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More again last night and it was thawing well yesterday... damn stuff, I've had enough of it now.

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I had none last night and I'm not getting any now, but it never stopped yesterday.

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Once again we had a bit more snow last night, only an inch or so this time thank god.


I decided yesterday it was time to put the little wee fibre optic christmas tree and the outside lights up at work, well the lights were up already, due to the snow at the beginning of the year I couldn't take them down and then summer I couldn't be arsed so they've been up (but not on) all year.


The trouble is part of one set has fallen from it's little clippy thing and is dangling down... oh well.


Sorry about the crappiness of the pics, they were taken with my phone.

2010-12-03 16.37.30.jpg

2010-12-03 16.36.36.jpg

2010-12-03 08.39.21.jpg

2010-12-03 11.38.58.jpg

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I miss seeing snow. As I'm in Northern California for my current "tour of duty", the Mrs. and I don't get White Christmases anymore. That won't stop me from putting up lights and my Star Wars themed Christmas decorations. (The Sith bring miniature presents! Pictures to come soon.)

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Star Wars themed Christmas decorations. (The Sith bring miniature presents! Pictures to come soon.)


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I'm a bit late to the topic! Been "snowed" down with assignments haha.


Had tons of snow in Eastbourne, but it started raining about 2/3am last night and been non stop all day so it's all washed away D:


Shame cause I wanted a white christmas!

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I'm a bit late to the topic! Been "snowed" down with assignments haha.


Had tons of snow in Eastbourne, but it started raining about 2/3am last night and been non stop all day so it's all washed away D:


Shame cause I wanted a white christmas!


There's still time and apparently we haven't seen the last of it yet.

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Guest DH-010

Yeah, there was about 15-20 centimeters (about 7-8 inches I think?) yesterday. But the weather wouldn't be Dutch if some very questionable rain didn't flush it all away this morning.

Oh well, it was idle hope anyway, there hasn't been a white christmas for about 20 years over here...

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We had a White Christmas last year in as much as there was snow on the ground but it didn't actually snow on Christmas day.

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Now we've had true snow. I can finally start the practice of my favourite sport.






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Guest JediExile

My little weather icon has a sun peeking out behind the clouds. :D

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Guest DH-010

My widget says 5 degrees (Celsius) and also partly cloudy, with no improvement in the coming days.


I don't see snow returning over here anytime soon...

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It's just ice here now and it is hell.


I got the bloody fork truck (or as my niece calls them, bee buck) stuck earlier, it did not want to move. Luckily I haz 4x4, there wasn't enough room to get it in front or behind the bee buck so I hooked a chain over the towbar and then wrapped it around the forks and floored the bastard, it moved then.

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We've got snow all over, and probably still will at Christmas. The snow I can take, but the wind.... it's freezing my face to get outide. So cold that I could not feel my lips after 20 minutes outside...

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