them, I've always been told. :)

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I see your point and to a extent agree with it but we also need to keep in mind HK-47 is a DS character and to get influence with him you pretty much have to stay on a dark path. As you level up HK-47 his assassination protocols return so by resuming the HK-51 production line and then uploading his behavior core to them essentially what you've done is created an entirely new army of assassination droids, HK-47 pretty much confirms this in a cutscene as you leave the factory



Hehe, I actually was lightside but did a few dark actions on the way to gain influence with everyone; as a result, HK is now lightside for me XD.


Just wondering, is the special HK armor and assassin rifle I got at the droid factory always there each playthrough? And I've also heard online that the sound files suggest that HK and the HK-50s could destroy the Remote instead.

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Guest staticjoe66

Oh definitely, me too--I ALWAYS fudge the salvager's will on Dantooine to get the swag, I also kill Akarre to get this thorium charges for the cache on Dxun.



According to HH you should get the Capacitor armor at a specific drop point but where that is I have no idea--to be honest I don't pay any attention to it until I get to the HK factory as 47 doesn't really need that armor on Dxun or Nar Shaddaa and because of all the Sith Assassins I don't use 47 at all on Korriban.



If there is a specific drop point for the rifle I would have no idea where that is either--I go through the factory with HK-47 having Master Rapid Shot weilding 2 anti-droid blasters or disintegrators, the Mandalorian disintegrator works wonderfully if you get lucky enough to have one. On Dxun and Nar Shaddaa I usually arm him with the best rifle in my inventory--levelling up Mandalore I first max Two-Weapon Fighting and Master Rapid Shot, then on Dantooine I pick a fight with the mercenary then kill him grabbing his Riot Gun giving that to Mandalore.



I would be very interested in having HK-47 and the 51's destroy both Goto and Bao-Dur's remote--I recruit the 51's because there is no character in TSL I hate more than Goto, I find him so utterly annoying and completely useless





Hehe, I actually was lightside but did a few dark actions on the way to gain influence with everyone; as a result, HK is now lightside for me XD.


Just wondering, is the special HK armor and assassin rifle I got at the droid factory always there each playthrough? And I've also heard online that the sound files suggest that HK and the HK-50s could destroy the Remote instead.

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The HK-51's can show up at Malachor and help destroy Remote.

The HK-50's can't though IIRC in the recent version of TSLRCM, they could in older ones...

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Guest staticjoe66
The HK-51's can show up at Malachor and help destroy Remote.


Would I be correct in presuming this happens if you do not upload HK-47's behavior core to them...??




The HK-51's can show up at Malachor and help destroy Remote.

The HK-50's can't though IIRC in the recent version of TSLRCM, they could in older ones...

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So how do I get the ending where Malachor is destroyed?


I played RCM the first time without knowing the significance of the HK factory, I think I did not activate the HK-51's and destroyed both terminals, and I got the ending where Malachor was not destroyed (this was with 1.6a though).


So for future playthroughs (with 1.7), can someone explain what you have to do in the HK factory to get each ending, especially the one where the mass shadow generator is activated and Malachor destoryed?


(I thought it would fit in this thread instead of making a new one)

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color="#FFFF00"]Would I be correct in presuming this happens if you do not upload HK-47's behavior core to them...??[/color]

Oops, my bad. It's meant to read "Goto", not "Remote"

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