
Just a thought on too many saves and crashes/freezing up

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Could it be possible that the more saves you have in the game the more often you get crashes? This is my third playthrough and I have gotten the most crashes....My 1st was completely clean, the second had 1 crash and finally this third has had about 7 to 8..could this be possible or am I just having bad luck..

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My last playthrough left 117 (one hundred and seventeen) saves in my folder. I didn't have a big crashing problem. I think it happened maybe 4 times in the whole playthrough, I can't even remember. It wasn't an issue.


Which is a huge improvement over TSLRCM 1.5 where I almost couldn't get past a certain point on Malachor because it crashed on me like 20 times in a row before it let me through. :P

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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