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...all that the Force is... and only when it was ripped from me...

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Atton goes to Kreia, in the EH, to tell her that he has all says to the Exile about the murder of a female Jedi who reveal him the Force he has in him.


I did not remember having met this branch of dialog in


Module 003EBO

File 003EBO_DLG.erf

Dialog attkreia.dlg

StrRef 120896


Kreia to Atton, in the Ebon Hawk

I saw all of that, all that the Force is... and only when it was ripped from me did I truly see it.


I do not see any condition to meet it.


Did I miss something ?


I am having a study on the notion of "rip the link to the Force" in K2.


This whole story is running around this notion of connection ripped. Her nine years of thinkings in the Trayus Academy Trayus on the ability to survive without the Force, her teachings to the "New Sith" and their methods of attack, her choice of the Exile to destroy Nihilus once the Jedi Order is obliterated from the Galaxy ...



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It's not included.


I know Zbyl and Stoney did talk about implenting it once though, but I don't know what the conclusion was of that convo...

EDIT: Nvm, it's included in 1.7. That's what I get for looking at the 1.6 file.

Edited by Hassat Hunter
It's in 1.7

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it's included in 1.7. That's what I get for looking at the 1.6 file.


Do the French speaking have the right one?



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I don't know. Is that a screen from 003EBO_DLG.erf or 003EBO.MOD?


Arrrgggh ! dlg ! I think.


I have replace some dlg from erf by dlg extrated from mod but they are so many that I do that time by time and I do not remember where I am.


And FindRef Util don't search in .mod !


I'll see at that tomorow. Too tired at that time.

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