
How to have a character walking around in a module?

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Like Suvam Tan does in Yavin, walking around and performing an animation. How do I get a custom character to do that? 

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I do not have all of my resources on me at the moment (you'd think I had them all on a flashdrive around my neck by now...), but I can tell you the basic idea of it:


1. Make X waypoints in the .git file of the level in question. You'd change the tag of the waypoint, but the basic theory on the waypoints: "wp_ marks>_##" where ## is between "01" (yes, the 0 is required if it's under 10) and X.

2. Copy the k_def_spawn01.nss file (I think that's the name?) and rename it. Open it up and there should be several lines about walking, so listen to the comments and do what they say. At or near the bottom should be something like "GN_WalkWayPoints();". This needs to be uncommented (so no // marks).

3. Compile the script and enter the new filename, minus the extension, in the OnSpawn Script Slot of the .utc file.


Put everything in the Override folder (unless you want to put the .git file in the .mod or .rim) and test. *crosses fingers*



Edit: In lieu of my resources, I will use my past self! :D http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2776-npc-waypoint-walking/?hl=%2Bwalk+%2Bwaypoints

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I do not have all of my resources on me at the moment (you'd think I had them all on a flashdrive around my neck by now...), but I can tell you the basic idea of it:


1. Make X waypoints in the .git file of the level in question. You'd change the tag of the waypoint, but the basic theory on the waypoints: "wp_<tag of character, don't use the <> marks>_##" where ## is between "01" (yes, the 0 is required if it's under 10) and X.

2. Copy the k_def_spawn01.nss file (I think that's the name?) and rename it. Open it up and there should be several lines about walking, so listen to the comments and do what they say. At or near the bottom should be something like "GN_WalkWayPoints();". This needs to be uncommented (so no // marks).

3. Compile the script and enter the new filename, minus the extension, in the OnSpawn Script Slot of the .utc file.


Put everything in the Override folder (unless you want to put the .git file in the .mod or .rim) and test. *crosses fingers*



Edit: In lieu of my resources, I will use my past self! :D http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2776-npc-waypoint-walking/?hl=%2Bwalk+%2Bwaypoints


Thanks for your help!

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