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Guest Darth Tartarus

Escape Mining Facility?

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Guest Darth Tartarus

While looking through KSE, I found the following quests:

Escape Mining Facility


Entry 1: You are trapped inside a series of mining shafts below the surface of Telos. You've been contacted by one of the miners, Mira, who called you on the comlink for assistance.


Entry 2: You have reached Mira and the exit of the mining tunnels. You promptly attacked her as soon as you found her.


Entry 3: You have reached Mira and the exit of the mining tunnels. You rescued her, and she was grateful.


Is this an unrestored quest? Or is it part of some mod that I uninstalled a while ago and forgot?

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Those are the strings ref. 50345 to 50348.

Seem not to be used at all.

Probably an abandoned project of a quest.


Hassat Hunter should know more: dialogue between the two characters, if they still exist in the files. But, if the material still existed, my hand to cut that the team would have restored it.


But it should be interesting to meet the single survivor of the pockets of poison gas and of the assassin droids that HK-50 launched toward the miners, and hear her point of view in order to add progression steps in an other quest : "Recent History".


Perhaps something replaced by the Atton's dialogs


I've always wondered, and I still wonder, if this joke from Atton (who appears only if you have completely finished the game more than 3 times) has a meaning beyond being a mere joke. I don’t have time to make researches about that (and, perhaps, there is nothing to find).


"I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually slated for a spin-off to Jedi Knight, but I don't want to talk about what happened *there.*"

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Part of this quest was used as E3 demo, there's not really much left of it in game files.

You can watch part of it here

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While looking through KSE, I found the following quests:

Escape Mining Facility


Entry 1: You are trapped inside a series of mining shafts below the surface of Telos. You've been contacted by one of the miners, Mira, who called you on the comlink for assistance.


Entry 2: You have reached Mira and the exit of the mining tunnels. You promptly attacked her as soon as you found her.


Entry 3: You have reached Mira and the exit of the mining tunnels. You rescued her, and she was grateful.


Is this an unrestored quest? Or is it part of some mod that I uninstalled a while ago and forgot?


No it's not official restored content just like zbyl2 says it was used for the demo.

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