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Nihilus is impossible?

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Um, maybe I'm missing something (or maybe my party just sucks), but with TSLRCM installed, defeating Nihilus seems to be impossible. I mean, I barely scratch him before my entire party is killed. I've concentrated on levelling up my PC on strength and constitution, I've got the best armor I could find, and my PC is a Jedi Guardian. And I have a high Treat Injury and only ever use physical attacks, not force powers (which I can't see being much use against Nihilus anyway). Is there some kind of trick to defeating him that I'm missing? Has the difficulty really been ramped up that much in the mod so that he's nearly impossible?

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What weapon are you using? Have you created upgrades for that weapon at a workbench? Are you using Master Speed to get additional attacks? Do your attacks succeed but for low damage, or do they mostly miss?


And yes, Force Powers can be of use against Nihilus, though as a Guardian you should be able to defeat him with physical attacks just fine.


Oh and unless I'm missing something, TSLRCM doesn't mess with Nihilus' difficulty. Or pretty much anyone else's.

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Hi. Yes I'm new. With that out of the way, I'd like to see if I can help now ;)


What saber form are your using? It's been a while since I've used a Guardian, but as I recall some fights can be rather hard if you don't have the right form for the situation selected.

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Guest staticjoe66

Agreed Markus--Force Sever and Force Kill work wonderfully on Nihl as does Master Flurry combined with Master Speed. I would also be curious as to what crystal combination(s) are in the saber(s)...??


What weapon are you using? Have you created upgrades for that weapon at a workbench? Are you using Master Speed to get additional attacks? Do your attacks succeed but for low damage, or do they mostly miss?


And yes, Force Powers can be of use against Nihilus, though as a Guardian you should be able to defeat him with physical attacks just fine.


Oh and unless I'm missing something, TSLRCM doesn't mess with Nihilus' difficulty. Or pretty much anyone else's.




Xanatos it's been my experience throughout both games lightsaber forms are pretty much meaningless having almost 0 affect on the target. I suppose every little bit helps but also I have yet to see a noticeable difference in combat




Hi. Yes I'm new. With that out of the way, I'd like to see if I can help now ;)


What saber form are your using? It's been a while since I've used a Guardian, but as I recall some fights can be rather hard if you don't have the right form for the situation selected.

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Yeah, neither lightsaber nor Force forms have a critical impact on anything. Pretty much the only form I ever bother with is Force Potency when playing Consular, because it increases the damage of Force Powers noticeably, and contrary to its own description it is more cost-effective (with damage-dealing Powers) than normal Force use.

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Huh. Then maybe it's the way I play, cuz the styles are rather useful for me. However I've never really had any problem with Nihilus. It's Sion that almost kills me >_> vibroblade loving jackass.

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Guest staticjoe66

I find Sion easier as a LS'er (because of Force Enlightenment) than a DS'er--sure you can install his heal power mod and meet him on his own terms then kick the crap outta him but without that mod installed even a DS Consular with a high Wisdom will have trouble taking him down...and to think years ago I finished the game with NO mods installed... :)



Huh. Then maybe it's the way I play, cuz the styles are rather useful for me. However I've never really had any problem with Nihilus. It's Sion that almost kills me >_> vibroblade loving jackass.

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Formula for beating Sion as DS without breaking a sweat (0HP loss):


Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush.


Repeat with Kreia (although no 0HP loss since she uses a few powers).

DS Malachor is so easy...

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Guest staticjoe66

Interesting HH...that strategy works very well against Revan on Korriban but I don't recall trying it against Sion...will have to try that next DS playthrough...





Formula for beating Sion as DS without breaking a sweat (0HP loss):


Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush - Crush.


Repeat with Kreia (although no 0HP loss since she uses a few powers).

DS Malachor is so easy...

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Guest bendarby24

i dont find enyoff them hard and i got the game rebalnces mod (achielles) and crazy rebalnces, ultimate_saber_mod (what gives the sith lords allsome and powerfull light sabers, inproved all with the high level forces powers patch ( this gives them really storge forces powers) i got my game on hard and i dont cheat. i only uprdate my light saber and of corces hk 47 blasters :) im the one finnding it hard .....but im not :/

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Interesting HH...that strategy works very well against Revan on Korriban but I don't recall trying it against Sion...will have to try that next DS playthrough...

Ehm, you wouldn't *have* Crush on Korriban.

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Guest staticjoe66

Ehm, that would depend on how one sets up one's character taking into consideration the installation of certain mods... :) In an unmodded game you are absolutely correct HH, yes



Ehm, you wouldn't *have* Crush on Korriban.

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Guest staticjoe66

As the late great Eddie Guerrero used to say, cheat to win--if you're not cheating, you're not trying :)





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I always defeated Nhilus with the old force lightning then run-like-hell move, but as a lightsider I simply reccomend high charisma and lots of stasis.

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I always defeated Nhilus with the old force lightning then run-like-hell move, but as a lightsider I simply reccomend high charisma and lots of stasis.


Hm, stasis, eh? I'll have to try that . . . My charisma is pretty low though, I think, cuz I always levelled up my constitution and strength a ton.

Thanks for all the replies, btw, everyone! I love forums. :) As for my lightsaber, I haven't played in a while, so I don't remember for sure what I've got in it. But I did lose my personal crystal for some strange reason due to a USM glitch (I think), so I hope that doesn't have anything to do with it. (?) I'll try changing my Lightsaber form, too, but even with tons of shielding and stims, I'm really not getting anywhere . . . I've got Visas using a lightsaber of course, and I've tried having Mandalore use both melee and ranged weapons, to no avail. It's weird. I've never had trouble defeating Nihilis before . . . Sion was always the hard one!

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Guest HaVoKeR

Hm, stasis, eh? I'll have to try that . . . My charisma is pretty low though, I think, cuz I always levelled up my constitution and strength a ton.

Thanks for all the replies, btw, everyone! I love forums. :) As for my lightsaber, I haven't played in a while, so I don't remember for sure what I've got in it. But I did lose my personal crystal for some strange reason due to a USM glitch (I think), so I hope that doesn't have anything to do with it. (?) I'll try changing my Lightsaber form, too, but even with tons of shielding and stims, I'm really not getting anywhere . . . I've got Visas using a lightsaber of course, and I've tried having Mandalore use both melee and ranged weapons, to no avail. It's weird. I've never had trouble defeating Nihilis before . . . Sion was always the hard one!


Sion or Nihilus harsh? hmmm thats new to me, i wouldn't be so excited about my hardcore mod if i knew some people have trouble with it... well you shouldn't max constitution, dont let it go beyong 18 (for implants). And about your weapons, its nice to have all upgrades. Try this, full buff (master speed/valor and battle medidation, dont waste time with force shield because it doesnt stack correctly) and then use plague on nihilus, after that just go for the obvious kill; master flurry or master power atack is the best i think, since the chances of he getting stunned are low... if one of your party members is getting low hp, retreat and heal him, dont forget using some nice energy shields. Also you can always use items through the equipment screen without loosing actions, at least one at time in combat.

Now the Ninja way of beating it:

If you have force jump, try this with master speed/adrenaline stim; force jump him, then pause the game, now you run away and force jump him again... if you time it well nihilus will probably not hit you much (not even being able to try) =p you can try it with power atack, i beat the battle circus in dxun with my hardcore mod doing that hehe, it was very difficult some versions ago.

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Well, I finally managed to beat Nihilus, but only by backing off and chucking grenades at him. Seriously, I ran off, Visas got cut down almost right away after her "he is too strong" scene, and I let Mandalore take him on in melee combat while I stood back and threw every dang grenade I had at him. Somehow Mandalore died super quick when my PC tried to use melee, but when I stood back, Mandalore survived somehow. Odd. Anyway, it was all balanced out (kinda) because the big Storm Beast on Malachor was super easy this time around. Usually I have to dose up on every stim I have to beat that thing, but this time it was super easy.

Thanks for all the advice, anyway! ;) Now I've got a new problem, which I must search for an answer to . . .

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