Rhedar 0 Posted January 29, 2011 Not even when you are further in the game ? that's weird......and no the TSLRCM does not have a problem involved with not sparring with the handmaiden. You could enlighten everyone with the specifications of your computer or what kind mods you have installed I only got TSLRCM 1.7 and 1.7 Hotfix as well as the official 1.02b patch. And i installed the Handmaiden Sisters Fix because i got the problem, that none of the sisters in the academy of telos were visible. I tried to play along for a while and traveled to another planet.I did a few quests there and went back to the EH but the Handmaiden still won't show a dialogue option. Whenever i ask her, what she does, she claims to train. But after that theres only the option of playing pazaak with Atton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 29, 2011 It's disabled in hyperspace due to the infinite sparring glitch, you need to visit another planet first. Don't know why it doesn't appear when that condition is met though. Also, no sisters? That's... odd. Did you install 1.0b after TSLRCM? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhedar 0 Posted January 29, 2011 It's disabled in hyperspace due to the infinite sparring glitch, you need to visit another planet first. Don't know why it doesn't appear when that condition is met though. Also, no sisters? That's... odd. Did you install 1.0b after TSLRCM? This was the advise i found too. Unfortunately it doesn't work either :-/ I installed 1.0b before, right after i installed the game. Could reinstalling the game and the mod help? I just fear, i can't use my current savegames then respectively the situation won't change. Thanks for the answers so far ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nerdenstein Posted January 30, 2011 Firstly, I want to say thank you for making this mod. The additions are great! My next playthrough will most certainly include this restoration mod! Secondly, the problems. That is the reason I am posting in the bugs thread after all. The Swoop Racing bug still there (Stuck under the ceiling) even though I installed the offical patch which said it should fix it. Though I have heard rumours that there is more than one offical patch but I'm unsure. Also, there seems to be a problem with the HK-50's and HK-47's quest in finding the factory. Firstly, since I have spoken to HK and unlocked the quest, I have encountered several (as in more than three,) groups of those damned assassin droids and it hasn't triggered the quest. About half of those, I had HK in the party because I assumed he had to be in it for the quest to work (I found that a little daft but that is besides the point.) The other problem is that everytime I fought a group of these droids with HK in my party, they would say exacly the same lines to each other. Something along the lines of; "It appears that I cannot fire." "How odd. Lets not tell the others or they take the piss out of us." Then they proceed to shoot me and my party. Now, the first time around, I thought they were just kidding around. The third time around it isn't so funny. Finally, when HK is in the group, he doesn't fight them. He just stands there. In fact, I can't even select him. He disappears off the HUD until the battle is over. I'm not sure that made much sense, sorry. I think I remember bumping into a few other bugs, but so far, nothing gaming breaking. Those two above are the only two that have really bothered me so far and the first one isn't the mods fault so I can let that slide The extra lines for some of the characters is great. And, this time around I managed to get Bao-Dur and Atton to become Jedi! Thanks again guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lich 0 Posted January 30, 2011 @Swoop stuck under the ceiling That's because you're using a No-CD crack. Unfortunately some or even all of them are bugged, as the person/s creating them simply took a No-CD crack from an earlier version and changed the version number, instead of creating a No-CD crack from the latest version of sw2kotor.exe. @finding the HK factory quest You talked with HK-47 about the voice print sensor? If you didn't do that you won't find the factory. Even if you do it now you may not find the factory if you encounter less than three HK-50 groups. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nerdenstein Posted January 30, 2011 I'm not using a No-CD crack. The CD definatly has to be in the drive, I forget nearly everytime I run the game. And yes, I said before that I had spoken to HK and received the quest to find the factory. With HK in my group I have destroyed two groups of them (Without his help as I said before, which is strange. Surely he'd want to destroy his less than perfect copies) and the quest in the journal has changed as such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lich 0 Posted January 30, 2011 If you're using the UK-Version, did you install both official patches? 1. KOTOR2 Patch v201420 UK.exe 2. sw_pc_uk_from201420_to211427.exe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nerdenstein Posted January 30, 2011 Yeah I'm using the UK version and I've only used the first one. :/ I had a feeling that there was more than one patch. Know anywhere I can download that second patch? For when I do another playthrough over the next few months, not for my current one; I don't much feel like starting from the beginning. Before my second playthrough and before I installed the Restoration Mod, I only came accross the first patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted January 30, 2011 (edited) I have an interesting little dilemma--after beating up Sion and eroding his will (playing as a LS F Exile) the cutscene to let him die doesn't play. I let him kill Atton because I wanted to see the scene in which Atton dies in the Exile's arms (my reason for playing a LS F) but now after defeating him he just stands there, I can't talk to him. I'm 99% certain it's a mod conflict but don't know what to look for. I removed the n_darthsion002.utc (Shem's Super Enhanced Mod) but all that did was make Sion easier to defeat and the cutscene still didn't play. I don't mind replaying Malachor--it would be a minor inconvenience but I'm not vehemently opposed to it--but really would rather not have to start a whole new game... EDIT: I decided to replay Malachor--it won't take all that long and am hoping reloading a previous save will clear up the issue...but I doubt it... EDIT2: Restarted Malachor from the beginning, issue is the same--after defeating Sion and eroding his will the ending cutscene still doesn't play Edited January 31, 2011 by staticjoe66 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nerdenstein Posted January 30, 2011 Damn, How did I completely miss that? Thank you for the help Lich. Downloaded for later use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Numbers 0 Posted January 31, 2011 You don't. You have to use cheats. yeah figured as much...so i did finish it LOL...thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthDaedric 15 Posted January 31, 2011 Pretty much my entire list of issues so far with this version of TSLRCM is that it hates it when you attempt to train your party as Dark Side Jedi. It wouldn't let me train Bao-Dur when I was dark side, it would close out of conversation and I'd have to reload and do it again on the light side. When I attempted to train Mira, it started the conversation on Nar Shadaa but it rapidly closed out. Again, I had to reload and do it light side. Atton, however I was able to train without any issues. This isn't related to any quests or planets, other than the unmarked Jedi training "quests" and Nar Shadaa so I'm not sure what to put for that. Mods I have installed are: DeathDisco's Jedi Temple USM, which I installed via the compatibility patch. Combat Arena Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted January 31, 2011 In my experience the TSLRCM doesn't affect anything as far as training someone in your party to be a Jedi--LS or DS I've been able to train everyone. Bao-Dur and the Handmaiden in a DS M playthrough, Bao-Dur and Mical is a DS F playthrough. Atton is a slam dunk either way if you let him fix the speeder on Nar-Shaddaa calling him the expert--again I've had no problems whatsoever with any version of the TSLRCM and I've been using it since version 1.5, I can't speak for any version before that Pretty much my entire list of issues so far with this version of TSLRCM is that it hates it when you attempt to train your party as Dark Side Jedi. It wouldn't let me train Bao-Dur when I was dark side, it would close out of conversation and I'd have to reload and do it again on the light side. When I attempted to train Mira, it started the conversation on Nar Shadaa but it rapidly closed out. Again, I had to reload and do it light side. Atton, however I was able to train without any issues. This isn't related to any quests or planets, other than the unmarked Jedi training "quests" and Nar Shadaa so I'm not sure what to put for that. Mods I have installed are: DeathDisco's Jedi Temple USM, which I installed via the compatibility patch. Combat Arena Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthDaedric 15 Posted January 31, 2011 I'd be inclined to think that if I hadn't been able to use these exact mods with TSLRCM 1.5 without any issues. I'm thinking it's got to be something that got changed in the dialog files. Oh and it it's not the influence thing. That's easy. It's the actual "Having you here has an affect on me General" and "What? What is it? Why are we stopping" I was able to train everyone who I've tried once I've gotten enough experience. It's just I had to change my alignment for Mira and Bao-Dur. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted January 31, 2011 That's the idea--you shouldn't have to change your alignment. DS'ers can turn Bao-Dur into a Jedi with enough negative influence (below 10 IIRC) and you should be able to turn Mira into a Jedi before leaving Nar Shaddaa by following the right dialogue tree. Granted, in my current playthrough I'm using OldFlash Final Touch mod--which is geared toward LS play and you get LS points and influence bonuses for staying on that path--but even when not using that mod, I still turned Mira into a Jedi before leaving NS...all the TSLRCM does is restore content cut from the original released game and I know Stoney, Zybl, HH and others have been tweaking it but again nothing I've read on this site leads me to believe they changed anything having to do with Jedi training your party and I've had no problems in LS or DS playthroughs...my only issue is getting enough influence with Kreia (without using the KSE) to have her admit she trained Revan but that's neither a TSLRCM nor a mod issue I'd be inclined to think that if I hadn't been able to use these exact mods with TSLRCM 1.5 without any issues. I'm thinking it's got to be something that got changed in the dialog files. Oh and it it's not the influence thing. That's easy. It's the actual "Having you here has an affect on me General" and "What? What is it? Why are we stopping" I was able to train everyone who I've tried once I've gotten enough experience. It's just I had to change my alignment for Mira and Bao-Dur. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthDaedric 15 Posted January 31, 2011 That's the idea--you shouldn't have to change your alignment. DS'ers can turn Bao-Dur into a Jedi with enough negative influence (below 10 IIRC) and you should be able to turn Mira into a Jedi before leaving Nar Shaddaa by following the right dialogue tree. Granted, in my current playthrough I'm using OldFlash Final Touch mod--which is geared toward LS play and you get LS points and influence bonuses for staying on that path--but even when not using that mod, I still turned Mira into a Jedi before leaving NS...all the TSLRCM does is restore content cut from the original released game and I know Stoney, Zybl, HH and others have been tweaking it but again nothing I've read on this site leads me to believe they changed anything having to do with Jedi training your party and I've had no problems in LS or DS playthroughs...my only issue is getting enough influence with Kreia (without using the KSE) to have her admit she trained Revan but that's neither a TSLRCM nor a mod issue Regardless, this is to report issues with TSLRCM 1.7 and thats an issue I'm having. It may not be happing to you, but you may not have the same mods I do. I think it has to do with how this version and USM work with each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted January 31, 2011 Yep and I've got a problem on Malachor--I can't finish the fight with Sion which I think is a mod conflict but I don't know if a file was overwritten or what, after I get home later I'm going to compare the files in the TSLRCM and Final Touch mods and see if there are any duplicates Regardless, this is to report issues with TSLRCM 1.7 and thats an issue I'm having. It may not be happing to you, but you may not have the same mods I do. I think it has to do with how this version and USM work with each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted January 31, 2011 If memory serves, using Final Touch mod will certainly get to a handful of bugs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 1, 2011 That's what I'm thinking too Phil although I've had only one issue until now and that one issue is kinda weird because I use a number of Shem's mods in all my playthroughs but this is the first time the game crashed (my first problem was the cutscene in which Nihl sends Visas after you which I'm thinking was also Final Touch related) so I'm going to compare the files--the only thing I know about modding is I don't know anything about it but I'm thinking not being able to finish Sion is a *.dlg file issue, I could be wrong though... If memory serves, using Final Touch mod will certainly get to a handful of bugs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted February 1, 2011 Good luck finding your solution then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 1, 2011 TY Phil but I didn't find the conflict--the Final Touch mod changes only Sion's skin, in the mod's patch data folder there's no .dlg file for Sion and no Malachor module files. I noticed in the TSLRCM 1.7 readme Sion's dialogue was tweaked but I really don't care about that--I was simply hoping to trigger the F Exile/Atton scene...if I knew what to do in the KSE, either under quests or elsewhere, I would mark that quest as complete in hopes to see the scene I played through as a LS F Exile to see... Good luck finding your solution then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EELON 0 Posted February 2, 2011 Any reason why you don't use TSLpatcher? Every time I install TSLRCM, I have to install another mod (who uses TSLpatcher) so that dialog.tlk doesn't get screwed up, preventing use of KSE. It's just a minor inconvenience (hence why I posted it here), but shouldn't that prevent at least a few Mod Compatibility issues? (I don't know, that why I'm asking) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 2, 2011 I noticed in the TSLRCM 1.7 readme Sion's dialogue was tweaked but I really don't care about that That's just Revan's gender and ending weren't properly decided, it was always LSM I think, now it takes the one of the 4 it should. Nothing to do with your issue, even if an outdated .dlg would overwrite it (you would just be stuck with the 3/4 chance of incorrect Revan again). @ EELON; Not really. Actually, it would probably more likely to get issues when using TSLPatcher with mod conflicts as it may start to skip TSLRCM files (which can give big issues), while with the installer it would just overwrite them. And there are FAR too many changes in TSLRCM's dialog.tlk (English version only) to use TSLPatcher to modify them all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dread Cthulhu 0 Posted February 2, 2011 I'm still getting the same problem as I had in 1.6, where some of the new dialog goes by REALLY fast, like in a couple hundredths of a second. The best example I can give is with the Gran and the Duros outside the Jekk Jekk Tar, where the Duros kills the Gran. This happens after the exile goes in the Jekk Jekk Tar. I am (obviously) on Nar Shadaa, I've done all the missions there, have not visited any other planets besides Telos, I have 1.7 and the Nar Shadaa Fix installed, and I have the mods Bastila PC, Exile Item Pack, and New Force Powers 2.1 installed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites