
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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My Glitch, seems to occur after melee combat, and I never said anything, about knowing what caused it... On top of that, It doesn't happen all the time and sometimes works itself out after about 2 minutes, when it really stays locked or unresponsive, you must load a save game to fix it... And you can load a game you save after the fact and after it loads, the problem vanishes.

As to the cause, I don't know.... I simply wish for a resolution, to whatever the cause is.

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Thx for the info gangster...but if the Trayus Acedemy is before you meet Kreia in the Trayus Core then the mod skipped the entire Academy....i went back to face Nhilus hoping something would change and nothing still skips the Academy...I'd really hate to start over at this point..this has been as awesome mod...and I hate that i can't get to the end! :-( Is there a way to fix using the KSE?

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I have had a problem on nar shadda, with the red eclipse. When you see the sequence inside the ebon hawk when you have atris and the handmaiden on your team, bao-dur is gassed by the red eclipse, the problem is right there, when he is gassed he falls after that you see keira in the ebon hawk.

When the sequence is over, she's standing right next to me.

Also when you go dark side when you are out of the jek jek tar tunnels and have hanharr on you team. Keira chokes the jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, after the she's also moving her head for like a minute or to but, she isn't talking and there is no text.

Edited by gangster1337

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The usual; other mods?


No other mods, only the TSLRCM 1.7 without the 1.7 fix, because it gave me more problems than it did any good.

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I maybe have a good one...the console in kotor II isn't visible on windows 7, could that part be fixed pleasy please.....It's when you played the game over 30times, you don't want to go to all the trouble to get a saber. And yes i know the console still works even if it isn't visible but it would be a big plus.

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Not really.


But adding it with KSE is much more efficient anyways.

(and it sounds even without the fix you still get loads of weird issues, try a re-install? Not all mods go to override. Still want to hear what my fix did for you though...)

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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Guest HaVoKeR
I maybe have a good one...the console in kotor II isn't visible on windows 7, could that part be fixed pleasy please.....It's when you played the game over 30times, you don't want to go to all the trouble to get a saber. And yes i know the console still works even if it isn't visible but it would be a big plus.


I am working on a mod (in truth its finished, but i'm waiting for a pass card from the owner cause i used its source, hope he still accessible) that gives you a saber when you get the EH, which is for me, the exact moment you should get your lightsaber, and theres even a excuse with a dialog for that, i've also fixed some of the exile dialog options for having a saber before the time so it makes sense.

Wondering now; if i use a source script of someone and ask for his permission, but he never answers, is it wrong to upload it?

Edited by HaVoKeR

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Guest HaVoKeR

it will be compatible with RCM, HLFP and everything =p

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Not really.



But adding it with KSE is much more efficient anyways.


(and it sounds even without the fix you still get loads of weird issues, try a re-install? Not all mods go to override. Still want to hear what my fix did for you though...)



Well i couldn't do more than try =) thnx for the info


it will be compatible with RCM, HLFP and everything =p





coowl well...i wanna try your mod from the moment it gets online =)

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Wondering now; if i use a source script of someone and ask for his permission, but he never answers, is it wrong to upload it?

It's frowned upon, yes.

For example, it would have been much easier for us to use Ulic's mod as base for Peragus in 1.7, but well, we never got permission...

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It's frowned upon, yes.

For example, it would have been much easier for us to use Ulic's mod as base for Peragus in 1.7, but well, we never got permission...

He's correct, it's frowned upon by the staff of kfiles and similar places, but who cares. Its not 'evil' if you tried to contact the guy and you credit him. (Besides, we're making mods for a star wars game that's 5 years old. Must we take this so seriously?)

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Guest phenex

Hey I was wondering, what stat increase does a watchman get when the player character reaches maximum light or dark? Because in my current game i was awarded with +3 con, when i thought before you would get +3 Dex. Is this a glitch or was there a game change from the RCM?

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From GameFaqs (so from before TSLRCM was even available);


Q - What are the perks for getting Light Side, or Dark Side Mastery?


A - Mastery occurs when you are PERFECTLY in the Light or Dark. You get a



Jedi Sentinel/Watchmen > +3 CON

Jedi Guardian/Jedi Weapon Master > +3 STR

Jedi Consular/Jedi Master > +3 WIS

Sith Marauder > +1 to 8 extra damage

Sith Assassin > +3 DEX

Sith Lord > +50 Force Points


Note: If you get perfect dark side mastery while still in one of the

original 3 classes, you will get the Sith bonus. That is, a

Guardian will get +1 to 8 extra damage, a Sentinel will get

+3 DEX and a Consular will get +50 FP. [from Sam Lay]


Bonuses from original classes stick around after you get your prestige

class. So, a Guardian > Weapon Master has a +6 STR bonus. It won't SHOW

that you get a +6, you still see "+3 STR", but you get the full +6. You

can test this by stripping your character of all items and looking at

your Character screen. Your stats with the bonuses will highlight in

yellow, and then you can compare those numbers with the numbers you see

at level up (which are your "real" numbers).

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Guest phenex

Ah thx, now i feel stupid, lol. thx for clearing that up, didnt know that only sith assassins got the dex +

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Well, there are many things you can try. If you have a virtual machine and W7 pro/Ultimate, you may attempt to run the thing with Win XP mode (otherwise, it ain't gonna help).


What you may try is to disable movies from the config utility. That's what I did for K1 and it did the trick... That's all I can think of, for the moment.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I'm getting Onderon 1st Visit crash on me all the time. No specific places, just crashing.

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Well, there are many things you can try. If you have a virtual machine and W7 pro/Ultimate, you may attempt to run the thing with Win XP mode (otherwise, it ain't gonna help).


What you may try is to disable movies from the config utility. That's what I did for K1 and it did the trick... That's all I can think of, for the moment.


What do you mean by virtual machine? I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on a Intel Core I7 860 pc. SWKotor2 installed just fine, but when I try to run tslrcm1.7 it says that it is not compatible with the version of Windows I am running. So my real question: is tslrcm1.7 compatible with pc's with windows 7 64 bit operating systems? If yes then I must have another problem.

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Well, this is actually not a bug, but a crash error.

Okay, I'm on Dxun, I talk to HK-47, say some dark side stuff to him, get Dark Side points, then the scene where Visas and Darth Nihilus sense my presence comes up, where Visas is meditating, goes to Nihilus, etc. etc. Okay, towards the end of their chit-chat, the game crashes to the desktop and it keeps happening every time I do that. It breaks my game and it really sucks.

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@ Mandalore; when entering the Merchant Quarters? If so, put the graphic options lowest, and hope for the best. You can put them back up after it loaded, the other transportations to the Merchant Quarters aren't nearly as crashprone (though they still can, so play save and save each time before trying to load it)...


@ LordsRevan; Use the Achilles Game Balance Modification?

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Guest phenex

Hey everyone, I have noticed that on Nar Shaddaa, if u tell fassa about the ithorian carrying power cells and complete the quest, in your log the quest "Power Shortage" will remain active unless u use the power cell you obtain from the ithorian yourself to repair the console without him giving a cell to fassa.


Is there a way to get rid of this and actually trigger the quest as completed. Its just a little irritating knowing that all the pylons have full power and yet my log tells me otherwise.

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@ Phenex; We already fixed that for the next version(?) of TSLRCM.

As for yourself, just use KSE to put it to state 10 or 11, that will close it.

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