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MOD:Varsity/Venom Trandoshan PC Mod

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Varsity/Venom Trandoshan PC Mod

It had come to my attention that this mod had disappeared from the annals of Kotorfiles/GameFront so per the request of one DarthCMoney, I have re uploaded this classic mod.



-Darth Venom : Darth Venom's personally approved in-game likeness.
-Trandongo: A Star Wars rendition of the infamous "King Dodongo: Infernal Dinosaur" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
-Venom Redeemed: A variation of the Darth Venom skin. As you might have guessed, he's returned to the light, and now dons icy blue eyes.
-Cross Dragon: I had the Black Dragon from Chrono Cross in mind when making this skin... funny that the final product looked nothing like it. Oh well, the name's stuck, I can't think of a better one.

Note: These are SEPARATE character skins and as such do not boast any light-dark transitions. You are stuck with your chosen appearance regardless of alignment. So just remember that.


This mod is likely to cause game crashes at character creation.
Dealing with this issue is simple.
When you choose your Jedi class make sure you CANNOT already see a trandoshan exile as your chosen class. Return to the main menu and start over until a normal human PC is visible as your preferred class. Choose your class and then switch portraits until you find your chosen trandoshan. When you do this the portrait will be visible, but the PC will be a "Headless Horseman". Don't worry, when you start the game you will not be a headless human. Additionally, if you choose your portrait and decide to use the "back" button the game is likely to crash. Just start over. It's a small price to pay to be able to choose a non human PC. As of now, this is an issue that cannot be fixed, so just play along.


Trandoshan PC Mod


Author: Darth Venom and The Puppet
For: KotOR II
Date: 06/26/2009




Brought to you by: LordVenom/DarthVenom6 and VPcombat/VarsityPuppet




Words of the Puppet:

Well, here we are the second time around with two more great skins for you to enjoy. There were numerous reasons for an update, the most important being of course that the original upload contained a bad TSLPatcher. A second cleaner upload was posted along with a Kotor 1 version, but it failed miserably. So here we are with an official update: It's clean and there are more skins.

I'm not sure if it's Kotor 1 compatible. It crashed and burned on the xbox version of k1 but maybe you'll have more luck with the PC.


Words of LordVenom: Can't confirm PC compatibility for K1. I do not own K1.

Anyway all I've got to say is I was making a lightside Venom coincidentally at the time I recieved a PM from ol'boy Puppet about wanting to do a Trando 2.O with new skins. Sounded like a good idea to me so here you have it.

[unless you are me you probably dont care about this]: The lightside appearance I've created for Venom is a hypothetical created for fun only. I've decided that Venom retains his Sith visage and title even after converting to the lightside (canon to my roleplay story).




This mod now adds two Playable Trandoshans at the Character select screen. Unlike before, you are now forced to install all of them. If you've really got a problem with any of the skins and don't want to one of them, you'll have to delete them from the 2das yourself.


There are four skins in total.


-Darth Venom : Darth Venom's personally approved in-game likeness.

-Trandongo: A Star Wars rendition of the infamous "King Dodongo: Infernal Dinosaur" from the Legend of Zelda series.

-NEW! Venom Redeemed: A variation of the Darth Venom skin. As you might have guessed, he's returned to the light, and now dons icy blue eyes.

-NEW! Cross Dragon: I had the Black Dragon from Chrono Cross in mind when making this skin... funny that the final product looked nothing like it. Oh well, the name's stuck, I can't think of a better one.

Note: These are SEPARATE character skins and as such do not boast any light-dark transitions. You are stuck with your chosen appearance regardless of alignment. So just remember that.


Also, be sure to check the BUGS section for important information.







Use the TSLPatcher and choose which option you want.



Delete the folder "VV Trando PCs 2" from your override, and replace the 2das with their backups



--Venom Redeemed and Cross skin added.
--Tried to fix installation with k1 version

--Cleaned the TSLPatcher
--Included K1 version

--DarthVenom skin and Trandongo Skin included


This mod is likely to cause game crashes at character creation.
Dealing with this issue is simple.
When you choose your Jedi class make sure you CANNOT already see a trandoshan exile as your chosen class. Return to the main menu and start over until a normal human PC is visible as your preferred class. Choose your class and then switch portraits until you find your chosen trandoshan. When you do this the portrait will be visible, but the PC will be a "Headless Horseman". Don't worry, when you start the game you will not be a headless human. Additionally, if you choose your portrait and decide to use the "back" button the game is likely to crash. Just start over. It's a small price to pay to be able to choose a non human PC. As of now, this is an issue that cannot be fixed, so just play along.



Compatible on the PC and Xbox. Also, refer to BUGS section.




LordVenom- The Darth Venom skin is for personal use only. Normally I'd allow usage of my skins for any purpose as long as credit is given. However, Darth Venom the Trandoshan Sith Lord is my favorite creation, and I've become quite attached to him. I hope you all enjoy the skin, but I prefer that he not be reproduced or integrated into any project that I do not personally have a hand in creating.

The Puppet- You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However, give credit where it's due, but DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission. Thanks.


tk102 for making the excel 2da add-in
Fred Tetra's KotorTool
Obsidian for making a game to love and hate
All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.


All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.


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i have many questions:


do i need to use a human male characer? (when choosing class)

the character doesn't appear when choosing the portrait option. is that a problem?


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