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Woot! We've had loads of snow today here in Norfolk. Anyone else had a decent amount?


The pics were taken about 8am this morning, since then we had a lot more come down but I didn't get a chance to take more pics.

2010-11-26 08.06.33.jpg

2010-11-26 08.29.06.jpg

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Over here we've had snow today for the first time this year too. Though that isn't really that much snow, we've seen quite a bit more last year over here.

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Guest bendarby24

yh over here in wiltshire we have snow.....england the waight sun :)

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Surrey has a mild sprinkling, but that's about it. I really need to get my gloves out of the wormhole they fell into when I put them in the cupboard. Well, that's the generally accepted answer to the question "Where the Hell have my gloves gone?"

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My only problem is it came too early, I've been singing Christmas carols all day and generally pissing off my work mates (good job I'm the boss really).


Going to test the lights tomorrow to see if they still work, due to the snow we had at the beginning of the year I never took them down, I hate heights and there was no way I was messing around on the roof in snow. I put a tenner on only 18 lights working now.

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Quebec: We have had a little snow today (less than an inch), but it is already the 2nd time, not the 1st.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

We got unusal early snow too over here in the Alps, a few centimeters yesterday and today and even a bit on the streets.

Gives more reason to stay at home and play TSLRCM :)!

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Guest JediExile

It just started here in Pittsburgh. A few flurries all day. The fat, fluffy flakes are my favorite kind. :)

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The "blizzard" we were promised in here Salt Lake City brought wind and cold, though not much snow. It seems to be sticking around, mainly because the temperature has stayed so low.

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We had a load more today. Apparently it's no where near over yet.


On the second picture, those pallets were put outside at about 6am and I took the pics at about 8.30am. There was about 2-3 inches of snow on them and that was in just 2 or so hours.

2010-11-29 08.20.39.jpg

2010-11-29 08.20.32.jpg

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

yeah, I just read in the newspaper that it's gonna be a loooong winter here in central Europe ...

aw well, already my geographics-teacher in highschool said, that global-warming is causing Europe to freeze up (no joke, actually :)).

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I'm not saying that global warming isn't partly to blame but I don't think it's all that.


I can remember when I was a kid we used to get snow like this every year and then it gradually over the years calmed down so it only lasted a few days at the most.


To me this is just a proper winter like we used to get.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

hehe, yeah, I prefer snowy winters too.

but still, weather got quiet a lot more extreme lately, all over the year!

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Yeah, I had a significantly larger amount here in South East England today. Going out with no coat+no gloves+no hat=no sense, as I found out the hard way. My hands looked like that of a dead person's.

Edited by Mandalore

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Guest JediExile

They've forecasted snow showers tomorrow, but we shall see. :)

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Guest bendarby24

well we havent had motch latly in the south west of england :)

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Guest JediExile

Forecasting for snow showers the rest of the week. Today we had enough to cover the roads. XD

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Guest bendarby24

loud of snow yh.... school is closed :)

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This is the second day I've had a day off school due to snow. I'm only half-hoping tomorrow is, as it means I don't have to sit through a French exam but I can't finish my Woodwork project.

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You guys are just plain lucky with the snow, all were getting is damn rain day and night. We've had 50 cm. If you don't know what a cm is, well, that's a lot. we have had this much water only 3 times at this time of the year in a hundred year. I hope we won't have another Christmas without snow...

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Guest JediExile

Oh, we've had a ton of rain this week too! And with the melting snow, it's going to make it worse. A lot of downtown Pittsburgh is already flooded with the three rivers and whatnot.

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Guest Zander
I'm not saying that global warming isn't partly to blame but I don't think it's all that.


I can remember when I was a kid we used to get snow like this every year and then it gradually over the years calmed down so it only lasted a few days at the most.


To me this is just a proper winter like we used to get.


Same here, Doc, but they didn't close our schools - just sent the kids from outlying villages home if there was a danger they'd get cut off.

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Same here, Doc, but they didn't close our schools - just sent the kids from outlying villages home if there was a danger they'd get cut off.


Blast I remember everytime it snowed I would get up earlier than normal to listen to BBC Radio Norfolk to see if school was closed.


I'd always have my sledge ready just in case.

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