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John Starbinger

Help me find Bryan Wee's T.W.O mod!

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I had this one a while back. It was a REALLY well done blaster pistol re-texture mod, but I can't seem to find it anywhere now. I don't remember where I got it from either, it could've been anywhere really, but I'm pretty sure it was not on here. This is the only picture in my Steam uploads that happens to have the pistol textures shown. I'd really like to grab it again


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Yeah I use that term incorrectly as interchangeable to mean the same thing lol. I know i've used a few of hers in the past. This mod had one for all blaster pistols, some of them were really nice looking. That one with the red textures stood out from the others. Can't remember which vanilla blaster it replaced

EDIT: I remember some had like chrome looking textures with a scope on top. I think those were for the Mandalorian blaster line, each type varied in appearance

Ahh I think I found it! It was done by Toasty Fresh

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