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Placing a container via script?

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I need some help...again  :P


I've finished the Revan robes I mentioned in my earlier WIP topic, But now I'm pretty confused with how to place em in game.

I want to place them on the Leviathan just after Bastila disappears, in a unique container by the hangar door. But I really haven't a clue how to set about doing this.


I read somewhere about attaching it into a script or something, Is this the easiest way?


This the page I found detailing it.


Any help would sure be appreciated, I must finish this damn mod! lol

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Well, there are in prinicipal two ways to place them there:

Either add a script to some conversation or with a trigger that spawns the container or add the container to the .git file of the module. In the first case you could control when the container is spawned exactly but I'd say that if this isn't what you need, the second way would be the better way.

So yeah, what do you need?^^


Also, why not just replace the Revan robe you get on the Starforge if I may ask?

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Also, why not just replace the Revan robe you get on the Starforge if I may ask?


Thanks for the info, The reason I'm not replacing that particular robe is that it appears a little late in the game for my taste lol 

That and I may end up making something new for that anyway.


But yeah I think the second way you mentioned would be best.


What I was thinking of doing was placing a couple of new containers by the level exit, Inside along with the robes would be a data pad explaining that they were found when the Sith raided the enclave on Dantooine. 

The other containers would just have a couple of misc and Jedi items inside, a crystal and a robe or something. Y'know just for aesthetics  :P

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