
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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Droid, what droid?

The droid you play on the Ebon Hawk who has to go across the broken hull to the dormitory. Finally the third time Starting the game over I made it through by using 3D-FD. There is still a bad bug that prevents T3-M4 from going through the door.


Plus if your reload your game the door closes with no way to reopen it unless you start your game over. I even went back up on the Outer Hull, to check the wires and they were activated (e.g. door should be open).

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Hi friends,


Have anybody notice a possible bug when the exile and the party members run to escape from the Sith Academy on Korriban? On Korriban, when the exile is going to leave the Old Sith Academy, the exile is stopped by Darth SIon and 2 Sith Assasins. The Exile and Darth Sion start a light saber duel. Anybody who had played KOTOR 2, knows exactly that Kreia is not in the party members in Korriban because she stays in the Ebon Hawk, and from the Ebon Hawk, Kreia interfere and halt the duel. Then the exile and the party members run out from the Sith Academy. If the exile is escorted with 2 party members, you only see the exile and the first party members running out but the second party member stays still and do not run. The still problem occurs when the exile is accompanied by more than one party member. So I ask anybody of you, to test that scene in Korriban with the exile and the party members.

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Guest HaVoKeR

it happened for me once or twice, i guess it depends on what positon your party is when that scene starts. It's really, really lame and dummie when that happened, i laughed a lot...

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The droid you play on the Ebon Hawk who has to go across the broken hull to the dormitory. Finally the third time Starting the game over I made it through by using 3D-FD. There is still a bad bug that prevents T3-M4 from going through the door.


Plus if your reload your game the door closes with no way to reopen it unless you start your game over. I even went back up on the Outer Hull, to check the wires and they were activated (e.g. door should be open).

No issues here. And I was using a savegame where the door had already been opened, and well... it stayed open.

So not sure why it's different with you...

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Other mods? Ithorian Cantina for example?

Does that mean that the Ithorian Cantina mod is incompatible with TSLRCM?

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It is kind of incompatible with itself.


I have no idea how Doctor made a mod that cannot be installed properly until you pass Telos or otherwise it blocks your progress... :S

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No issues here. And I was using a savegame where the door had already been opened, and well... it stayed open.

So not sure why it's different with you...

Thanks for checking and apologizes for being wrong. It's very surprising, no idea what would be causing the problem.

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I think I may ask a question here


I have a problem on Nar Shadda with Exchange: Atton doesn't send the invitation message

I have passed the game many times and it's the first time i see this bug

the reason might be that there're two Attons now (one of them - stuck. But i can talk to both(!) of them)


I have no idea how to fix this


2 Atton

and also


there are 2 Kreis'a on Dxun%) but I hope that's not too bad %)



instalation TSLRCM 1.7 + fix; Sith Assassins - With Lightsabers; Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox and Kill the Ithorian.


Try to delete Override foldet - no reaction

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The 2 Atton's is a symptom of a well known vanilla TSL Nar Shaddaa Glitch. You can find several solutions in the sticky FAQ in the official Obsidian forums.


No idea about having 2 Kreia's though. Where are they?

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Hi everyone! I have a new problem playing 1.7 mod hope you can help.

I just finished finding the jedi masters. When i first tried to enter the rebuilt enclave (with Kreia in my party), i saw the restored nihilus cutscene with tobin, then i enter the courtyard (Kreia sayin it is different...), she goes to sit and the screen turn black but i can see my pointer and the music still goes. The screen is black but i can hear myself flourish.


On my fourth try, i took kreia out of my party. After the nihilus scene, i am able to enter and i move around, loot some stuff(no kreia telepathy dialog though), then go to meet the masters. But when i approach them and speak they just turn and stare at me, meaning im stuck there because i cant interact with them. Also wasnt Kreia supposed to come with you there, like you had no choice but to have her in your party or something?


Im wondering maybe the nihilus cutscene is the problem because it cuts the enclave enter sequence but im not sure anyway. I got movierobes mod but no skin altering or anything like that.


Anyone heard of this or how it can be fixed please? thanks a lot!

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Thanks Hassat Hunter. Problem solved


about Kreia - Dxun


i don't remember for sure, but every time when i passed game - she stuck there and there is no problem with that)

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I'm stuck. I've talked with Onasi, then traveled to Malachor V. There were a fewcutscenes, after that Ebon Hawk crash video and some words of Kreia. And after that screen goes black with the classic symptoms. I'll try to teleport to 901MAL.

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Not sure if this is RCM or conflict with another mod. It seems most likely RCM, since I don't have any mods which effect basic items.


The 3 sonic grenades, you find on the tech at Peragus (he removes them, per his data pad while playing T3) which are not labeled correctly. There is no description nor value to sell.


There are 3 sets of clothes on Peragus (iirc) they are not labeled correctly. There is no description nor value to sell.


There are 2 Vibrocutters on Peragus which have no value to sell, they are clearly worth something.


There are 2 rifles on Peragus, 1 Mining Laser and 1 Heavy (Advance?) Mining Laser which have no value to sell.


Additionally all these items are set to Value Breakdown of 1, these are all clearly at least as valueable as their normally counter parts. This causes them not to stack correctly either, I have two different stacks of basic Clothing, with 3 in each stack.

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There are different types of basic clothing (9 IIRC). Not sure what's with the other issues. The 2 vibrocutter thing sounds like a Peragus version VP once got me, pretty sure that didn't make it into TSLRCM though.

Are you using his Peragus Modification?

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Nothing major right now, but I did find two dialog breaks, both (for me) on Nar Shaddaa. The first is the lightsaber quest, after robbing Vogga I talked to Bao-Dur in Vogga's place. Worked fine until I got to:


1. [select color crystal (this can be changed later)]


I didn't even get to choose, the dialog stopped. Went back to the EH, same spot. Saved and loaded, same spot. So via KSE I removed the saber pieces, added a saber, and closed the quest.


Second dialog break is with Mira. She gets mad at you, dialog stops like it should. I talk again, apologize. First option every time. I say:


1. Fair enough. There were some questions I wanted to ask.


And the dialog breaks off. Nothing major, just REALLY annoying. Also unrelated to rcm, the masters are not using their custom sabers for USM.




1.7 unofficial fix

cyan lightsaber fix

Bao-Dur Charged Armor

No skirt dancer's outfit

EZ Swoop

Shem's Feat Progression

Shem's Force Power progression

Shem's Increase Attributes and Skills

Shem's Handmaiden undergarments for PC

Exile Item Pack

Peragus Survival Packs

PMC01 by Jango Fett

Mystical Sword by BIOShazzard

The Exile's Robe by Ellimar

Upgradable DL-44 by Mono Giganto

Kristy Kistic's Visas Dance for Vogga

Mono's K1 Gun Models

And of course USM (via TSLRCM-USM compatability mod)


I know, I use a LOT of mods.

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There are different types of basic clothing (9 IIRC). Not sure what's with the other issues. The 2 vibrocutter thing sounds like a Peragus version VP once got me, pretty sure that didn't make it into TSLRCM though.

Are you using his Peragus Modification?

Yes, good call, though I had no idea it did anything with clothing. Maybe when they are put on different bodies they are effected in someway, differently. I guess all those items could have come off of bodies changed. There were only two stacks of clothes, so either it was two different kinds or one model (my guess) where three are bugged and three are not.

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@ springerjkreb: Both are issues with the DEFAULT USM .dlg files. Which means you didn't properly install the files from the Compatibility patch. And we made more severe fixes than a few mere convo breaks (whoever did the .dlg editing in the USM doesn't seem to had any idea what he was doing, at least to me).


@ Acleacius: Yeah, not all clothing models work (I believe several are NPC, not meant for the player to ever get). Though you shouldn't get them with "just" TSLRCM.

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@ springerjkreb: Both are issues with the DEFAULT USM .dlg files. Which means you didn't properly install the files from the Compatibility patch. And we made more severe fixes than a few mere convo breaks (whoever did the .dlg editing in the USM doesn't seem to had any idea what he was doing, at least to me).


Fair enough. I'll try reinstalling it.


So let's try this one. Did Nar Shaddaa, did Onderon pt. 1, got the clan from NS, went to Dantooine to get Esok's clan. Fight goes well, I kill him, the other two leave. Game crashes. What about that one?

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That happens if your party is just you and Mandalore. Have a third party member.

I can't fix it (I have tried), not sure if Zbyl and Stoney ever looked at it, though they should know about it by now after me nagging on and on ;).

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That happens if your party is just you and Mandalore. Have a third party member.

I can't fix it (I have tried), not sure if Zbyl and Stoney ever looked at it, though they should know about it by now after me nagging on and on ;).


THANK YOU! Forgot to mention that. *Joins the naggers* Any chance of that getting fixed (j/k ;) your work is awesome)?

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4 disk version, 1.0b, RCM 1.7 and 1.7fix


on Nar Shaddaa, just received the message that I have been at someone else's spot for too long and I should check on my ship, saw the cut scene of the guys going on board, went onto ship and did my business. After this the sith cut scene comes up and when it finishes the screen goes black with cursor, cant do anything besides alt f4 out.


Tried killing them all, allying them, selling thief into slavery, letting him go. Any advice? I've read through this entire topic and tried any fixes I could find.


Windows 7, running compatibility mode XP service pack 3, also tried 2. Game ran perfectly fine up to here.


Slight update: It appears that after the cutscene it starts to load up inside the ebon hawk before going full blackscreen. I can also access menu's for about 5 seconds after the end of the cutscene

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On the Dantooine I've meet with Azkul and joined him. After that Handmaiden asked me "Why are you doing this?" Everything was right, but when I've returned to this place with only Kreia, I saw the Handmaiden was standing near the cave.

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Slight update: It appears that after the cutscene it starts to load up inside the ebon hawk before going full blackscreen. I can also access menu's for about 5 seconds after the end of the cutscene

Might be a conflict of trying to do Visas so very soon after the cutscene, although that seems unlikely. Could you upload your savegame from just before dealing with the Red Eclipse Leader?

Just .rar or .zip up the entire folder of the save and upload it with rapidshare or megaupload or something...

On the Dantooine I've meet with Azkul and joined him. After that Handmaiden asked me "Why are you doing this?" Everything was right, but when I've returned to this place with only Kreia, I saw the Handmaiden was standing near the cave.

Odd. I'll see if I can replicate this.

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Might be a conflict of trying to do Visas so very soon after the cutscene, although that seems unlikely. Could you upload your savegame from just before dealing with the Red Eclipse Leader?

Just .rar or .zip up the entire folder of the save and upload it with rapidshare or megaupload or something...


Odd. I'll see if I can replicate this.

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