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Guest mr_dad

KOTOR Episode IV V.O. Tryouts

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Guest mr_dad

Inspired by Kaydon Sentry's KOTOR 1 Movie Trilogy, I began work on a Trilogy of my own based on KOTOR 2. I need voice actors for two characters.


Janis Krue(Darth Sion's Apprentice)Female


Captain Rejin(Captain of the Ravenger. Second only to Nihilus and his apprentice.)Male

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Guest JediExile

Sounds interesting! I'd like to know more about your project, too...

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Is that the youtube movies trying to make a Film out of the game?

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Inspired by Kaydon Sentry's KOTOR 1 Movie Trilogy, I began work on a Trilogy of my own based on KOTOR 2. I need voice actors for two characters.


Janis Krue(Darth Sion's Apprentice)Female


Captain Rejin(Captain of the Ravenger. Second only to Nihilus and his apprentice.)Male


You know, I've passed by that guys channel about a thousand times, and always wondered what they were. After doing some research, I've found they're incredibly popular, but what are they exactly?


Just the game put in the form of the movie? Like you're basically just watching a playthrough of the actual game? Only, y'know, more cinematic-like? I'm a little a confused here.

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Guest mr_dad

I've shut down this project so...bye.

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