
Leviathan Diffrentiated Dialogue

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The Leviathan is one of my favorite parts in KotOR, but one of the things that always bothered me was the lack of unique dialogue based on the party member you choose to use to break your PC, Bastila, and Carth out. There are only a few instances where that dialogue comes into play (mainly with the captured Rodian) but (as an example) there should be some pretty stark differences between HK-47's and Mission's reactions and responses.


My idea was to use scripts based on the one that the game uses to identify Carth's response to getting free ("You may only be a droid, but when all this is over, I'm going to see that you get a medal for your part in this.", "If you keep getting us out of scrapes, there might be a place in the Republic Army for you, even if you are a Mandalorian.", etc. (paraphrases but you get the idea). I would use the scripts to identify which party member is the one speaking, and it would check in the appropriate part of the dialogue.tlk file, which I would modify to have all 5 possible party member's dialogue.


Problem is, I'm new to scripting, and could use a hand in working this out. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be really grateful.

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Looking at the scripts, you could actually just use the scripts themselves.


k_plev_escplot1x = Mission

k_plev_escplot2x = T3

k_plev_escplot3x = Jolee

k_plev_escplot4x = Canderous

k_plev_escplot5x = Juhani

k_plev_escplot6x = HK-47


Zaalbar's out because he's a Wookie, and obviously Carth and Bastila aren't available, so that's everyone.

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They're specific scripts and so are contained in the level itself. So they're in lev_m40aa_s.rim. You shouldn't need to worry about that, since you should just be able to put those into any dialogs in that level. And that's the only level where your party members are under your control, so there's nothing to worry about.


Besides, all the "k_plev_escplot#x" scripts do is check if the global number "Lev_Escape" is equal to #. Similarly, the "k_plev_escplot#" scripts set the "Lev_Escape" global number.


All you need to do for this to work in this level is put the script names in the previous post into the "Script that determines availability" field for your added lines.

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So all I need to do is edit the dialogue.tlk file with my added lines, and use those as the pointer scripts for the availability of those lines (besides setting the dialogue trees)?

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Yes, though you don't need to edit the dialog.tlk file if you're only interested in the mod being in English. You can just leave the String Ref in the DLG entry -1 and type your text in.

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Sorry, I still have a couple questions.


I use the conversation editor in KT, right? And what file do I edit, since I don't have to edit dialogue.tlk?

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You do not need KT's Conversation Editor (it's actually encouraged that you not use that one, especially since you can't use it for KotOR 2 dialogs). I recommend grabbing the DLG Editor from the Modding Tools section of the Downloads.


For which files to edit, you just need the dialogs themselves.


In DLG Editor, the dialog content is shown in an upper pane and you click on a line to see its properties appear in the lower pane. You can also right-click a line to add new lines under it (Entries are the red lines and are for NPCs; Replies are blue and are the player's lines).


Added lines automatically have the StrRef (lower pane, upper-right corner) set to -1, so you just need to type your text into the big box underneath.


Conditional scripts are used to make a line show up or not show up, and are marked in DLG Editor on the lower pane's far left (the "Script that determines availability" field).


One last thing: To make a line's properties actually get registered by DLG Editor, you need to click on another line in the upper pane. After that, you can save the file.

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Excellent, thank you. Looks like I'm good to go, everything seems to be working. It's simpler than i thought it would be.

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