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Guest Gatherum

Nihilus Introduction Crash Issue

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Guest Gatherum

Okay, umm...


Well, I'm not sure if the TSLRCM is actually responsible for this, but I have version 1.7 installed, along with the following mods:


  • Audio
  • Ambience Improvement
  • Music Improvement
  • Darth Nihilus: Lord of Hunger
  • Darth Revan: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Sion Reskin
  • Visually Appealing Atris
  • A Darker Peragus...
  • Dantooine High-Res Retextures
  • Ebon Hawk HD Retextures
  • Ebon Hawk Interior 2011
  • Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade
  • Harbinger Ghost Ship
  • High-Resolution Coruscant Textures
  • Korriban High-Res Retextures
  • Peragus: The Republic Mining Station
  • Ravager New Decor
  • Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox
  • Full Force Mod
  • Game Balance Mod
  • Multi-Stim
  • Workbench Overhaul
  • Workbench Rework
  • Telos Crash Movie Fix
    Graphical User Interface and Display
  • Widescreen Resolution (uniws)
  • HUD Widescreen Aspect Fix
  • Bao-Dur's Charged Armor
  • Coruscant: Jedi Temple
  • Jedi Temple Expansion
  • Improved Loading Screens
  • Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection
  • Onderon Museum Upgrade
  • SUPER Content Mod


Mods that have since been added.


Mods that have since been removed.


Note: I also have the game updated to version 1.0b.


So, either TSLRCM (probably) or another mod (unlikely) did away with the usual Nihilus Introduction video in favour of a short Ravager introduction, followed by the loading of the actual Ravager modules. The scene plays out almost exactly as it does in the original bink, save that Nihilus doesn't turn around (I'm not sure if he was meant to or not). In the middle of the conversation that he and Visas have about the 'disturbance,' the game crashes. I have no idea why, but it always seems to do so just after Nihilus' response to Visas' assertion that she can, "...follow it to its source..."


Could this be a TSLRCM bug, a mod conflict, or...? What? Because, unfortunately, I can't skip the scene, nor can I skip any of the dialogue, which effectively makes this a game-ending glitch if it can't be fixed.

Edited by Gatherum

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These are the ones I'd suspect:

# Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection

# Onderon Museum Upgrade

# SUPER Content Mod

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Guest Gatherum

Update: Re-installed the game and all mods save for Bao-Dur's Charged Armor (didn't find it where I was apparently supposed to, which tells me that something went wrong with it; decided to just get rid of it outright) and Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade (conflicts with Ebon Hawk Interior 2011).


No dice. Still crashing.


These are the ones I'd suspect:

# Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection

# Onderon Museum Upgrade

# SUPER Content Mod


I will test it without these three installed and see if you are correct.

Edited by Gatherum

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Guest Gatherum

Once again, no dice.


Still crashes, even with those three mods uninstalled. The problem lies elsewhere.


EDIT: Does not crash when TSLRCM is the ONLY mod installed. I will add mods here and there to determine which one, exactly, is causing the issue. As of now, it is inconclusive. I'll report back in a bit with my findings.

Edited by Gatherum

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Guest bendarby24

what pc do you have ...because i had the same issue look for a thread that i satarted i willl say how to get ride off the new cut sceane so that it will not freeze

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Guest Gatherum

I found the culprit.


It is Achilles' Game Balance Mod, and the reason is that said mod uses n_darthnihilu001.utc. The scene crashes because several scripts fail to fire, particularly, the ones that allow Nihilus to turn around, to choke Visas, and to cross his arms afterward.


Achilles' Game Balance Mod is listed in TSLRCM's positive compatibility list. I am guessing that something became broken with the release of Version 1.7. Is there any chance that this might be corrected? I would really prefer to be able to keep playing with the Game Balance Mod's quite the challenge.

Edited by Gatherum

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Not sure why it would be listed as compatible. In 1.6 it also gives issues with the Handmaidens battle, and the Atris battle unless certain files were not installed.

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Guest Gatherum

Well, the mod uses five .utc files:








Those are, more than likely, the 'certain files' that you mentioned. I just tested it again, with all the non-crossed out mods installed, including the Game Balance Mod, sans n_darthnihilu001.utc. The cutscene worked. As soon as that file goes in to the Override folder, though, the scene gets borked.

Edited by Gatherum

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I don't think it's the TSLRCM. I have version 1.7 installed and got through this cutscene with no problems. However i see you have quite an extensive MOD selection! the only one i have however is the USM....I really think it's another Mod issue for you

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Guest Gatherum

I know it's not the TSLRCM. It's Achilles' Game Balance Mod. .utc conflict, it would seem.


What I would like to know is whether or not this is fixable. I still want to play using the latter. :)


I am no modder, but if I can get help (i.e., a tutorial) in editing the Game Balance Mod .utc files so they that work (if such is possible in the first place) with TSLRCM's changes, that'd be awesome.


Until then, I guess I'll simply make the cutscene play, save there, and then re-add the .utcs. If there are other problems, I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Edited by Gatherum

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Guest HaVoKeR

delete k_align_movie.ncs, and delete all atris files, maybe all kreia files too, including the scripts for atris/kreia, they will never work with TSL. If you want the game to keep challenging, install some hardcore mod, or just change your difficultyoptions.2da, there 0.5 mean 50% damage (easy) 1.0 normal, 1.5 difficult... change them to something like 2 or 3, 3.5 is max i think and put it in override.

Now your game will become a challenge, with achilles mod only it still very easy for me.

If you think achilles mod is quite a challenge, better dont test my hardcore mod =p it will own you xD

Edited by HaVoKeR

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Guest Gatherum

The thing about Achilles' mod is that it makes it relatively challenging without making it just plain ridiculous. It's harder than what I'm used to, but I like that it does what it does without the use of what essentially amounts to Insta-Kill Blasters and/or unreasonably high enemy vitality/saving throws/whatever.


Nonetheless, I got passed that scene and haven't had any difficulties since. I'm close to finishing Dantooine (third planet, after Peragus and Telos). I hope for no other conflicts, but knowing my luck... :)


Oh well.

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Guest HaVoKeR

theres no insta kill stuff, you just take enough damage so you need to think in the fights, instead of letting exile kill everything =p

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Guest bendarby24
The thing about Achilles' mod is that it makes it relatively challenging without making it just plain ridiculous. It's harder than what I'm used to, but I like that it does what it does without the use of what essentially amounts to Insta-Kill Blasters and/or unreasonably high enemy vitality/saving throws/whatever.


Nonetheless, I got passed that scene and haven't had any difficulties since. I'm close to finishing Dantooine (third planet, after Peragus and Telos). I hope for no other conflicts, but knowing my luck... ;)


Oh well.


i agrey with this. it is a really good mod. if enybody can fix it please. ?

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Guest HaVoKeR
i agrey with this. it is a really good mod. if enybody can fix it please. ?


You could also try my mod and have a nice challenge throught the entire game, its not compatible with achille's one, but it is with RCM. Wait, is marketing allowed here? hehe

Edited by HaVoKeR

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