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Download:Enhanced Merchants

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File Name: Enhanced Merchants

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 16 Sep 2015

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


Well now this is a site for sore eyes, Shem the manager of this wonderful site has submitted to me a great looking mod that he should be very proud of. So have any of you guys lately ever though that maybe kotor was getting a little boring? Well this one will fix that, what is does is it makes 90% of the stores in Kotor 1 better. What I mean by that is they will now give you more useful items for your journey. This mod was inspired by Shem's thought of people who have mastered this game, they know how to get butt loads of credits but they really have nothing to spend them on. So this is where this one comes in.


My personal opinion of this mod is it is great, the idea is really a winner. Making more useful merchants in the game allows for more poeple to actually have what they need when they get stuck between a Dark Jedi and a hard place. So all in all I say this is on of the most well crafted mods that I have seen in a while. So to you Shem great job I think you did a wonderful job! Now to all of the people I have to say download this mod if you want to have an overall better game...and as always...Enjoy!;)


Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.





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