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I Haz A Cold

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And that's pretty much all there is to the story really, I feel like crap - That and KFC followed by Lemsip is not a pleasant experience.

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Yeah, I'm sick too. Tought I had an infection and needed anti biotics. Waited 4 hours to be told that yes, I've got an infection, but no, there's nothing to do and no antibiotic will help me. So all the time I swallow, it feels like drinking Vodka on the ice... burning my throat!

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Pssst . . . what's Lemsip?


Feel better soon.


It's a vile tasting medicine thing, it comes in tablet, liquid and hot drink form. I does actually work, it tastes so damn disgusting that the taste actually makes you forget about the cold for a while ;)

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Blocked nose+sore throat for me. Coughing and sneezing simoultaneously is very painful.

I, somehow, actually like the taste of the Lemsip drink ;)

Edited by Mandalore

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Blocked nose+sore throat for me. Coughing and sneezing simoultaneously is very painful.

I, somehow, actually like the taste of the Lemsip drink ;)


Dude.. What planet are you from? Even with sugar or honey I can't stand the crap.

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What planet am I from? That's a very good question...


Is there an answer?

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Perhaps they are...Bed would be a good idea. If only my nose wasn't so uncomfortable as to make it impossible for me to sleep.

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That's the trouble I had last night, every half hour or so I had to keep blowing my nose or I was coughing.


Today I've had a lazy day, just been huddled up on the sofa watching some movies, I recommend all 3 Tinker Bell movies, they were bloody brilliant. There's nothing better when you're down than watching a proper Disney movie, by proper I mean an animated one. Little Mermaid is next I think.

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