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Guest HaVoKeR

Ultimate Balancing Mod [WIP]

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Guest HaVoKeR

Ok, so, now i am back and up to more work in my mod... 1.60 is out, and maybe its final, so if anyone has something to say do it now or shush forever. =)

I'm sorry if i have made updates too fast and someone didn't had the opportunity to finish the game without having a new load of changes and corrections in the mod.


And now i ask for some knowledge:

HELP! I need a way to nerf/remove battle precognition (the feat Handmaiden gives to you) for my Mod, most of my work is useless when the Exile is a god that don't get hit by anything except tough bosses.

The other thing i wanted to ask is; anyone has an idea for enforcing the game to don't let you equip shields in battle? - you still can activate them through the character screen - but if at least you can't equip new ones all the time, the game might get more challenging...


That's all folks, thank you for playing. ^.^

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Since my third or fourth crossing of this adventure I never used any shields nor for the Exile nor for anyone else.


And I had to go through this adventure 100-150 times, fully, every fight being made, at every go through, about 10 to 50 times.


So, for various reasons of testing I have done every fight at least 1500 times!


I have the distinct impression that every time you use a shield or a grenade, the next lottery distributes a shield or a grenade to replace what was consumed. However I prefer that the lottery distributes objects to me increasing my skills or my characteristics, or useful objects.


I called it a "lottery under influence ". I am not sure of myself because I never put my fingers in the scripts but it seems to me that the lottery look at what is in inventory and what has been used recently.


And it seems to me that there are other "influences" (if you equip yourself with a belt before you open a module first, then enter the new module, it seems to me that we increase the chances of finding a belt in the next lottery etc ....)


1 / Does someone can confirm this impression


2 / A mod that completely remove the use of shields would be welcome (but not the ability, for Bao-Dur, of making unlimited shields because we need them for components).

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Guest HaVoKeR

And why does this fit in my topic? you mean that WITH my mod you dont need to use shields? that cant be true, enemies with blasters/sabers can hit you for 150~250 in malachor, and there are other difficult parts, i had a nice and extensive work on that enemies, and my exile was hell strong... Anyway with this mod you cant see that monstruous looking shields in your skin, but you still need them to make the game completable...

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I suggested that it would be nice to simply have a function completely removing the shields from the game, this to harden it a bit (and not have these ridiculous graphic effects, which make the characters look like Christmas trees when shield is active).


This in addition to other functions, active or not, in your mod.

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Guest HaVoKeR

I suggested that it would be nice to simply have a function completely removing the shields from the game, this to harden it a bit (and not have these ridiculous graphic effects, which make the characters look like Christmas trees when shield is active).


This in addition to other functions, active or not, in your mod.


It seems that you didnt tested/readed the description of my mod yet, it already does that, theres no effects in the characters appearance when shields are activated, only in the droids, but droids with shields make sense, so i left it as it was.

And if you try my mod, and dont use any shields... your going to have a hard time in some parts. There was many battles that i had to reactivate the shield each round (by pausing/using it in the inventory screen =p, yeh its kind of a game exploit)... doing so was the only way to defeat the battle, for real. And my party were really tough already. I had a special hard time in HK factory with my mod... install it and your going to see what i mean.

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It seems that you didnt tested/readed the description of my mod yet, it already does that, theres no effects in the characters appearance when shields are activated, only in the droids, but droids with shields make sense, so i left it as it was.

And if you try my mod, and dont use any shields... your going to have a hard time in some parts. There was many battles that i had to reactivate the shield each round (by pausing/using it in the inventory screen =p, yeh its kind of a game exploit)... doing so was the only way to defeat the battle, for real. And my party were really tough already. I had a special hard time in HK factory with my mod... install it and your going to see what i mean.



Shields were definately useful to me, mostly facing master Vrook. I couldn't go without them right now since i'm a skill based character, I need extra protection.


Now on topic is it normal that I couldnt go advanced class until level 24? Or is it related to my lack of alignment? Because I went LS on nar shaddaa to get mira then went DS... now im a sentinel 24/assassin 3 it never happened to me before...

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You have to be very advanced in DS OR LS to trigger a dialog with Kreia at level 15 (speak to her...). You can also tweak your alignment with KSE to be sure to get this... and tweak it back.

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Can i get this topic removed? i created another one and this one is totally useless and outdated. No useful info it seems.

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