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Stuck on Malachor V

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After +/- 30 hours of gameplay i arrived at malachor 5. But there it goes wrong i think. Here are the steps what happens.


1) i'm at telos talking to carth onasi about revan.

2) some cut scenes appear.

3) cut scene where the ebon hawk crashes at malachor 5.

4) black screen. Altough my inventory and such work. When i open my map its completely white.


When i save my game and load back in. im already at the Trayus Core instead of the malachor surface. At this part kreia refuses to talk to me and says i have to meet here at dantooine and such. A few meters ahead she has darh sion in a force choke.


I tried replaying the part, as i have save game just before i go talking with carth on telos, but the same thing happens again :(


Any one able to help or knows what goes wrong?



Full game + patched with 1.7 + fix.

ultimate saber mod.





wide screen fix + 16x9 hud.


I didnt experiecend any other problems during game play, so not sure if it is caused by these installed mods.

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Sadly enough this seems an issue with USM that the compatibility patch doesn't adress (for several users).


If i would remove the USM patch and would replay from the part that i talk to carth, would that help, or does it gonna break more things?


Might try reloading the module using a warp armband cheat, worked for me in 1.6 in a similar situation.


Never heard of such thing, ill see if i can find it.

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You need more than uninstall just the USM patch. Check your override, what files are in there having '907' in their name?


Seems only 1 file, called : oldk_907_enter.ncs



Currently solved the issue by using the warp armband (wasnt easy to get that thing working :) ). I warped back to the surface and could play from there. Altough somethings were abit odd, i managed to complete the game tho.


I think the end part on malachor 5 is missing a few pieces of the story tho. During 1 of the cut scenes, i had a double kreia meditating in the center room sitting next to each other. lol.


Anyway if you could help me finding the proper way, i would love to go that route. Using the warpband seems kinda a cheat :unsure:

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Try deleting that file.


And the second Kreia is because the first cutscene Kreia isn't properly removed (because the scene never triggered, blackscreen and all). Shouldn't have missed anything else really.

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Try deleting that file.


And the second Kreia is because the first cutscene Kreia isn't properly removed (because the scene never triggered, blackscreen and all). Shouldn't have missed anything else really.



As requested i have deleted the file, but didnt seem to make any difference. I think ill leave to this, think my override folder became a big mess :( . Got no clue what is installed or not installed anymore. Adding mods to this game and getting them work all properly and co exist next to each other is already a big challange :D


Been reading about the Malachor VI Ending project, so once that is finished ill give that a go, with a clean install of the game and the TSLRCM ofcours :P

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So let me clarify; I have this same issue, and have since 1.6. It was supposed to be fixed with this newest compatibility patch, but apparently wasn't. You're saying that, if I remove the USM completely, this issue will cease to happen for me?


Is there no other way to fix this without USM being lost and without using this armband-thing?

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Think that's the case. i couldn't figure out what files belonged to USM and which didn't. So i used the armband thingy. Its only 1 simple warp and it seems everything plays trough correctly, despite u might see kreia sitting 2 times meditating in 1 of the cut scenes.

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Think that's the case. i couldn't figure out what files belonged to USM and which didn't. So i used the armband thingy. Its only 1 simple warp and it seems everything plays trough correctly, despite u might see kreia sitting 2 times meditating in 1 of the cut scenes.


That's not sufficient. I can't get the armband to work, and even if I could I'm working on a mod build to post in a different forum. All of the mods that I use have to be fully compatible to qualify, and if the USM and TSLRCM are conflicting, I'm going to have to choose one or the other.


I'll choose TSLRCM when I do make my choice--because it's restored content rather than modded content--but for Christ's sake I hope somebody gets their ass in gear and fixes the compatibility issues, because I want both.

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Guest DeathAdder

I hope somebody gets their ass in gear and fixes the compatibility issues, because I want both.

Agreed. I've had the same problem, and that should be something stated in the "USM Compatibility patch" thread, or the name of that should be changed because it's obviously not compatible with TSLRCM.

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Guest ADG12311990

That's not sufficient. I can't get the armband to work, and even if I could I'm working on a mod build to post in a different forum. All of the mods that I use have to be fully compatible to qualify, and if the USM and TSLRCM are conflicting, I'm going to have to choose one or the other.


I'll choose TSLRCM when I do make my choice--because it's restored content rather than modded content--but for Christ's sake I hope somebody gets their ass in gear and fixes the compatibility issues, because I want both.



Agreed. I've had the same problem, and that should be something stated in the "USM Compatibility patch" thread, or the name of that should be changed because it's obviously not compatible with TSLRCM.


Wow, way to sound ungrateful. Hassat Hunter gave you some ways of getting around the "Bug", but instead of being even a tiny bit grateful, you both pretty much acted like a complete jerks.

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Wow, way to sound ungrateful. Hassat Hunter gave you some ways of getting around the "Bug", but instead of being even a tiny bit grateful, you both pretty much acted like a complete jerks.

i agree with you on that..they sound like assholes


how hard is it to actavite cheats and type in warp 901mal..


its just a minor with it.

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Sorry to revive this thread after nearly a month, but I have the same problem and none of the solutions here work for me.

Cheating with the warp armband is no alternative because I've already tried to get cheats working (edited swkotor2.ini and so on) but it just doesn't work.

Yes I know that the console is invisible.

I know that I have to press [Left Shift] + [^] (Here it's ^ instead of ~ above the Tab) to open the console.

I know that I just have to tipe in the cheat and confirm it with enter (maybe the numpad enter, I tried every combination that could work, even the one for english mainboards).

It's just that the console doesn't open, even after I checked the line EnableCheats=1 nearly 40 times (and I copied it 5 times in there just to be sure).

Does anyone know the answer?

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Guest staticjoe66
Cheating with the warp armband is no alternative because I've already tried to get cheats working (edited swkotor2.ini and so on) but it just doesn't work.



These are two separate ideas--I do not have cheats enable in my game and haven't for years so I also do not use the console. I successfully use Lit Ridl's warpband each and every playthrough, opening doors and warping from place to place.




Check out this link from gamefaqs which may help you:



My link




Here is another link which may explain why the console isn't working for you:



My link






Sorry to revive this thread after nearly a month, but I have the same problem and none of the solutions here work for me.

Cheating with the warp armband is no alternative because I've already tried to get cheats working (edited swkotor2.ini and so on) but it just doesn't work.

Yes I know that the console is invisible.

I know that I have to press [Left Shift] + [^] (Here it's ^ instead of ~ above the Tab) to open the console.

I know that I just have to tipe in the cheat and confirm it with enter (maybe the numpad enter, I tried every combination that could work, even the one for english mainboards).

It's just that the console doesn't open, even after I checked the line EnableCheats=1 nearly 40 times (and I copied it 5 times in there just to be sure).

Does anyone know the answer?

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Here is another link which may explain why the console isn't working for you:My link

This link tells why all the peeps who have a keyboard in another language than english have-it so goddamn hard to get cheat working. Great tip in there man! Left Alt + Left Shift for the win!


Edit: This link should be pinned in one of our forums as an explication as to why the cheats aren't working!!!

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Guest staticjoe66
Edit: This link should be pinned in one of our forums as an explication as to why the cheats aren't working!!!



Feel free--sometimes I forget we literally have a worldwide audience





This link tells why all the peeps who have a keyboard in another language than english have-it so goddamn hard to get cheat working. Great tip in there man! Left Alt + Left Shift for the win!


Edit: This link should be pinned in one of our forums as an explication as to why the cheats aren't working!!!

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