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Custom Audio Not Playing

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OKAY! I PROMISE! This will be the LAST thing I need help on *let's hope*. I have  custom audio files used as a voice in dialogue, I put them in my StreamVoice folder, they're .mp3 files. They won't play at all for some weird reason. Could anyone help? I have the audio files here if anyone wants check what's up with them... They won't play for the dialogue at all, I ticked the sound exists for all of them. I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated.





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Make sure that your files are uncompressed stereo mp3 files. That's what TSL needs AFAIK.


Also, have a look at these two threads. Maybe they can provide further information on the specifics of TSL soundfiles.

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Make sure that your files are uncompressed stereo mp3 files. That's what TSL needs AFAIK.


Also, have a look at these two threads. Maybe they can provide further information on the specifics of TSL soundfiles.

Took a look at them. Tried these methods several times and it wouldn't work.. strange. If I can't get it to work then I'll find my way around the dialog. I tried decompressing them and saving them as either .WAV or .MP3. Isn't working. I'm so terrible XD. I'll see what else I can do... Sorry for troubling you.

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