
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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After applying the patch, did you load a save from before turning exile.


Alternatively, try deleting 232TEL_on_enter.ncs from your override, then load a savegame before going to the Military Base.

I did load a different save before turning exile, yes. And that file isn't even in my override folder. I have: k_232_enter.ncs


as the closest.

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Yeah, try that one (it's on_enter with the Ebon Hawk, guess not with all modules).


You beautiful man, I could kiss you!


That worked, thank you, thank, thank you!


And thanks to everyone who created this mod!


Now to go kick some imposter butt, then the Sith Lords.

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Guest Orbb

On my last playthrough I was playing a DS male and noticed a few inconsistencies.


During some of HK-47's INF:Success dialogue he refers to Revan as a male when my Revan was a DS female. If the VO's only describe Revan as male then I'll understand.


Another one affects Kreia's end dialogue. In the Trayus Academy you have a chance to kill Visas (if you didn't sacrifice her to Nihilous) and Handmaiden when they are in the prison cells. If you free them then Kreia includes them in her final predictions after you defeat her. If you gas them then Kreia still gives you Handmaiden's future even though you made Brianna one with the Force about 15 minutes earlier. Visas' triggers work fine with Kreia because if Visas is dead then Kreia doesn't say anything about her.


The last inconsistency I found was leaving Visas to train future force sensitives on Malachor when the exile's plan was to activate the Mass Shadow Generator (HK-47 and 51s overpower G0T0). Maybe not so hard to imagine for a DS exile to leave someone behind, I'll have to play LS and see if I get the same ending. It was kind of amusing to me to think that the end events of my last playthrough went something like this:


(Exile defeats Kreia's animated sabers)

Kreia: You have 3 choices, blah, blah, blah...

Exile: (mutters to himself) That's what you think, I'm going to blow this popsicle stand (literally) as soon as I'm done here..

Kreia: What little you know of the ones that travel with you (or something like that)

Kreia: Visas will remain to train the ones that will eventually follow


Visas: Where are you going? Can I come? Pretty please!!!!

Exile: Yeah, um, stay here for a minute, you're going to have to train the folks that show up. I'll be RIGHT back, I promise! *wink*

(Exile activates MSG as soon as the Ebon Hawk is off-planet)

Exile: (to Atton) Finally, I thought I'd NEVER be able to get rid of that drama queen. Remember that bar in the red sector of Nar Shaddaa you were talking about? First round is on you. Hit it!

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During some of HK-47's INF:Success dialogue he refers to Revan as a male when my Revan was a DS female. If the VO's only describe Revan as male then I'll understand.

There are only male variations here, yeah. And not just HK. But there IS something being done about it. Just the question wheter or not that will be in 1.8, since it will hold up it's release quite some if we wait till that's done. Choices, choices...

Another one affects Kreia's end dialogue. In the Trayus Academy you have a chance to kill Visas (if you didn't sacrifice her to Nihilous) and Handmaiden when they are in the prison cells. If you free them then Kreia includes them in her final predictions after you defeat her. If you gas them then Kreia still gives you Handmaiden's future even though you made Brianna one with the Force about 15 minutes earlier. Visas' triggers work fine with Kreia because if Visas is dead then Kreia doesn't say anything about her.

That's cause you can kill Visas with Nihilus. Sadly enough, the remainder of the party members still can get their future read since 904MAL got the wrong 904kreia.dlg file. Oops.

Already fixed for 1.8 though (the proper file already existed for 1.7, it just didn't get included :)).

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Guest AttonsGirl

Okay, I'm just getting around to my first playthrough of 1.7, and the first cutscene with Visas, the one where she tells Nihilus she's coming to find you, does not trigger after Telos. I played through Nar Shaddaa and somehow made it all the way through to Goto's yacht without doing any quests in the actual Refugee Sector (I didn't even know that was possible). Anyway, after all this I still had not seen the Visas cutscene and was wondering if I had accidentally skipped it. I went back to the refugee sector and healed the sick guy, and as soon as I closed the "items received, XP gained" box, the cutscene started playing. This caused me to miss the +INF hit on Bao-Dur, so I went back and tried to trigger the scene another way. I went onto the Ebon Hawk and it triggered after I got all of my influence with Mira. Again, as soon as I closed the box, the scene triggered, and as soon as it ended, since I was on the Ebon Hawk, Visas showed up and I had to fight her and all that.


So, anyway, short version, the Visas cutscene doesn't show up when it's supposed to. The mods I have installed are:

Cyan Lightsaber Fix

Official Lucasarts Patch

Enhanced Merchants for TSL by Shem

Movie Style Dark Side Transitions

Unofficial 1.7 Fix

Handsister Fix

And my own little tweak that gives Atton the Echani Strike and Unarmed Combat feats. I edited the feats.2da file so that he automatically gets them at the same levels that Brianna does, and tweaked lines 112315, 112316, and 112317 in the dialog.tlk file so Echani Strike would no longer say "she".

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Currently playing 1.7 my character is DS, I don't know if this is a bug ( but I've tried so many save and load, still no success ) ? Anyway, this how it goes - after I finished the Ravager. Autosave . Then I end up in Telos, small talk with the TSF Officer and then to Carth ( talk about Revan ). After Carth and Bastilla talked w/ each other. The cinematic of the Ebon Hawk arriving at Malanchor, then Loading. Kreia walk past the Sith Assassins, then Deads.. then she walked to Sion.. talk talk.. then the screen became all black, the last thing I saw was Sion saying "Why have you returned?.." something like that.. then another cinematic came up.. The Ebon Hawk crashing through the mountains.. then another black screen with Kreia's subtitle lines... then all black.. I tried pressing "M" then the map shows up with a white rectangle.. when I press "X" I hear a lightsaber wielding.. so.. that's it.. I can't continue.. IIRC after the Ebon Hawk crashed.. I must be in malanchor?.. Help anyone??

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Hello, I'm new here! After the combats the caracter can not move.


I've had this same bug hit me 2 times so far in Peragus. Is this a known issue?

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You can try;

1) Vsync on. Though that's a big performance hit.

2) Disable Vertex Buffer Objects = 1 under [graphic options] to the .ini. Should give improved performance with smoke (lots on Peragus) and Dantooine.

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Just a reminder that you're free to report any issues. Not only gamestopping ones.


Typo's or dialog issues (for me at least) are very welcome :question:.

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I made a thread about this, but no one replied so I'll ask about it here. Hope I'm not being an annoyance.


"It would've helped had she made him understand. But a hero of the Republic, no matter how brave, could not understand war as Revan did."

-Kreia on Malachor V


I noticed that Kreia will say the above quote, regardless of female Revan's alignment. It's a trivial point, but isn't Bastila the one Revan actually left behind if Revan was set as DS female? Carth was dead before Revan even remembered the Unknown Regions, so she wouldn't really think about taking him along. And if Revan is set as DS female, the Sith holocron of Bastila will appear on Korriban.


Shouldn't Kreia be talking about Bastila instead of Carth if Revan was a DS female, then?




Clarification: Kreia says this when she mentions that the Exile would have to leave behind loved ones when journeying to the Unknown Regions, as Revan did.

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Hey Guys I love the restored content Mod. I have been playing TSL since it came out on the Xbox. Recently started playing on my laptop with the TSLRCM 1.7.


My trouble is with the return to the telos academy. There are two Atris characters after I kill all the sisters. I fight one and chase her to the meditation chamber. When I enter the next cut scene, I talk to the one stuck in the chamber where the initial fight took place. After that cut scene I cannot engage the Atris in the meditation room nor can I go through the door to engage the other one.


I am darkside/male.


This is the only mod I have installed.


Thanks guys. Love the your work.

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Not using Reblance mod by Achilles?



Nope but I solved it. Just reloaded and didn't kill all the sisters. Stunned two of them and there was only one Atris. Good thing, she was way to wacked out for there to be more than one of her.


On to new problems. I am having the black screen after I find Mandalore in the Entertainment module on Telos. I cannot find a solution to the problem in the forum. The link that was originally posted no longer works. Can access the menu but nothing else. Tried alt+tab to no avail. Please help.

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Download the "Ravager Black Screen Fix" in the download section...


Still no love. Same black screen. Even tried a save back before I got to Citidel Staion.

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Hello everyone having an issue here:


On Dantooine when i talk to Kaevee or the Disciple about Vrook everything is fine but when i am in the caves and search for him there he isn't there!


Already using the fix for this issue but still no luck

Using only:

Shems SuperEnhancedMod, AddOn, Ultimate Sound mod and some self made robe mods

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@ WhiteKnight. After you drop that file into override, it should work.


@ Fix?

Did you look at the 3 bodies near Disciple and find the Holocron? If female you can't get the location from Kaevee (to prevent the player from missing Disciple and getting stuck much, much later).

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Guest HK-47

Statement: I made an interesting discovery. When I'm in the HK factory and fighting the droids on the first level, the droids can target me through the walls of the hallway that leads to the reactor. I couldn't figure out why I was taking so much damage from 2 droids until I saw the blaster bolts coming through the walls from the other droids.


Statement: I don't know if this can be fixed, but now it's known. I had to cheat just to stay alive.

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Yeah, there are multiple areas where there can be shot through walls (the big HK-filled battle room in the lower level being the one most known).

Nothing to do 'bout that...

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@ WhiteKnight. After you drop that file into override, it should work.


@ Fix?

Did you look at the 3 bodies near Disciple and find the Holocron? If female you can't get the location from Kaevee (to prevent the player from missing Disciple and getting stuck much, much later).


about the fix i meanth this -

Also playing as a male character and what kind off holocron?

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Holopad. My bad.

Anyway just loot everything in the loot pile where Disciple was. Although talking to Kaevee should have been enough unless you use a really old version of TSLRCM.


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Holopad. My bad.

Anyway just loot everything in the loot pile where Disciple was. Although talking to Kaevee should have been enough unless you use a really old version of TSLRCM.



Using 1.7 :/

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