
About creating a recruitment mod

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I'm slowly but surely (kind of) working my way through making a recruitment mod, which has honestly not been too difficult with the tutorials available.


I have a few questions though:

- About the conditional script for the NPC my character replaces being in the party, I'm assuming I'd have to change it a bit because the character will speak the original characters lines since they've got the same tag. One way I thought of doing this was editing the script to check for the class of the NPC as well, but I'm wondering if there's another way of doing this.


- My character replaces T3-M4, who (when it's finished) you will be able to buy back. It's not a massive problem, I'd just like to know if I should make a new utc. for the T3 which will be in the module where you buy/sell it.


- Lastly, the portrait I'm temporarily using for my character often becomes distorted and turns black and white: what causes this? 

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1. You could indeed check for the class, but only if the class is not the same as T3-M4's.


2. Assuming you recruit T3-M4, find the new recruit, leave T3-M4, and then come back to the same level later on, then you should be fine with not having to replace T3-M4 with a new .utc file. The game should save T3-M4 into the level itself.


3. Besides sizing issues, I'm not sure what could cause this...

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