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Guest Darth_Shan

Plz put the downloads back

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Guest Darth_Shan

I really miss the download section of Deadlystream! Is it possible to collect all mods and create a new download section?

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I really miss the download section of Deadlystream! Is it possible to collect all mods and create a new download section?


For once, the LS and DS are in total agreement. LOL

A download section would be great. Oh... and will there be a section for



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It was back for a few days ,then dissappeared again. I think Stream is still sorting things out hopefully soon it will be back again. But Getting back at least most of the mods shouldn't be a problem. Yes once I get going on M478EP again I'll start a new section for it.(actually worked on some of it today:) )

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Yes once I get going on M478EP again I'll start a new section for it.(actually worked on some of it today:) )


Slurp, that made me hungry ;) That's gonna be worth the wait. I never actually played M4-78 at all!

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Yes once I get going on M478EP again I'll start a new section for it.(actually worked on some of it today:) )

Awesome, Stoney. You just made my weekend!


BTW, TGIF & have a great weekend everybody. :)

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The downloads section is back now, well it never disappeared as such - The downloads page was there but at some stage whilst altering the style to green/black, the links for the downloads, arcade, blogs and bug tracker disappeared.


Speaking of the style, this crappy thing here is only a temporary measure, as soon as I get some spare time I'll make a better one.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't see it,I begining to think I was crazy. (OK,crazy-er)

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It's the thrid one in from the left. It says mods.


It goes - My Settings | Arcade | Mods | Blog |


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Nope, nothing here on the regular blue bar.


Is that green background already an option for us though?


EDIT: Yes, it is. And I noticed it's only an option with that skin.

EDIT2: Only got the NS fix though, not even the main mod, or the improved dialog.TLK.

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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Only got the NS fix though, not even the main mod, or the improved dialog.TLK.


Main mod is up now as well as the updated dialog.tlk(2.0)

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