
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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Why would I need to use single bladed ones? :D


And also why should Visas have one as well if the idea is for Kreia to train me? :question:

Because she wields one, and you need to use single, 2x single and unarmed. That's the dialogue, that's the requirements. They should be mentioned in [] after Kreia refuses to train you, no?


By Jjo (Reposted here due to topic split. We need a split post option :D);

This is unrelated to getting your lightsaber back from Atris, but I didn't want to double post and this is a bug I always encounter when leaving the Jedi Enclave as a DS character if I bring Kreia and another party member with me:



Kreia and the other party member will be standing in the courtyard, just chillin'. I don't think I can talk to Kreia (I'd have to check), but I can talk to the other party member normally. They're just not in my party and they'll both just stand there until I leave. It's not a big deal and I actually thought it was kind of funny the first time it happened. I was just wondering if anyone else encountered this problem.

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Found this code, warp 901MAL and got me on the surface. :D


Did I miss any cutscene besides Kreia putting a choke hold on Sion?




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Guest Salk

There's a LOT of dialogue, so just this info isn't enough. Do you know the dialogue?


I am sorry but I can no longer duplicate this. I have not a valid save point to go back. I thought it was an easy thing to track it using TLKed but it wasn't. When I made a search for "{" I got hundreds of entries! And it was not what the other user suggested. In my case, it was just a typo. There was an opening "{" at the beginning of the dialogue but never a "}", IIRC:


Anyway I can tell you I had found at least three more typos which stupidly enough, I didn't write down.


Still about dialogues, it happened several times that the text disappear too quickly for me to have time to read it. This is a general problem which I suspect is too annoying to patch.

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Machiavelli your load order is wrong, you have to install USM before tne 1.7 fix. Look at the USM Patch instructions it's very specific on how it needs to be installed. Once you finish your USM Compatibility patch then copy over 1.7 fix.




The USM compat patch says nothing about installing 1.7 after. I do notice that the usm patch is for rcm 1.6. I'm still at the beginning so I'll give it a try and see if the dates are alright.


As to your problem with the skipping dialog, I'm pretty sure that is just a common kotor2 bug and there isn't a fix. Only thing to do is exit the game when it starts happening. I've heard just changing maps will do it too. It happens to me alot too. Annoying but not game breaking. Save often. I usually run about 175 saves on an rpg.

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Guest hkmandalore47

are you sure thats a bug? because it happened to me too with a male light sided character when i brought atton and handmaiden (i think it was those two)

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The USM compat patch says nothing about installing 1.7 after. I do notice that the usm patch is for rcm 1.6. I'm still at the beginning so I'll give it a try and see if the dates are alright.

Correct, I was just trying to tell you about the load order of USM, as I read recently read from the instructions myself. The fix goes last as I found out in the 1.7 release thread or this one, when I asked. Just thought I would save you having to read through all the threads.


Remember USM Compatibility patch will break your game at Malachor, as I just found out. The fix is to use/enable Cheats in your swkotor2.ini then use the code below when you get to the *Black Screen* when you first land on Malachor. This will hopefully save you the frustration, I encountered becasue I didn't know. I finally just completed the game with RCM ( :cheers: excellent work on the RCM :StandingOvation: ) after on this 4th attempt!


warp 901MAL

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Correct, I was just trying to tell you about the load order of USM, as I read recently read from the instructions myself. The fix goes last as I found out in the 1.7 release thread or this one, when I asked. Just thought I would save you having to read through all the threads.


Remember USM Compatibility patch will break your game at Malachor, as I just found out. The fix is to use/enable Cheats in your swkotor2.ini then use the code below when you get to the *Black Screen* when you first land on Malachor. This will hopefully save you the frustration, I encountered becasue I didn't know. I finally just completed the game with RCM ( :cheers: excellent work on the RCM :StandingOvation: ) after on this 4th attempt!


warp 901MAL


If it breaks the game at malachor, then how is it a compatibility patch? hahaha. Any word on this being fixed?

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I thought it was an easy thing to track it using TLKed but it wasn't. When I made a search for "{" I got hundreds of entries! And it was not what the other user suggested. In my case, it was just a typo. There was an opening "{" at the beginning of the dialogue but never a "}

That's because {} is used for developer notes, but aren't shown ingame (but in the editor, for the voiceactors). As such you can imagine there being quote a few.

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Guest HK-47

Query: I've still got the 1.6 version of TSLRCM, so I don't know if the 1.7 corrected this or not, but did anyone notice that when Bao-Dur talks about his arm after disabling the forcefield, his mouth doesn't move? In fact, the game says that it was the forcefield speaking, not Bao-Dur.


Suggestion: It would also be nice if the only attack option against a forcefield for Bao is his arm. You can use it in combat, but not against a forcefield despite the fact that that's part of the point of his arm.

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Guest Chev

I'm having a slight issue. When I fight the red-armored mandalorian as Mandalore I get a black screen and then I crash to desktop.

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Guest gohsam2001

I'm a victim of the Mira in Enviro-suit thing where she goes back and forth and back and forth when I hit the door in the Jekk Jekk Tarr (Private Lounge)


Also, Dantooine, the Khoonda battle won't trigger.


Mods I have (other than TSLRCM v 1.7 with fix)

Halo AR

Mandalorian armor pack (workbench creatable)

Heroes of the Old Republic Saber mod v 1.4 fix

Paladin Armor

Corusant Jedi Temple (The landing pad could have been better IMHO)

Remote Influence

Nihilus Mod

Nihilus reskin

Nihilus anim fix

Workbench attunement Crystal

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I'm having a slight issue. When I fight the red-armored mandalorian as Mandalore I get a black screen and then I crash to desktop.

Give yourself a third party member (before the fight). This only happens if your party is You + Mandalore.

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Guest Hib

I noticed two false triggered cutscenes on Nar Shaddaa:


1. After you fight your way to the docks with Atton, Bao-Dur and a third member, the Mira-Atton-cutscene in the Jekk'Jekk'Tar tunnels plays. There Mira talks about Visquis' death and the kidnapping of the Exile by Goto, which both happen in the following cutscene.


2. Immediatly after T3 enters Vogga's Warehouse the cutscene with B4-D4 and his droid friend plays, which is weird because you're not even near them.

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Guest staticjoe66



I did 2 things differently:


1) I realized with the KSE I didn't need the K2 Forms Teacher so I didn't install it--yeah, I know...sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptick...but I do get there eventually...most of the time...


2) I was playing a LS F Consular/Jedi Master and after finishing off Atris with Force Strike I couldn't talk to her and the cutscene wouldn't trigger...SO...what I did was took her down to about 1/4 health then finished her off with the saber...cutscene plays as normal. Did the same thing with Sion on Malachor--blasted him with the Force then finished him off blade to blade and I was able to defeat him then go onto Kreia.



The one thing which did disappoint me is I didn't get to see an Atton/Disciple showdown--I have double the influence with Mical than I do with Atton (since my first trip to Dxun/Onderon I think) but after I had Atton defeat Sion I didn't see that cutscene--I created a save point just before the Atton/Sion fight so I may play around a bit on any case I would say Old Flash' Final Touch mod is compatible again keeping in mind to finish off Atris and Sion with a lightsaber rather than the Force





Good luck finding your solution then.

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Did you see all the fight scenes on the Ebon Hawk.


For the fight to appear you NEED to go negative on Atton (influence under 30, or better, lower).

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Guest staticjoe66

Good question HH--I saw 1 which I hadn't seen in a LONG time, since before I started modding my game.


As far as INF is concerned, Atton's has been at 50 since my first trip to Dxun (I think) and my INF over Mical is in the 90's--didn't realize Atton had to be that always HH TYVM for the clarification




Did you see all the fight scenes on the Ebon Hawk.


For the fight to appear you NEED to go negative on Atton (influence under 30, or better, lower).

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Having this problem, cant solve it. When i get to Mandalore on Talos and talk to him to start the Ravager mission,after the initial animation the game goes black,except that i can still see my pointer and hear movement and action sounds,and use all options.I saved the game and looked at the load menu where i am,it showed i was still at the exit with Mandalore,on Talos.I tried loading a bit back,on other mision etc,nothing changed.Every time i speak to him,have Visas go with me and try to start the mision,it goes black.This never happened when i played without TSLRCM 1.7.I have it and 1.7 fix installed.I cant finish the game with this problem.


P.S. I also sometimes experience bug issues where characters look like thinned crystal shards all over the screen,and sometimes the dialogue animations dont show at all.


P.P.S. I googled a bit and it seems im not the only one that has this black screen problem after installing TSLRCM 1.7.Others havent found a fix either.

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Speaking of the Atton/Mical cutscene, I finally got to it and discovered there are some odd camera angles that were consistent each time I played the scene.


I played through half of this game as a neutral female Exile to gain influence with Mical and get Mira on my party and then fell to the DS. I lost a bunch of influence with Atton in order to Jedify him (and to get this scene).

After Mira, Mical, and Visas attack Kreia, there's this long shot of the screen where Atton is supposed to be running away. Atton, obviously, is not there since he doesn't attack Kreia with the rest of the party, but the shot lingers:




Afterward, the Atton/Mical scene triggers. Mical starts out facing Atton...




...but turns around in his closeup and decides to face the door instead:




Atton comes strolling down and stops to activate his lightsaber...




...but decides a lightsaber is inconvenient to have on during a long speech and so switches it off (which makes me wonder why he activated it in the first place):




Atton and Disciple chat for a bit more and have actual closeups of their faces during their conversation until Disciple starts talking out of Atton's chest for this line:




After that shot, there's a cut to a closeup of Atton and then to this...odd angle:




And the rest of the scene plays out so far away:





So yeah. While I loved the scene and was glad I finally got to it, it was disappointing how uncinematic it was. The closeup of Atton's chest and the angle where Atton completely blocked the Disciple were especially kind of odd. Is there some way the scene could be remedied to have better angles? It does have some that are alright, such as:




(But it is a little unfortunate how Atton is not facing Mical.)

Basically, the whole scene isn't executed very well. It'd be nice to see it fixed.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

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Guest staticjoe66

jjo TYVM for this--last night at Dxun I restarted my just completed game--after using the KSE to drop Atton's INF to 20--to see this very cutscene. I couldn't get the other cutscene to fire off either--after letting Sion defeat Atton I couldn't get his dying scene with the Exile to play, and my INF with him was at 100 I think





Speaking of the Atton/Mical cutscene, I finally got to it and discovered there are some odd camera angles that were consistent each time I played the scene.


I played through half of this game as a neutral female Exile to gain influence with Mical and get Mira on my party and then fell to the DS. I lost a bunch of influence with Atton in order to Jedify him (and to get this scene).

After Mira, Mical, and Visas attack Kreia, there's this long shot of the screen where Atton is supposed to be running away. Atton, obviously, is not there since he doesn't attack Kreia with the rest of the party, but the shot lingers:




Afterward, the Atton/Mical scene triggers. Mical starts out facing Atton...




...but turns around in his closeup and decides to face the door instead:




Atton comes strolling down and stops to activate his lightsaber...




...but decides a lightsaber is inconvenient to have on during a long speech and so switches it off (which makes me wonder why he activated it in the first place):




Atton and Disciple chat for a bit more and have actual closeups of their faces during their conversation until Disciple starts talking out of Atton's chest for this line:




After that shot, there's a cut to a closeup of Atton and then to this...odd angle:




And the rest of the scene plays out so far away:





So yeah. While I loved the scene and was glad I finally got to it, it was disappointing how uncinematic it was. The closeup of Atton's chest and the angle where Atton completely blocked the Disciple were especially kind of odd. Is there some way the scene could be remedied to have better angles? It does have some that are alright, such as:




(But it is a little unfortunate how Atton is not facing Mical.)

Basically, the whole scene isn't executed very well. It'd be nice to see it fixed.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

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jjo TYVM for this--last night at Dxun I restarted my just completed game--after using the KSE to drop Atton's INF to 20--to see this very cutscene. I couldn't get the other cutscene to fire off either--after letting Sion defeat Atton I couldn't get his dying scene with the Exile to play, and my INF with him was at 100 I think


You're welcome. I could probably take more screenshots and lay out the entire scene for you in a different thread if you'd like.


I've also gotten the Atton dying scene to fire consistently, so I could upload screenshots of that as well.


Edit: I made a new topic in this forum with screenshots of those 2 scenes. Here it is.

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P.P.S. I googled a bit and it seems im not the only one that has this black screen problem after installing TSLRCM 1.7.Others havent found a fix either.

The "solution" has been posted many times here.


Use KSE to put Global-Numerics 101PER_Revan_End to 0 (from 1).

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The "solution" has been posted many times here.


Use KSE to put Global-Numerics 101PER_Revan_End to 0 (from 1).


Yes,this finally fixed it.Thank you very much for your help.

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Guest staticjoe66

I haven't yet commented but did see them so TYSVM for putting that together--I didn't know the Atton death scene takes place after you deal with Kreia, in any case something still wasn't "right" as I didn't see that scene at the end of the game before the credits rolled




You're welcome. I could probably take more screenshots and lay out the entire scene for you in a different thread if you'd like.


I've also gotten the Atton dying scene to fire consistently, so I could upload screenshots of that as well.


Edit: I made a new topic in this forum with screenshots of those 2 scenes. Here it is.

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This is on plain 4 CD KOTOR 2 with the 1.01b patch and just the TSLRCM 1.7 + 1.7 fix.


I get to the Ravager and take the lift up to the bridge, but the first door you come to just says "Locked" when you try to open it--there are no other options. Something's supposed to trigger being able to open that door, no? :-)


Prior to going there, I set the three charges that I could, and found the missile bay, talked to Colonel Tobin, had Visas do her thing in her chamber, but never saw the cutscene between Mandalore and Visas as described on this page.


I'm pretty sure I've been everywhere on the Ravager and killed all the Sith onboard with the exception of the bridge (for obvious reasons). Is this a bug? If not, I'll figure out how to deal with it. :-)

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