
NWMax Plug in for 3dsMax 2014+

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So I was looking and looking and looking for the NW Max plugin for 3dsMax 2014 or later and I couldn't find it and couldn't find it.



Then I found it


NWMax version 0.8c00 updated for 3dsmax2015



It works, in so far as I was able to import a model w/ texture maps... Now I just have to learn how to actually use it!!!



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Good to know NWmax works on later versions of 3Ds Max.

I'm still using the 2010 version myself.


Have fun exploring!

Oh, don't just explore this forum, there's a ton of fun tutorials out there for 3Ds Max.

And don't be afraid of just playing around with the program. Sometimes that just gives you crazy results you can use in one of your own mod projects ;)

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  On 11/13/2015 at 7:24 PM, Quanon said:

Good to know NWmax works on later versions of 3Ds Max.

I'm still using the 2010 version myself.


Have fun exploring!

Oh, don't just explore this forum, there's a ton of fun tutorials out there for 3Ds Max.

And don't be afraid of just playing around with the program. Sometimes that just gives you crazy results you can use in one of your own mod projects ;)


Thanks!!! I was so happy when I found it... I got a student license through AutoDesk for 3 yrs, can't wait to get into this!!!

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Oh my gosh, this is awesome! I was afraid I'd have to figure out how to import my lightsaber from 3ds to gmax. This is a lifesaver!


  On 11/13/2015 at 11:19 PM, djnugent said:

Thanks!!! I was so happy when I found it... I got a student license through AutoDesk for 3 yrs, can't wait to get into this!!!

LOL ah yes, Autodesk's student licenses. Those are essentially renewable. I've been upgrading my version of 3dsmax every year for the past few years thanks to having access to their student trials. I intend to buy it, eventually. Once I'm actually using it for something that's not for my own personal non-commercial use.

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Guys can someone pls give me a link to a tutorial on how to edit kotor models with 3ds AND export them back into the game. I can't believe there is nothing on this topic but I searched for hours and found nothing. Literally :/

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  On 10/22/2016 at 2:22 PM, Fajeth said:

Guys can someone pls give me a link to a tutorial on how to edit kotor models with 3ds AND export them back into the game. I can't believe there is nothing on this topic but I searched for hours and found nothing. Literally :/

Editing KotOR models themselves is hard to do as a tutorial since it's just general modelling work with vertices, edges, and polygons. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but it'd be more of a long list of how to do specific tasks, I think.


As for exporting the models, that's easier to handle. When you import a KotOR model into 3DSMax, you'll see a green wire-frame rectangle in the scene, usually centered around [0,0,0]. This will be named the same as the model you imported and is called the Aurora Base, from which everything else in the model is linked/a child of.


When you click on the Aurora Base, a lot of stuff can show up in the pane on the right-hand side of 3DSMax depending on which tab you're in. If the right-hand pane is in the first tab, you'll be able to just change the model's name. If you're in the second tab (should be called "Modify"), you'll have a lot more options, such as animations, export directory, and export options.


There should be a checkbox in the export options that says something about sanity checks. Make sure this checkbox is turned OFF. Then there should be two export buttons if memory serves. One exports the model and the animations, if any, and the other just exports the model. Pick whichever one is appropriate.

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