
Break The Limit! - A New World For Modding! (Maybe)

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Dear delightful modding community,


I have had a small yet pertinent question about the state of Kotor modding. Is there a way to expand the scripting capabilities of Kotor like SKSE did for Skyrim?


In similar manner, is it possible to add new animations to Kotor similar to what FNIS did for skyrim?


I apologize if these are ignorant questions, I am not aware of Kotor's limitations and was curious about the answer.

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I think you might find this thread enlightening.    http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4823-questions-about-the-future-of-kotortsl-modding/

especially what Hunter Run says, "Actually, you can create brand new animations without replacing any by adding new lines to animations.2da. The caveat is that this only works for tsl and dialogue(I don't know if you can trigger new combat animations)."

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But again, that's TSL only.


As to something like SKSE, we'd need to tamper with or inject into the operating code of the game, in addition to needing to know the game's interpretation of the .ncs bytecode. Similarly, this would need to be done with nwnnsscomp.exe as well to compile our scripts (or just build a new compiler ourselves).

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i'd personally say "anything is possible", but even from the view of someone who has done very little scripting in life, I can tell you that doing something that huge would be no small effort!

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