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Guest bendarby24

Ideas, improvements and news on kotor 2

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Guest bendarby24

Update 3.0

Hi guys I’m back 



I have heard that working class hero is doing some work on the m4-78mp mod  what is good because I have not heard anything about that mod in ages (I thought it was dead)



I had a massive brain storm for the mod I kind of made up in my head the one that I said some one can do (the ideas are at the front of the forum) ok you now in the beginning of the game they said there were only stealth assassins because on the sith ship there was no one on the ship....then they were on the harbinger.... you now the rest. You now were the turent game is, the one where you are shooting the sith soldiers. Well the sith soldiers are not meant to be there they because they made a mistake, instead of the sith soldiers, they are meant to be the assassins.


So my idea is to replace the sith soldiers and make them the sith assassins ... if you did this you would have to make them stop shooting the ebon hawk. This will also make the turent game harder. Also loads of people won’t to be able to get the xp of them in the turent game. This is a good idea because most people just fight all of them on the ebon hawk to get the xp of them (that doesn’t sound realistic if you are tiring to escape death. Also people fight them on the ebon hawk for the remains, but if you did my idea there would be no remains because sith assassins do not have remains


i will make a recwest for this mod ( tsl extra content mod)

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I have heard that working class hero is doing some work on the m4-78mp mod  what is good because I have not heard anything about that mod in ages (I thought it was dead)

If you meant M4-78EP, that would be incorrect. WCH is doing his own M4-78 "restoration".

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Guest bendarby24

oooooooooooo , uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuups :/

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A huge improvement to the game would be a Mod that allows the male Exile to kill Disciple for spying on him. Killing him off for a DS point would have no effect on the male's game, since Disciple never shows up again. If you do not enter the room in the ruins until after you leave, you never even meet him. However you still get the "Disciple phones home" cut scene and he disappears forever. As a darksider spies and annoying people should be killable, a living Disciple does not make sense for the Dark Side personna.

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That would be a great idea, but unless I'm mistaken (which I might well be, correct me if this is wrong) the Exile doesn't see or hear Disciple contacting the Republic. However, if I am mistaken, then that would be some not-too-difficult scripting to do. And I want to do some scripting. Adding it into the dialogue file might be slightly more difficult though, unless you don't have Disciple say anything and just go hostile straight away after you tell him you're going to kill him.

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Guest bendarby24

i thogot that i made this ages ago ....but the inprovment mod will soon becume a wip :)

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A huge improvement to the game would be a Mod that allows the male Exile to kill Disciple for spying on him. Killing him off for a DS point would have no effect on the male's game, since Disciple never shows up again. If you do not enter the room in the ruins until after you leave, you never even meet him. However you still get the "Disciple phones home" cut scene and he disappears forever. As a darksider spies and annoying people should be killable, a living Disciple does not make sense for the Dark Side personna.

I've done the mod, but it needs someone to test it. I can't do it myself (otherwise I would) because I'm stuck on Onderon. I need a male Exile who's got Disciple in Khoonda.

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Guest bendarby24

I've done the mod, but it needs someone to test it. I can't do it myself (otherwise I would) because I'm stuck on Onderon. I need a male Exile who's got Disciple in Khoonda.

it would be good if some one put up savedd games at different planets in the downloud section :/

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A save file directory would be a good idea, yeah...

And I've found a problem with my hostility script in the way that it doesn't work. I'll be sorting that out as soon as possible.

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Guest bendarby24

im mite do that soon as well as my new rebelance mod but in need aprovel for the creater of altermet rebalnce mod because it is bast on that but makes it more hard and more like a reablnaces but i need to test it because i fink it will be to hard

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And I've found a problem with my hostility script in the way that it doesn't work. I'll be sorting that out as soon as possible.

While you already uploaded a working version now, why didn't you just used the script that turns the owner of the conversation (Disciple in this case) hostile upon ending the conversation?

Then no new script would be needed at all.

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What script is that? It would really have made the process much quicker. And I'm just making it compatible with Improved AI, hopefully that will work.

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Although apparently sometimes other methods are used to. So is tobin a_hostile with a string of tobin.

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Guest bendarby24

wooooooh it been year Since I joined

Anyway I haven’t updated this in ages and I feel like it should be reopened

If anybody doesn’t now this is to share your ideas and improvements on my mod (tslrcm rebirth) and this mod is soon to become a w.i.p and there will be slots for moder’s to help me out and make the mod because I cant mod that well. And also this is to tell you news on upcoming mods.

So let get on to business..............


my mod

If you won’t to know what it is really going to have in it look at the fist post ;)

at the minuet the status is idea but when the Easter holidays come it will become a w.I.P :)



I am doing a mod at the second what is a rebalance mod what is just a added bit to the ultimate rebalance mod we don’t now if he will add my new bits to his mod or it mitt be a used as a different version off his mod, it is for people how has a high power force mod or a saber mod or if anybody who likes hard mods :)


Darth InSidious is doing his Rhen Var planet mod



i dont now if stony is doing stuff or if it is for fun but he has been doing a opening and closing clip for corasont


one of are own: Bob Ta'aar is got a idear for Ossus Mod (quating what he said)

I always found Ossus an mysthical place and though a visit in k2 of the Exile there would be a nice thing to get some custom Jedi-items and stuff.

So far I just created the planet on the galaxy-map. I though using the korriban-module, unless somebody want's to model some whole new modules for it, I'm simply too inexpirienced to do that.

Contet will be the ruins of the old Jedi-temple there where you can find some Jedi-items and possibly the Jedi Master Ood Bnar in treeform.



New Planet: Cathalan by Jaevyn is in progress

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