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Questions about making a mod

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I've never modded KOTOR, so bear with me.


Here's what I want to do:


I want to change HK-47's class, attributes, and feats as well as feat progression. I'm working on the details now, but the gist of it is that HK is an assassin droid, and as such he should have stealth and melee capabilities, and I think he should (possibly) be able to wield lightsabers owing to his origins (think General Grievous.) With that in mind he should be similar to a Scout - good with skills, better feat progression than Scoundrel but not as overpowered as a perfect Soldier. Maybe even grant him Sneak Attack tree - he is, after all, an assassin droid. 


I don't want to change his class though - or at least, his class name. Can I make a custom class with its own feats (basically Combat Droid but with Melee proficiency tree) and then set HK's class to that custom class?


What tool do I need to do this? I can work with a GUI tool, but anything involving scripting, assembly, or coding is off the table. 


Where are the tutorials? I've tried googling but all I get are tutorials for tools with dead links and downloads. 

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First you'll need the KotORTool by Fred Tetra. It should be on this site somewhere.

There is also a HK47 melee weapons mod out there that should already do most of what you want for KotOR. A quick google search will find the mod. I don't remember if there is a KotOR2 version.


Using the KotORTool you'll need to edit the .UTC files for HK47. It should be p_hk47.utc for KotOR but I don't remember what it is for KotOR2. You'll be able to change many of HK's beginning attributes, skills, feats, etc editing that file alone, so play around with that until you've got HK exactly how you want him.


To change his feats progression, you'll need to use the KotORTool to edit the feat.2da file. This will let you change how many feats per level up character classes get. Since HK is the only character using the combat droid class, you can give him whatever amount you want.

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This has been very informative, ChrisC26; thanks. 


I found the mod you mentioned and installed it, but it goes about what I want to do in a different way by adding items, rather than implementing the feat trees in a custom class. I'm going to get ahold of the mod author and see if I can expand on his work, since I wouldn't be able to mess with animations or anything like that. 

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You can still expand on it personally, just not release it without the author's blessing.

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