
Any way to clean a saved game's cache?

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If i understand correctly, every file in the override folder is used instead of the original one but only if it is there the first time you come into a new area. Afterwards, only the first file chosen is applied. Is there any way to clean this cache so new files in the override folder can be used once again?

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I don't think so. But the priority between savegame, override, .mod files and vanilla files is also different for different file types.


Textures and models for example are not in the savegame and will always come from override > .mod > vanilla. The same goes for scripts, 2da-files and dialogs, while stuff like .ut* files need a savegame where they haven't been loaded yet. Then again .git files are also stored in the savegame but in their case the priority is override > savegame > .mod > vanilla, so placing a .git in the override will actually reset that area everytime you enter / load it.


Long story short, it isn't possible but also not necessary for all files.

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I was thinking more in the way of re-loading newly modified utcs in an area already visited. Is this possible by any chance?

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I will assume you have KotOR Tool itself since you're modding. First there are some options that you want to make sure you have turned on in the Options menu (Tools->Options):


Turn ON "Show Module Descriptions".


Turn ON "Show Module Locations".


After this, where you go depends on something: do you have .mod files or .rim files in your Modules folder?


The .rim files are shown in the RIMs->Modules branch of KotOR Tool. The .mod files (which are the modded versions of the levels) are in the ERFs->Modules) branch.


Once you search both of these (I'd search the RIMs first, at least to know which module you'd need in the .mod section) and find your area, you can extract your .git file.


If it's from a .rim file, you'd need to go into the "Dynamic Area Info" branch. For example, the Endar Spire's first level would be like so: "KotOR 1->RIMs->Modules->end_m01aa.rim->Dynamic Area Info->m01aa.git".


If it's from a .mod file, you'd need to go into the M branch (KotOR Tool shows the .mod files' contents in alphabetical order, rather than by file type) and grab the .git file there. Again using the first Endar Spire level as an example: "KotOR 1->ERFs->Modules->end_m01aa.mod->M->m01aa.git".


Once you find the file, you'd simply hit the Extract button and send it to the Override folder. I will warn you to ONLY do this while testing a mod, as it will screw a normal game up.

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