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Trying to do some very easy .2da tweaking for TSL

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The recent movie has gotten me itching to play my favorite Star Wars game. I love the TSL but it's a very flawed gameplay wise. The biggest thing is how easy it can be. So I have been seeing what other people have done with other balance mods and I took some stuff here and there and edited to my liking. There are just a few last things I would really like to tweak before I get started on my playthrough.


I want to eliminate to severely limit the HP regeneration and do something only a little less harsh to the FP generation. I looked at the regeneration.2da but I can't make much sense of the fields. Also I have read there is a bug with tweaking any of these values causing companions to instantly refill their HP.


I would also like to cap the level at 25 or so. Would this be best achieved by just editing the exptable.2da or is there a better option?


The last thing is I would like to tweak the starting feats the exile gains when starting the game.


Anyone have experience with any of these things? I would greatly appreciate any help.

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I think the "very easy" might not be the best descriptive words for what you're planning on doing. If it was "very easy", I imagine you would have done it, right? ;)

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True. I guess I'm just assuming it would just involved changing a few values in the feat.2da, regeneration.2da, etc.


I thought it had made some progress on the Exile's starting feats. I found that the feat.2da had a column for feats granted to the PC at certain levels. These are marked at "1" instead of "-1" like everything else. Unfortunately not everything you gain at level 1 is listed (like Lightsaber Proficiency or War Veteran perk) and changing everything to "-1" doesn't stop you from getting things like Power Attack.

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I was able to figure out or work around my initial problems. Now I have a question regarding something that might be a bit more difficult to work with.


First thing is the influence system. Is there any way to tweak the amount gained per event?


Second thing... and answer to this is probably no, but I just thought I would ask. Any way to add requirements to certain influence events? For example Handmaiden and Visas argument. As it is now, it's very easy for handmaiden to stop talking to you really early in the game simply by talking to Visas. Right now the requirement is having greater influence with Visas but is there any way to add something more to this? Such as being a certain level, completed certain planets, etc?

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First thing: Yes, by altering the values in a_influence_dec and a_influence_inc .ncs

That covers almost all events.


Second thing: Yes, by altering the onenter of the Ebon Hawk, as well as a_next_scene.ncs in the Ebon Hawk.

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