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Any Gamestopping Bugs in 1.6 After Nar-Shadda Fix?

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Are there any gamestopping bugs in TSLRCM 1.6 after the Nar-Shadda Fix? If so, are there any workarounds? I'm asking because I don't think I want to install 1.7 due to the incompatibilility with Ulic's Prologue, Peragus, and Harbinger Mod. There are numerous fixes in Ulic's mod that aren't present in 1.7, and the game just feels wrong without them.

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There are numerous fixes in Ulic's mod that aren't present in 1.7, and the game just feels wrong without them.

Such as? (Hopefully you can list all of them)

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Such as? (Hopefully you can list all of them)


Well, for starters, when you first look in the fuel line camera at the Peragus fuel depot (when you meet the HK50), you should see T3M4 in the fuel line but he isn't there in the vanila game due to a scripting oversight by the devs. Ulic fixed this in his mod, but when I installed TSLRCM v1.7, T3 wasn't there when I looked in the camera. I'm pretty sure I installed the mod correctly, since the launcher changed. I'm pretty sure there were others instances too, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Maybe it was caused by a mod I have installed? (I have VP's Peragus tweak mod installed, if that makes any difference.)


I'm sorry I'm not being more help here, but I wasn't paying close attention to small details when I was playing through 1.7.

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If you think a correction to single minor problem is preferable to 2000 or 3000 corrections and major restorations, it's your problem.


TSLRCM 1.7 supersedes alone dozens of disparate mod.


And 1.7 fixes 1.6 and goes much further.

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All right, now that I've had a chance to go back through KOTOR 2 again with TSLRCM 1.7 installed, I've discovered some more Peragus fixes that were present in Ulic's mod, that aren't present in 1.7.



* When viewing the Administrator's hololog in the Administration Level, the third hololog has the Administrator in a "wounded" animation for the first few lines of the dialogue.


* When you contact T3M4 over the com for the first time after freeing Atton, all of the camera shots of the PC have the "comlink" overlay applied to it. This should only occur for T3M4.


* When you see T3 in the fuel line when looking through the camera in the Maintenance area, he isn't in the camera view.



Nitpicking things, I know, but to someone who's been playing with Ulic's mod for as long as I have, it's jarring to suddenly not have these features there anymore. If you could include these in a fix or the next patch, then I would be grateful.

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They are all fixed before 1.7, but the installer was missing a few files sadly enough.


Though it would be an easy fix for the next version, since all fixes are already made and ready.

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